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[SB] 防禦隊對住不厚道隊...不換人換來的是被清隊

發表於 24/10/2007 08:59 PM | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
Rules: Freeze Clause, Sleep Clause, Species Clause

Jacks sent out Gallade (lvl 100 Gallade ¡ñ).
Giggs sent out Spiritomb (lvl 100 Spiritomb ¡ñ).<<<(開局明顯是我方佔極大優勢...鬼+惡 VS 格+超)
Spiritomb is exerting its pressure!
Gallade used Swords Dance...(對方還劍舞...?)
Gallade's attack was sharply raised.
Spiritomb used Hypnosis.
Spiritomb's attack missed!(這天RP很差...催眠連續2次不中..而且被人CH 4次)
Jacks switched in Snorlax (lvl 100 Snorlax ¡ñ).
Spiritomb used Hypnosis.
Snorlax fell asleep!
Spiritomb used Nasty Plot.(先強化..其實很搏的...我方沒什麼招打動卡比)
Spiritomb's special attack was sharply raised.
Snorlax is fast asleep!
Spiritomb used Nasty Plot.
Spiritomb's special attack was sharply raised.
Snorlax is fast asleep!
Spiritomb used Nasty Plot.(強化完了...這場勝定了)
Spiritomb's special attack was sharply raised.
Snorlax woke up!
Snorlax used Block...<<<<<<<(...)
Spiritomb was trapped!
Spiritomb is trapped!
Jacks switched in Mewtwo (lvl 100 Mewtwo)..<<<<<(不厚道...又用詛咒卡比仲要用禁獸)
Mewtwo is exerting its pressure!
Spiritomb used Hypnosis.
Mewtwo fell asleep!(換來的是被催眠)
Mewtwo is fast asleep!
Spiritomb used Shadow Ball....(對方不會換人......?)

