原帖由 fish 於 24/5/2007 23:57 發表 1.人家用toxic/smog類都不會與能否中病毒有關 2.中病毒的PM戰後就有可能散播病毒 毒的傷害是會使PM倒下,不會扣至1HP而停 edit plus :對於你的case,偶在想會否是今版只需把PM放在身上就能散毒.....但 ... 我係玩緊鑽石版= = 唔係都唔會入黎呢度= = 岩岩上網search下PKRS 原來PKRS係Pokerus, Poke Virus咁解 http://www.serebii.net/games/pokerus.shtml 係另一個英文網睇到呢段野 I think I need to restart my game. I caught a Spoink and when I took it from the pc, it had Pkrs status, and now all of my team has it. They now gain seemingly no experience points, use 2 pps per attack, and lose health faster. What is Pkrs and why does it have to be so stupid? Even a full hheal doesn't remove it. [if Pkrs is supposed to be a good thing, I have no idea how its a good thing] 大概意思係呢個人都中左PKRS, 跟住成team都中哂 然後佢發現打pm個時冇乜經驗值, 同埋d HP減得快d 咁其實同中左病毒既徴疾應該差唔多?? 但係佢話會減血減得快d, 又話會冇乜經驗值 不過上面d野可能係金版, 關唔關事? 最大問題係我再發生任何戰鬥 但係成team 6隻都中哂呢隻野? 另外如果打一場話有1卅3機會傳染係咪即係1卅3機會傳哂俾成team? 另外希望版主再多加詳細說明病毒, 因為就咁睇個段野...我覺得都幾難明.. 尤其係我呢d玩英文版既.. Orz |