香港寵物小精靈村落 論壇

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發表於 11/9/2010 08:04 PM | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
本帖最後由 原國愛海 於 11/9/2010 08:48 PM 編輯


本代共有156只新PM,153可通过正常途径获得,还有三只是Event Pokemon(还是三只)
641是 纯飞 !!! 真正的纯飞终于要出现了吗?个人猜测可能是形象上类似空气或风的神兽……鸟们不管怎样都脱不了第二属性的悲剧……
642电+飞 但愿不是闪电鸟二代
645地+飞 和天蝎王一样的属性
646龙+冰(新属性组合) 难道说这就是“灰”版的封面了?感觉极有可能……
647水+斗 这次神兽格斗系从无到有Big Bang了嘛……Event Pokemon
648普+超 Event Pokemon
649虫+钢 Event Pokemon 又要四倍怕火了呀……虫系也终于要有神兽了……这样一来只剩毒系还没有神兽了!


Fifth Generation Pokemon List
494/000 - Victini - Basic - Psychic/Fire (火+超的胜利神兽,还好种子依旧是第一位- -)
495/001 - Tsutarja - Basic - Grass (草主角,最终进化也是草系)
496/002 - ????? - Stage 1 - Grass
497/003 - ????? - Stage 2 - Grass
498/004 - Pokabu - Basic - Fire (火主角,最终进化是火+斗,个人觉得既然八戒参战应该是水系才对。)
499/005 - ????? - Stage 1 - Fire/Fighting
500/006 - ????? - Stage 2 - Fire/Fighting
501/007 - Mijumaru - Basic - Water (水水水,三个都是水。)
502/008 - ????? - Stage 1 - Water
503/009 - ????? - Stage 2 - Water
504/010 - Minezumi - Basic - Normal (丁满)
505/011 - Miruhoggu - Stage 1 - Normal (丁满)
506/012 - ????? - Basic - Normal: A small dog-like Pokemon. Probably a breed of the Shih Tzu race (but with brown-golden hair). (今天杂志扫描新图那小狗,好像7仔,有三段进化)
507/013 - ????? - Stage 1 - Normal: Longer dog-like Pokemon, has same face but with mustache. Face and legs are golden, body is dark gray. (狗二段,跟之前的脸很像,但有了胡须,脸跟腿是金色的,身子是黑灰色。普通系。)
508/014 - ????? - Stage 2 - Normal: A dog-like Pokemon that resembles an adult Shih Tzu but with a longer body. Long mustache and black-to-gray body. (狗三段,成年的西施犬,长身体,长胡子,黑灰色身体。)
509/015 - ????? - Basic - Dark: A cat-like Pokemon with a somewhat suspicious look. (Purple cat from the Pre-BW Special Preview.) (恶系,那只紫色的猫,有二段进化)
510/016 - ????? - Stage 1 - Dark: A Pokemon that resembles a panther. Most of its body is purple, but legs, head and body marks are light brown. Very elegant and slender. (猫的进化,像个豹子,身体几乎都是紫色,但是腿,脑袋还有身上一些印记是浅棕色,非常优雅纤细)
511/017 - Yanappu - Basic - Grass (草猴子)
512/018 - ????? - Stage 1 - Grass: Same design as Yanappu but larger, with an Elvis forelock, more hair, and arrogant pose. (草猴子进化)
513/019 - Baoppu - Basic - Fire: A monkey with an orange/red body with a flame-style hair and tail. It has a sleepy face. (火猴子)
514/020 - ????? - Stage 1 - Fire: It is fatter than Grass evolution and seems confused. Tail and hair have flames. Red/orange color. (火猴子进化)
515/021 - Hiyappu - Basic - Water: A monkey that's cheerful and has fountain-shaped hair. Light blue color. (水猴子)
516/022 - ????? - Stage 1 - Water: The most sociable of all these monkeys, it has a somewhat rasta hair style. Light blue color. (水猴子进化)
517/023 - Munna - Basic - Psychic (食梦那只)
518/024 - Musharna - Stage 1 - Psychic (食梦进化)
519/025 - Mamepato - Basic - Normal/Flying (鸽子)
520/026 - Hatoopoo - Stage 1 - Normal/Flying (鸽子二段)
521/027 - ????? - Stage 2 - Normal/Flying: Typical bird Pokemon with an arrogant pose, resembles a pigeon. Same colors, but brown chest. It has a forme where it is in the same pose but with a pink mask. Perhaps it is a Spring Forme. (鸽子三段)
522/028 - Shimama - Basic - Electric (斑马)
523/029 - ????? - Stage 1 - Electric: Still a zebra, but bigger, fiercer, and with more white stripes and hair. (斑马二段进化,比之前大,凶猛,白色条纹更多,毛发也更多了)
524/030 - ????? - Basic - Rock (岩石一段)
525/031 - ????? - Stage 1 - Rock (岩石系二段)
526/032 - Gigaiasu - Stage 2 - Rock (大家一致误以为朝北鼻进化的是三段进化的怪,是上面两只最终形态)
527/033 - Koromori - Basic - Psychic/Flying (蝙蝠)
528/034 - ????? - Stage 1 - Psychic/Flying: A bat Pokemon with blue body and white fur. It maintains the heart-shaped eye/nose but has a forked tail. (蝙蝠进化,蓝色身体,白毛,还是有心形的眼睛或者鼻子,但有个叉子状的尾巴。)
529/035 - Morguryuu - Basic - Ground (鼹鼠,纯地)
530/036 - Doryuuzu - Stage 1 - Ground/Steel (鼹鼠,地+钢)
531/037 - Tabunne - Basic - Normal (类似大奶罐退化那个奶牛)
532/038 - ????? - Basic - Fighting: A guy with a wooden plank. (人形系,格斗,一段带着个木板。)
533/039 - ????? - Stage 1 - Fighting: A guy with an iron girder. It is stronger that its pre-evo and has a clown nose. (格斗二段,带着个钢铁,比之前强,有个小丑鼻子)
534/040 - ????? - Stage 2 - Fighting: Has a concrete block on each hand. It got much larger from evolution. The clown nose is not funny anymore. (格斗三段,胳膊上有混泥土状的块块- -比之前大很多,小丑鼻子也不跟之前那么滑稽了)
535/041 - ????? - Basic - Water: A small tadpole. No arms, no legs, only a blue tail. Also two blue protuberances on each side of its head. (蝌蚪,没胳膊没腿,就一个蓝尾巴。)
