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Wants List + Trade List

發表於 30/8/2015 12:30 AM | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
本帖最後由 Ching_Yeung 於 8/10/2015 10:39 AM 編輯

Hi everyone! I am looking for eeveelution cards from a large range of expansions:

BW Promo - Pokemon Center
Reverse Holos

BW Promo (Eng: BW97/Jap: 235/BW-P) (not Sylveon collection)
Dark Explorers - Crosshatch Holo City Championships Promo
Pokemon Card Fan Club Promo (Jap)
Melee! Pokemon Scramble
POP Series 3
Vending machine cards - Extended Sheet 1

Dark Explorers - Crosshatch Holo National Championships Promo
EX Unseen Forces - Espeon ex
Pokemon VS - Sabrina's Espeon
Pokemon VS - Will's Espeon
POP Series 5 - Shiny Espeon
Theater limited VS pack - Annie's Espeon
Undaunted - Espeon Prime

Call of Legends
Dark Explorers - Crosshatch Holo Regional Championships Promo
EX Power Keepers - Shiny Flareon
EX Unseen Forces
Pokemon VS - Karen's Flareon
T Promotional Cards

Plasma Freeze - Crosshatch Holo City Championships Promo

Dark Explorers - Crosshatch Holo Regional Championships Promo
EX Power Keepers - Shiny Jolteon
EX Unseen Forces
Gym Challenge - Lt Surge's Jolteon
Pokemon VS - Jasmine's Jolteon
T Promotional Cards

Call of Legends

7-11 Bento
Battle Festa 2014
XY Trainer Kit

Call of Legends
Dark Explorers - Crosshatch Holo Regional Championships Promo
EX Delta Species - Delta Umbreon
EX Sandstorm
HGSS/CoL Silhouette Energy
P Promotional Cards
Pokemon VS - Karen's Umbreon
POP Series 5 - Shiny Umbreon
Undaunted - Umbreon Prime

Dark Explorers - Crosshatch Holo Regional / State Province Territory Championships Promo
EX Power Keepers - Shiny Vaporeon
T Promotional Cards

Surfing Pikachu & Flying Pikachu
Fossil Researcher FA
Fighting Energy - EX Emerald
Fire, Lightning Energy - EX Power Keepers
10th Movie Commeration Set - Entei, Lugia, Mewtwo, Celebi, Deoxys, Lucario

I am willing to trade for these cards, but I won't be able to pay... I can also trade cards for TCGO booster pack codes.
Find my full list of cards here:
(I can also speak chinese, its just that its hard to type chinese on my computer, don't hesitate to reply in chinese)
 樓主| 發表於 30/8/2015 12:30 AM | 只看該作者
本帖最後由 Ching_Yeung 於 7/10/2015 05:48 PM 編輯

Cards for Trade:

Secret Rares:
Gardevoir (Dark Explorers)
Suicune SL11 (Call of Legends)
M Rayquaza EX FA Shiny (Emerald Break)
Shining Celebi (Neo Destiny)

Tornadus EX FA (Dark Explorers)
Regigigas EX FA (Hail Blizzard)

Virizion FA (Red Collection)
Thundurus FA (White Collection)
Xerosic FA (Phantom Gate)
Wally FA (Roaring Skies)

Mega EX:
M Ampharos EX (Bandit Ring)

White Kyurem EX (EX Battle Boost)
Regigigas EX (Hail Blizzard)
Raikou EX (Dark Rush)
Rayquaza EX (Dragons Blade)
Moltres EX (Plasma Gale)
White Kyurem EX (White Kyurem-EX Battle Strength Deck)
Palkia EX (Megalo Cannon)
Kyurem EX (EX Battle Boost)
Camerupt EX (Gaia Volcano)
Keldeo EX (EX Battle Boost)
Venusaur EX (Collection X)
Magnezone EX (Wild Blaze)
Lucario EX (Rising Fist)
Malamar EX (Phantom Gate)
Gallade EX (Emerald Break)

Skiddo XY Promo (Japanese)
Suicune Wizards Black Star Promo (Celebi: Voice of the Forest DVD; Eng, 4Ever logo)
Zapdos Wizards Black Star Promo (The Power of One theatrical release; Eng)
Articuno Wizards Black Star Promo (The Power of One theatrical release; Eng)

Aerodactyl ex (EX Sandstorm 94)
Raichu ex (EX Emerald 97)
Ampharos ex (Rulers of the Heavens)
Altaria δ ex (EX Dragon Frontiers 90)

Ho-Oh (Top & Bottom, Heartgold Collection)
Ho-Oh (Bottom, Heartgold & Soulsilver)

Typhlosion Prime (HGSS)
Raichu Prime (Undaunted)
Scizor Prime (Steelix Constructed Standard Deck)

Lucario LV.X (Black Stars Promo)
Gliscor LV.X (Legends Awakened)
Cresselia LV.X (Great Encounters)
Darkrai LV.X (Shining Darkness)
Arceus LV.X (Arceus LV.X Deck: Grass & Fire)

