本帖最後由 ice 於 18/1/2015 05:49 AM 編輯 問題 [Part A]
1. [數學Mathematics]七個連續整數的和為1,617,那麼這七個數當中有多少個是質數? The sum of seven consecutive integers is 1,617. How many of them are prime? A. 3 B. 2 C. 1 D. 0
2. [天文Astronomy]恆星的壽命是取決於它的甚麼? What determines a star's lifespan? A. 質量Mass B. 溫度Temperature C. 亮度Brightness D. 以上皆非None of the above
3. [物理Physics]壓力隨着高度上升。 Pressure increases with altitude. A. 正確True B. 錯誤False
4. [生物Biology]以下哪個並非發炎的跡象? Which of the following is NOT a sign of inflammation? A.發熱Warmth B.發紅Redness C.腫脹Swelling D.微血管通透性下降Decrease in capillary permeability
5. [化學Chemistry]有一種未知的化合物X,它不溶於水,又不與水反應,而且被用於控制泥土酸度,X是甚麼? Compound X is unknown. Compound X does not dissolve in water, does not react with water and is used to control soil acidity. What is compound X? A. 氯化鈣Calcium chloride B. 氫氧化鈣Calcium hydroxide C. 氧化鈣Calcium oxide D. 碳酸鈣Calcium carbonate
6. [經濟Economics]以下哪個並非生產要素? Which of the following is NOT a factor of production? A. 農場A farm B. 印刷機A printing machine C. 店員A shopkeeper D. 10元紙鈔A $10 note
7. [英文English] What does "all thumbs" mean? A. Clumsy B. Careful C. Hilarious D. Brave
8. [文化Culture]聖誕樹的傳統是起源於哪個國家的? In which country did the tradition of the Christmas tree start? A. 以色列Israel B. 蘇格蘭Scotland C. 丹麥Denmark D. 德國Germany
9. [音樂Music]試填以下歌詞: Complete the following lyrics: You better watch out, You better not cry, You better not _____, I'm telling you why: Santa Claus is coming to town!
A. shout B. doubt C. pout D. spout
10. [歷史History]南京大屠殺於何年發生? In what year did the Nanking Massacre occur? A. 1933 B. 1935 C. 1937 D. 1939
11. [神話Myth]尼斯湖以神秘怪獸的居住地這稱號而聞名,那麼尼斯湖在哪裡? Loch Ness is best known for being the alleged home of a monster. Where is Loch Ness? A. 澳洲Australia B. 阿根廷Argentina C. 蘇格蘭Scotland D. 俄羅斯Russia
12. [數學Mathematics]一根時針在37分鐘內會移動多少度? Through how many degrees does the hour hand move in 37 minutes? A. 18.5度(degrees) B. 20度(degrees) C. 22.5度(degrees) D. 24度(degrees)
13. [化學Chemistry]酸和醇混合時會產生甚麼有機物? What organic material will be formed when acid is mixed with alcohol? A. 羧酸Carboxylic acid B. 酯Ester C. 鹽Salt D. 以上皆非None of the above
14. [英文English] What does "on cloud nine" mean? A. Drunk B. Happy C. Dead D. Daydreaming
15. [天文Astronomy]以下哪種現象是由帶電粒子和高層大氣的碰撞形成的? Which of the following phenomena is caused by the collision of charged particles with the upper atmosphere? A. 幻月Moon dog B. 極光Aurora C. 霧虹Fog bow D. 日冕Corona
16. [生物Biology]在人體內,哪個器官會進行最主要的消化作用? In the human body, which organ carries out most of the digestion? A. 胃部Stomach B. 小腸Small intestine C. 肝部Liver D. 大腸Large intestine
17. [地理Geography]以下哪個是正確的國家及其首都的配對? Which of the following is correct match of a country and its capital? A. 阿拉伯聯合酋長國-杜拜United Arab Emirates - Dubai B. 摩洛哥-卡薩布蘭卡Morocco- Casablanca C. 巴西-里約熱內盧Brazil -Rio de Janeiro D. 西班牙-馬德里Spain –Madrid
18. [物理Physics]實像無法透過_____形成。 A real image is never created by A. 凸透鏡和凸面鏡convex lenses and convex mirrors B. 凸透鏡和凹面鏡convex lenses and concave mirrors C. 凹透鏡和凸面鏡concave lenses and convex mirrors D. 凹透鏡和凹面鏡concave lenses and concave mirrors
19. [經濟Economics]以下哪項並非消費的例子? Which of the following is NOT an example of consumption? A. 小剛穿上剛買的新外套Brock buys and wears a new jacket B. 小霞在享受按摩後付錢給她的按摩師Misty pays her massager after massage C. 小光在咖啡店喝咖啡Dawn drinks coffee at a coffee shop D. 喬伊小姐在小精靈中心賣曲奇Nurse Joy sells cookies at a Pokémon Center
