討論任何對遊戲內容可能有害的事時(如bug),必須加上警告 人家走灰色我奈何不了啊 沒甚麼的,再講多一次 I despize those pokemon players who use bugs,modifiers or other kinds of illegal things. How can someone unable to discipline himself and even worse, spread the way of bug usage? Personally, I hate those people who transship ANY data or resources from H*** because it is full of unacceptable objects and matters. 我會再向高層問問,聽取意見 標題沒有加轉載二字, LOCK!
請不要post BUG出黎 討厭bug>< 請你收手吧! 對這類人用個請字免有點太仁慈了 |