Fighting Energy (EX Emerald)
Slowking (EX Unseen Forces)
Armaldo (EX Power Keepers)
Machamp (EX Power Keepers)
Grass Energy (EX Power Keepers)
Water Energy (EX Power Keepers)
Psychic Energy (EX Power Keepers)
Fighting Energy (EX Power Keepers)
Mamoswine (Temple of Anger)
Arcanine (Heartgold Collection)
Wobbuffet (Heartgold Collection)
Ho-Oh (Call of Legends)
Articuno (Psycho Drive)
Emboar (Boundaries Crossed)
G Booster (Megalo Cannon)
Swampert (Tidal Storm)
Manaphy (Tidal Storm)
Medicham (Gaia Volcano)
Crawdaunt (Tidal Storm)
Azumarill (Primal Clash)
Beautifly (Emerald Break)

Reverse Holo - EX Series, Cosmic Holofoil:
Slowbro (EX Unseen Forces)
Clefairy (EX Unseen Forces)
Poliwag (EX Unseen Forces)
Dark Metal Energy (EX Holon Phantoms)
Sableye (EX Crystal Guardians)
Holon Energy WP (EX Dragon Frontiers)
Aggron (EX Power Keepers)
Lanturn (EX Power Keepers)
Cacturne (EX Power Keepers)
Medicham (EX Power Keepers)
Cacnea (EX Power Keepers)
Magnemite (EX Power Keepers)
Torchic (EX Power Keepers)
Energy Switch (EX Power Keepers)

Reverse Holo - DPPt Series, Mirror Holofoil:
Noctowl (Diamond & Pearl)
Pachirisu (Diamond & Pearl)
Bidoof (Mysterious Treasures)
Stantler (Secret Wonders)
Hippopotas (Majestic Dawn)
Luxray (Legends Awakened)
Oddish (Legends Awakened)
Ampharos (Platinum)
Infernape (Rising Rivals)

Reverse Holo - HGSS/CoL Series, Mirror Holofoil:
Weedle (Heartgold Collection)
Staryu (Heartgold Collection)
Flaaffy ((Heartgold Collection)
Heracross (Heartgold & Soulsilver)
Clefairy (Heartgold & Soulsilver)
Clefable (Heartgold & Soulsilver)
Metapod (Heartgold & Soulsilver)
Energy Switch (Heartgold & Soulsilver)
Doduo (Reviving Legends)
Misdreavus (Undaunted)
Magby (Clash at the Summit)
Lost World (Call of Legends)

Reverse Holo - BW Series, Mirror Holofoil:
Darumaka (Black & White)
Duosion (Black & White)
Tranquill (Black & White)
Energy Retrieval (Black & White)

Reverse Holo - BW Series, Type Pattern Holofoil:
Sawsbuck (Emerging Powers)
Thundurus (Emerging Powers)
Throh (Emerging Powers)
Great Ball (Emerging Powers)
Timburr (Noble Victories)
Bisharp (Noble Victories)
Audino (Noble Victories)
Rocky Helmet (Noble Victories)
Dwebble (Dark Explorers)
Drilbur (Dark Explorers)
Beautifly (Dragons Exalted)
Gothorita (Dragons Exalted)
Gothitelle (Dragons Exalted)
Stunfisk (Dragons Exalted)
Bidoof (Dragons Exalted)
Cottonee (Boundaries Crossed)
Numel (Boundaries Crossed)
Vullaby (Boundaries Crossed)
Energy Search (Boundaries Crossed)
Donphan (Plasma Storm)
Seadra (Plasma Freeze)
Palpitoad (Plasma Freeze)
Nidorino (Plasma Freeze)
Deino (Plasma Freeze)
Mawile (Plasma Freeze)
Miltank (Plasma Freeze)
Machoke (Plasma Blast)
Machamp (Plasma Blast)
Silver Bangle (Plasma Blast)
Carnivine (Legendary Treasures)
Swablu (Legendary Treasures)
Whirlipede (XY)
Jigglypuff (XY)
Slurpuff (XY)
Doduo (XY)

Reverse Holo - XY Series, Type Pattern Holofoil:
Illumise (Primal Clash)
Aegislash (Primal Clash)
Fletchinder (Roaring Skies)

Reverse Holo - XY Series, Mirror Holofoil:
Tentacool (Primal Clash)
Banette (Roaring Skies)
Unfezant (Roaring Skies)

Shieldon Coin (from Bastiodon the Defender Japanese Half Deck)
Light Jolteon
Dark Flareon

使用道具 舉報

 樓主| 發表於 2/9/2015 12:06 PM | 只看該作者
First update! +1 Wally FA, -1 Groudon EX

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 樓主| 發表於 3/9/2015 12:08 PM | 只看該作者
Fully updated Holos and Reverse Holos!

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 樓主| 發表於 9/9/2015 10:32 AM | 只看該作者
Removed: Dragonite-EX, Black Kyurem-EX
Added: M Ampharos-EX, Lugia HGSS02, Light Togetic, Suicune Celebi Movie Promo!

使用道具 舉報

 樓主| 發表於 12/9/2015 02:57 PM | 只看該作者
Updated Want List & Trade List!
Wants: removed AO Eeveelutions, added City/Regional Championships
Trades: added Ho-Oh HGSS (Eng) Bottom

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