20. [文化Culture]聖誕節最有名的馴鹿叫甚麼名字? What is the name of the most famous reindeer of Christmas? A. Randolph B. Rudolph C. Roudolph D. Redolph
21. [神話Myth]以下哪項並非對神秘生物卓柏卡布拉的常見描述? Which of the following is not a common description of the cryptid Chupacabra? A. 擁有光滑的表皮Has leathery skin B. 以四足走路Walks on four legs C. 會吸乾獵物的血Drains all of the prey's blood D. 在1995年首次接報發現First claimed to be found in 1995
22. [歷史History] 1945年,兩枚原子彈於同日被分別投擲於廣島和長崎。 In 1945, two atomic bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki respectively on the same day. A. 正確True B. 錯誤False
23. [地理Geography]在世界上的七大洲中,南極洲在面積上排行第幾?(第一為最大) Out of the seven continents in the world, where does Antarctica rank in area? (“First” means the “Largest”) A. 第四Fourth B. 第五Fifth C. 第六Sixth D. 第七Seventh
24. [天文Astronomy]彗星被認為是由甚麼構成的? What are comets believed to be made of? A. 冰、岩石和塵埃的混合物Mixture of ice, rock and dust B. 只有岩石Only rock C. 只有冰Only ice D. 氫氣Hydrogen gas
25. [生物Biology]假設一個家庭已有七個兒子和一個女兒,下個出生的嬰兒是女性的機率是多少? A family has seven boys and one girl. What is the chance that the next child will be a girl? A. 12.5% B. 25% C. 50% D. 100%
26. [數學Mathematics]有一副標準的樸克牌,假如從裡面隨機抽出三張牌,那三張牌全都是紅心的機率是多少? There is a standard 52-card deck. If three cards are drawn randomly, what is the probability that all three cards are hearts? A. 23 /1,988 B. 39 /140,608 C. 11 /850 D. 1 / 64
27. [化學Chemistry]以下哪種在室溫下是液態? Which of these is liquid at room temperature? A. 溴Bromine B. 碘Iodine C. 氯Chlorine D. 氧Oxygen
28. [中文Chinese]以下哪一個詞語是正確的? A.雞毛鴨蒜 B.痛心疾首 C.明張目膽 D.子烏虛有
29. [音樂Music]試填以下歌詞: Complete the following lyrics: Once _____ and twice ___, I keep my distance But you still catch my eye
A. beaten; die B. bitter; cry C. butter; rice D. bitten; shy
30. [地理Geography]芬蘭有70%以上的面積都是森林。 Over 70% of Finland is covered by forests. A. 正確True B. 錯誤False
31. [物理Physics]以下哪種方法在理論上能讓人穿越到未來? What of the following is a way in which a person could hypothetically travel to the future? A. 以比光速慢的速度移動Travel slower than the speed of light B. 以接近光速的速度移動Travel at a speed close to the speed of light C. 誠心祈願Make a wish sincerely D. 以上皆非None of the above
32. [神話Myth]據說甚麼氣體使水的浮力減少,導致船隻在百慕達三角沉沒? What gas has been thought to cause ships to sink in the Bermuda Triangle by decreasing the water's buoyancy? A. 氬Argon B. 甲烷Methane C. 氡Radon D. 氫Hydrogen
33. [歷史History]工業革命起源於哪個國家? Which country did the Industrial Revolution originate in? A. 荷蘭The Netherlands B. 西班牙Spain C. 英國Britain D. 法國France
34. [英文English] Which of the following term is used to refer to a crazy person? A. Jelly bean B. Apple pie C. Fruitcake D. Spaghetti
35. [地理Geography]馬丘比丘位於現今哪個國家? In what modern-day country is Machu Picchu located? A. 秘魯Peru B. 厄瓜多爾Ecuador C. 智利Chile D. 玻利維亞Bolivia
[Part B]
36. [謎語Riddle] There is a word in English which becomes shorter when two letters are added onto it. What is this word?
37. [邏輯Logic] Assuming a false statement is an error, is the following sentence a paradox? "Their are four erors in this sentance." Briefly explain your answer.
38. [邏輯Logic]有10000位參與者,如要求每人給一個由0到1000的數字,所給出的數字最接近平均值1/3的那位將是勝者,如大家都在絕對理性下,你會選擇甚麼數字?
39. [邏輯Logic]精靈中心發生了失竊案,一個裝着沙漠蜻蜓的精靈球被人偷走了。君莎小姐到場調查後,鎖定了三名疑犯,分別是泳褲少年、小丑大叔和單車少女,可以肯定的是三人中肯定有人無辜,但犯人亦可能多於一個。假設無辜的人說的一定是實話,犯人說的則一定是謊話,試從三人的話中推斷並解釋誰是犯人。 泳褲少年:我們之中有最少一人是犯人。 小丑大叔:犯人是泳褲少年和單車少女。 單車少女:我們三個都是犯人。
40. [邏輯Logic]小金、小銀、路比和莎菲亞四名訓練員共有8枚道館徽章,但當中只有一個人沒有任何徽章。 小金:小銀有4枚道館徽章。 小銀:路比有3枚道館徽章。 路比:我的道館徽章比小銀多。 莎菲亞:小銀有2枚道館徽章。