It's super effective!
Mewtwo lost 223% of its health.
Jacks's Mewtwo fainted.
Jacks switched in Starmie (lvl 100 Starmie).
Starmie used Hydro Pump.
Starmie's attack missed!(幸好...)
Spiritomb used Shadow Ball.
It's super effective!
Starmie lost 333% of its health.
Jacks's Starmie fainted.
Jacks switched in Dragonite (lvl 100 Dragonite ¡ñ).
Dragonite used Outrage.(對方強攻是唯一選擇..可惜我的鬼盆栽是物防滿)
Dragonite went on a rampage!
Spiritomb lost 69% of its health.
Spiritomb used Shadow Ball.
Dragonite lost 113% of its health.
Jacks's Dragonite fainted.
Spiritomb's leftovers restored its health a little!
Spiritomb restored 6% of its health.
Jacks switched in Gallade (lvl 100 Gallade ¡ñ).
Gallade used Brick Break....(笑死)
It doesn't affect Spiritomb...
Spiritomb used Shadow Ball.
It's super effective!
Gallade lost 236% of its health.
Jacks's Gallade fainted.
Spiritomb's leftovers restored its health a little!
Spiritomb restored 6% of its health.
Jacks switched in Suicune (lvl 100 Suicune).
Suicune is exerting its pressure!
Suicune used Hydro Pump.
Spiritomb lost 37% of its health.
Spiritomb used Shadow Ball.
Suicune lost 65% of its health...(殺不死...)
Spiritomb's leftovers restored its health a little!
Spiritomb restored 6% of its health.
Suicune used Hydro Pump...(RP很差..又被CH了)
A critical hit!
Spiritomb lost 77% of its health.
Giggs's Spiritomb fainted.
Giggs switched in Forretress (lvl 100 Forretress ¡ñ).(笑到牙都無...換錯人)
Suicune used Hydro Pump.
Forretress lost 59% of its health.
Forretress used Rock Polish.
Forretress's speed was sharply raised.
Forretress's leftovers restored its health a little!
Forretress restored 6% of its health.
Giggs switched in Blissey (lvl 100 Blissey ¡ð).
Suicune used Hydro Pump.
Blissey lost 11% of its health.
Blissey's leftovers restored its health a little!
Blissey restored 6% of its health.
Jacks switched in Snorlax (lvl 100 Snorlax ¡ñ).
Blissey used Light Screen.
A barrier was formed!
Blissey's leftovers restored its health a little!
Blissey restored 6% of its health.
Giggs switched in Snorlax (lvl 100 Snorlax ¡ñ).
Snorlax used Curse.
Snorlax's speed was lowered.
Snorlax's attack was raised.
Snorlax's defence was raised.
Snorlax used Curse.
Snorlax's speed was lowered.
Snorlax's attack was raised.
Snorlax's defence was raised.
Snorlax used Block.
Snorlax was trapped!...(對方不厚道我也不厚道...你初一我十五)
Snorlax used Curse.
Snorlax's speed was lowered.
Snorlax's attack was raised.
Snorlax's defence was raised.
Snorlax used Curse.
Snorlax's speed was lowered.
Snorlax's attack was raised.
Snorlax's defence was raised.
Snorlax used Curse.
Snorlax's speed was lowered.
Snorlax's attack was raised.
Snorlax's defence was raised.
Snorlax used Curse.
Snorlax's speed was lowered.
Snorlax's attack was raised.
Snorlax's defence was raised.
Snorlax used Earthquake.
Snorlax lost 19% of its health.
Snorlax used Return.
Snorlax lost 42% of its health.
Snorlax's light screen wore off!
Snorlax's leftovers restored its health a little!
Snorlax restored 6% of its health.
Snorlax's leftovers restored its health a little!
Snorlax restored 6% of its health.
Snorlax is trapped!
Snorlax used Return.
Snorlax lost 37% of its health.
Snorlax used Earthquake.
A critical hit!  (運氣差有時會被CH..但是有時也會CH對方)
Snorlax lost 85% of its health.
Snorlax's leftovers restored its health a little!
Snorlax restored 6% of its health.
Snorlax's leftovers restored its health a little!
Snorlax restored 6% of its health.
Snorlax used Earthquake.
Snorlax lost 19% of its health.
Jacks's Snorlax fainted.
Snorlax's leftovers restored its health a little!
Snorlax restored 6% of its health.
Jacks switched in Suicune (lvl 100 Suicune).
Suicune is exerting its pressure!
Suicune used Hydro Pump.
Snorlax lost 19% of its health.
Snorlax used Earthquake.
Suicune lost 38% of its health.
Jacks's Suicune fainted.
Giggs wins!
Jacks has left the room.


[ 本帖最後由 Giggs 於 24/10/2007 09:01 PM 編輯 ]
發表於 27/10/2007 02:06 PM | 只看該作者
(這天RP很差...催眠連續2次不中..而且被人CH 4次)



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 樓主| 發表於 27/10/2007 03:28 PM | 只看該作者



暫時的隊: 鬼盆栽+奉神犬+赫拉+水母+核果+幸蛋

[ 本帖最後由 Giggs 於 27/10/2007 03:31 PM 編輯 ]

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發表於 27/10/2007 03:35 PM | 只看該作者
原帖由 Giggs 於 27/10/2007 03:28 PM 發表


這隊也是惡搞的...找了一些玩家試隊...現在 ...


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發表於 27/10/2007 06:05 PM | 只看該作者
原帖由 火爆獸 於 27/10/2007 03:35 PM 發表


識用嘅話向日種子都可以不厚道 XD

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發表於 27/10/2007 06:13 PM | 只看該作者
[quote]原帖由 jigglypuff 於 27/10/2007 06:05 PM 發表


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發表於 27/10/2007 07:17 PM | 只看該作者
原帖由  於 27/10/2007 06:13 PM 發表



這個世界真神奇,會有一堆厚顏無恥地化Ubers為OU的人,也有一些除自定為可接受之物以外其他都是不厚道的人( ...




[ 本帖最後由 火爆獸 於 27/10/2007 07:26 PM 編輯 ]

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