536/042 - ????? - Stage 1 - Water/Ground: A bigger tadpole. Has developed legs, still no arms. Blue color, white tail. Three protuberances from head, four from body. (大点的蝌蚪,有腿,但没胳膊,蓝色,摆尾巴,脑袋上三个瘤,身上四个。)
537/043 - ????? - Stage 2 - Water/Ground: A big frog full of protuberances in head, arms and legs. No more tail. Its very big and has a mafia pose. (蝌蚪系列三段进化,最终进化成了满脑袋都是瘤子的青蛙,有胳膊跟腿,尾巴没了,块头很大,有个老大的姿态。)
538/044 - ????? - Basic - Fighting: A Judo Pokemon with a kimono. Rocky red skin, big eyebrows and nose. (穿和服的相扑妖怪,格斗系的,岩石红的皮肤,大眉毛跟鼻子)
539/045 - ????? - Stage 1 - Fighting: Taller and thinner than pre-evo, with rocky blue skin and kimono. Big nose and one eyebrow (yes, only one). (相扑妖怪的进化,更高,更瘦- -但肤色成了蓝色,依旧穿着和服,大鼻子和一个眉毛)
540/046 - Kurumiru - Basic - Bug/Grass (早期公布的虫虫兽- -)
541/047 - ????? - Stage 1 - Bug/Grass: The leaf grows and covers the Pokemon as a cocoon. Only eyes and mouth can be seen. (茧,虫虫兽进化,只有眼睛跟嘴巴可以看到)
542/048 - ????? - Stage 2 - Bug/Grass: A leaf insect Pokemon, a Phylliidae. Stands on two legs with a leaf skirt and arms. Head is like Kurumiru's. (虫虫兽最终进化的叶虫怪,两条腿站着,有叶子壮的裙子跟胳膊,脑袋跟一段差不多。)
543/049 - ????? - Basic - Bug/Poison - A centipede. (虫+毒,蜈蚣)
544/050 - ????? - Stage 1 - Bug/Poison: A round cocoon with an eye on each side. All covered in spikes, four large and eight shorter. Ugliest one in the PokeDex. (蜈蚣2段,圆形的茧,两边都有眼睛,周围都是腿,四条大的,八条小的,全图签最恶心的一只。)
545/051 - ????? - Stage 2 - Bug/Poison: A Scolopendra colored like its pre-evo. (蜈蚣3段,跟一段差不多)
546/052 - ????? - Basic - Grass: Resembles a cloud. (草系,像云。)
547/053 - ????? - Stage 1 - Grass: Resembles a cloud / sheep. (云进化,云跟羊合体- -)
548/054 - ????? - Basic - Grass: The plant Pokemon seen in the Pokemon Daycare screenshot. (今天新公布那个草系的身上一堆叶子 包着那个,)
549/055 - ????? - Stage 1 - Grass: A Grass Lady Pokemon. She wears a flower hat with a crown. Big leaf on the back. Her dress is a leaf bulb, with two dark green leaves as arms. (二段进化草系的女性型妖怪,带着花帽子跟王冠,背后有大叶子,裙子也是叶子的,有两个深绿色叶子是胳膊,汗,这是巴鲁兽超进化花仙子兽?)
550/056 - Basurao - Basic - Water: Has two Formes. One is green with red stripes and eyes while the other one has blue stripe and blue eyes. Second seems more aggressive. (新公布的那条鱼,有两个形态,没进化形态。)
551/057 - Meguroko - Basic - Ground/Dark (早期公布的鳄鱼)
552/058 - ????? - Stage 1 - Ground/Dark - Stands on two legs with a spiked back. (鳄鱼2段,两条腿战栗,背后有棱角)
553/059 - ????? - Stage 2 - Ground/Dark - Larger, meaner, and red. (鳄鱼3段,更大,更可怕,红色的。)
554/060 - Darumakka - Basic - Fire (火狒狒进化前形态)
555/061 - Hihidaruma - Stage 1 - Fire. Has an alternate forme that is Fire/Psychic and blue. (火狒狒,有另外一个形态是蓝色的,火+超。)
556/062 - ????? - Basic - Grass: A dancing cactus Pokemon. Has yellow eyes, spikes, and pink flowers. (一个跳舞的仙人掌,黄眼睛,尖刺还有粉色的花- - 这次口袋很魔力很数码,嗯嗯。。)
557/063 - ????? - Basic - Bug/Rock: A hermit crab Pokemon. It is a crab with a rock covering its back. (虫+岩的寄居蟹。)
558/064 - ????? - Stage 1 - Bug/Rock: Larger and holding a cube-shaped rock. (寄居蟹进化)
559/065 - ????? - Basic - Dark/Fighting (恶+斗的一条小龙)
560/066 - ????? - Stage 1 - Dark/Fighting: Similar design to previous evolution, but orange head with red crest. Has a hood at the back with pre-evo's head. Scary. (之前小龙进化形态,橙色的脑袋,红色的胸,背后有个帽子,帽子里面是进化前那只的脑袋,可怕- -)
561/067 - ????? - ??? - ???
562/068 - ????? - ??? - ???
563/069 - ????? - ??? - ???
564/070 - ????? - ??? - ???
565/071 - ????? - ??? - ???
566/072 - ????? - ??? - ???
567/073 - ????? - ??? - ???
568/074 - ????? - ??? - ???
569/075 - ????? - ??? - ???
570/076 - Zorua - Basic - Dark (剧场主角- -)
571/077 - Zoroark - Stage 1 - Dark (剧场主角- -)
572/078 - Chillarmy - Basic - Normal (那只灰老鼠)
573/079 - ????? - Stage 1 - Normal: Greatly resembles its pre-evolution. (灰老鼠的进化)
574/080 - ????? - ??? - ???
575/081 - ????? - ??? - ???
576/082 - ????? - ??? - ???
577/083 - ????? - ??? - ???
578/084 - ????? - ??? - ???
579/085 - ????? - ??? - ???
580/086 - ????? - ??? - ???
581/087 - ????? - ??? - ???
582/088 - ????? - ??? - ???
583/089 - ????? - ??? - ???
584/090 - ????? - ??? - ???
585/091- Shikijika - Basic - Normal/Grass (四季鹿)
586/092 - ????? - Stage 1 - ???: Changes with the seasons like its pre-evolved form. Seen partially in the Pokemon Peer news story. (四季鹿进化)
587/093 - ????? - ??? - ???
588/094 - ????? - ??? - ???
589/095 - ????? - ??? - ???
590/096 - ????? - ??? - ???
591/097 - ????? - ??? - ???
592/098 - ????? - ??? - ???
593/099 - ????? - ??? - ???
594/100 - ????? - ??? - ???
595/101 - ????? - ??? - ???
596/102 - ????? - ??? - ???
597/103 - ????? - ??? - ???
598/104 - ????? - ??? - ???
599/105 - Gear - Basic - Steel (那只齿轮)
600/106 - ????? - Stage 1 - Steel (齿轮二段)
601/107 - ????? - Stage 2 - Steel - Appearance doesn't change much from previous stage. (齿轮三段)
602/108 - ????? - ??? - ???
603/109 - ????? - ??? - ???
604/110 - ????? - ??? - ???
605/111 - ????? - ??? - ???
606/112 - ????? - ??? - ???
607/113 - ????? - ??? - ???
608/114 - ????? - ??? - ???
609/115 - ????? - ??? - ???
610/116 - ????? - ??? - ???
611/117 - ????? - ??? - ???
612/118 - ????? - ??? - ???
613/119 - ????? - ??? - ???
614/120 - ????? - ??? - ???
615/121 - ????? - ??? - ???
616/122 - ????? - ??? - ???
617/123 - ????? - ??? - ???
618/124 - ????? - ??? - ???
619/125 - ????? - ??? - ???
620/126 - ????? - ??? - ???
621/127 - ????? - ??? - ???
622/128 - ????? - ??? - ???
623/129 - ????? - ??? - ???
624/130 - ????? - ??? - ???
625/131 - ????? - ??? - ???
626/132 - ????? - ??? - ???
627/133 - ????? - ??? - ???
628/134 - ????? - ??? - ???
629/135 - ????? - ??? - ???
630/136 - ????? - ??? - ???
631/137 - ????? - ??? - ???
632/138 - ????? - ??? - ???
633/139 - ????? - Basic - Pseudo Legendary - Dark/Dragon (快龙,班吉拉一流的,恶+龙)
634/140 - ????? - Stage 1 - Pseudo Legendary - Dark/Dragon (二段)
635/141 - ????? - Stage 2 - Pseudo Legendary - Dark/Dragon: Is a three headed hydra, with black and blue tones. Starts with one head in its Basic form, evolves and gets two heads, and then this final form have three. (三段,有三个脑袋的恶龙- -黑蓝色调,一开始有一个脑袋,二段有两个,三段就有了三个脑袋- -)
636/142 - ????? - Basic - Bug/Fire (一段,火+虫)
637/143 - ????? - Stage 1 - Bug/Fire (二段,火+虫,汗,玩火自焚还是飞蛾扑火。。。)
638/144 - ????? - Basic - Legendary Trio 1 - Steel/Fighting: A quadruped Pokemon, the sort of Entei/Suicune/Raikou of this generation. Along with the other members of its trio, it is roaming Isshu and can be encountered at any time. (钢+斗,四条腿的,与雷公炎帝齐名的三神之一。)
639/145 - ????? - Basic - Legendary Trio 1 - Rock/Fighting: A quadruped Pokemon, the sort of Entei/Suicune/Raikou of this generation. Along with the other members of its trio, it is roaming Isshu and can be encountered at any time (岩石+斗,同上)
640/146 - ????? - Basic - Legendary Trio 1 - Grass/Fighting: A quadruped Pokemon, the sort of Entei/Suicune/Raikou of this generation. Along with the other members of its trio, it is roaming Isshu and can be encountered at any time (草+斗,同上)
641/147 - ????? - Basic - Legendary Trio 2 - Flying: The first pure Flying type! Part of the Raijin trio. Perhaps the Uxie/Mesprit/Azelf of this generation. The Pokemon has a humanoid shape, is crossing its arms like a genie, and is sitting on a cloud. The other members of its trio have different colors and hair. (日本雷神的形象,与三蘑菇齐名的一流,人形系,两臂交叉像那些鬼神- - 坐在云朵上。另外两个与之不同的是颜色与毛发)
642/148 - ????? - Basic - Legendary Trio 2 - Electric/Flying: Part of the Raijin trio. Perhaps the Uxie/Mesprit/Azelf of this generation. (同上,雷神之二)
643/149 - Reshiram - Basic - Version Legendary - Dragon/Fire (白龙)
644/150 - Zekrom - Basic - Version Legendary - Dragon/Electric (黑龙)
645/151 - ????? - Basic - Legendary Trio 2 - Ground/Flying: Part of the Raijin trio. Perhaps the Uxie/Mesprit/Azelf of this generation. (雷神之三)
646/152 - ????? - Basic - Version Legendary? - Dragon/Ice: Perhaps the remake version's mascot since it is part-Dragon like Reshiram and Zekrom. This third dragon seems to be based on a cold source of energy as opposed to warm ones like fire and electricity. It is gray-colored (Pokemon Gray?). However, it has ice parts. The head, wings, and tail, are blue. (很可能是第三只准神主角龙,龙+冰,灰色的,身上有冰,脑袋,翅膀跟尾巴是蓝色的。)
647/153 - ????? - Basic - Event Legendary - Water/Fighting (活动取得的,水+斗)
648/154 - ????? - Basic - Event Legendary - Normal/Psychic - Has a feminine shape with a mane. It has an alternate form that also resembles a "girl" but the hat hides the mane and because of that "she" looks like a male. The forme is Normal/Fighting. (活动取得的第二只,普通+超,女性化的形态有长发,另外一个形态也跟个女孩一样,但有个帽子盖上了头发,所以看起来像是个男的,另外这个形态是普通+斗)
649/155 - ????? - Basic - Event Legendary - Bug/Steel. Strong, looks like it came from space. It's a robot with a big laser cannon on top of its head. His body resembles a bug species. [WPM Note: The Borg!!] (活动取得的第三只,虫+钢,超级强大,看起来像是太空来的,脑袋上有个大镭射佳能炮的机器人,身体类似虫子。)


???/??? - ????? - Basic - ??? (棺材进化前)
???/??? - Desukaan - Stage 1 - ??? (棺材,是二段进化)
???/??? - ????? - Basic - ??? (电蜘蛛进化前)
???/??? - Denchura - Stage 1 - Electric/Bug(电蜘蛛,是二段)
???/??? - Kibago - Basic - Dragon (TV黑女用的小龙。)
???/??? - ????? - Stage 1 - Dragon (小龙二段)
???/??? - Ononokusu - Stage 2 - Dragon (小龙三段就是早期跟鼹鼠站一起那条黄龙,口袋这次很数码很野兽啊)
???/??? - Wargle - Basic - Normal/Flying (那只鹰)
???/??? - Rankurusu - Basic - Psychic (那只细胞)
???/??? - Gochiruzeru - Basic - Psychic. Does not evolve but may have a pre-evolution. (凤姐,没进化型,但貌似有进化前形态?)
???/??? - Emonga - ??? - Electric/Flying(电+飞的松鼠)
???/??? - ????? - Basic - ??? (天鹅进化前)
???/??? - Swana - Stage 1 - Water/Flying(天鹅)
???/??? - Mamanbou - Basic - Water (类似爱心鱼那个)
???/???: Blue octopus. It has an evolution too. (蓝色的章鱼,有进化型)
???/???: Green and yellow Pokemon. (绿色与黄色的妖怪)
???/???: Unseen Pokemon named Burokku. (没见过的,名字叫Burokku)

--共649只,156只新的,算上那些形态应该更多了吧- -
--毒系有7只。其中三只是 #543/#544/#545(虫+毒的蜈蚣);一个蘑菇和蘑菇的进化型;还有一个纯毒系的与其进化型,不知道编号;还有一个纯毒系的被描述为最后再说比较好玩- -
--有个草+钢的,看起来像是一个长满绿色菱角的钢球,进化后触手就出来了- -
--此外还有新属性组合包括了 水+鬼(期待),火+鬼,还有格斗+恶
--没有与旧作联系的进化前或进化后形态,也就是说那条鱼不是爱心鱼的进化,真可悲- - 这可能是第一部与之前旧作没联系的。。。
--无分之进化怪,比如霸王花美丽花之类的(都改颜色变新宠了,郁闷- - 魔力啊魔力)


發表於 11/9/2010 08:19 PM | 只看該作者

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發表於 11/9/2010 08:23 PM | 只看該作者
641是 纯飞

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發表於 11/9/2010 08:23 PM | 只看該作者
本帖最後由 HZ 於 11/9/2010 08:25 PM 編輯

真係好期待D新PM,因我組緊GE TEAM仲有一個位未有岩GE人選~~~
仲有ONE WEEK炸,加油呀!!!!!!


使用道具 舉報

發表於 11/9/2010 08:24 PM | 只看該作者
有惡格, 很不錯

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發表於 11/9/2010 09:03 PM | 只看該作者
新化石 龜龜-0-唔知係點樣既呢~

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發表於 11/9/2010 09:26 PM | 只看該作者
真係好期待D新PM,因我組緊GE TEAM仲有一個位未有岩GE人選~~~
仲有ONE WEEK炸,加油呀!!!!!!

回樓上,我諗佢冇鳥羽,OR用左變普通系掛...... ...
HZ 發表於 11/9/2010 20:23

1. 可以通過正常途徑弄出沒有任何屬性的精靈。   



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發表於 11/9/2010 09:32 PM | 只看該作者

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發表於 11/9/2010 11:10 PM | 只看該作者
641是 纯飞
小鱷 發表於 11/9/2010 08:23 PM


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發表於 11/9/2010 11:20 PM | 只看該作者

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