香港寵物小精靈村落 論壇

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發表於 17/5/2014 11:19 PM | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
本帖最後由 berber29 於 18/5/2014 03:32 PM 編輯

Charizard-Mega-Y @ Charizardite Y
Ability: Drought
EVs: 252 Spd / 252 SAtk / 4 HP
Timid Nature
- Heat Wave
- Flamethrower
- Solar Beam
- Air Slash

Garchomp @ Rocky Helmet
Ability: Rough Skin
EVs: 252 Spd / 252 Atk / 4 HP
Jolly Nature
- Dragon Rush
- Rock Slide
- Earthquake
- Iron Tail

Greninja @ Leftovers
Ability: Protean
EVs: 252 Spd / 252 SAtk / 4 HP
Timid Nature
- Hydro Pump
- Ice Beam
- Extrasensory
- Dark Pulse

Mienshao @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 252 Spd / 252 Atk / 4 SDef
Jolly Nature
- Drain Punch
- U-turn
- High Jump Kick
- Bulk Up

Rotom-Wash @ Splash Plate
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 SAtk / 252 HP / 4 SDef
Modest Nature
- Hydro Pump
- Protect
- Thunderbolt
- Shadow Ball

Venusaur @ Focus Sash
Ability: Chlorophyll
EVs: 252 Spd / 252 SAtk / 4 HP
Modest Nature
- Sunny Day
- Energy Ball
- SolarBeam
- Sleep Powder

first fight of this team
VGC 2014
Rated battle
Species Clause: Limit one of each Pokemon
Item Clause: Limit one of each item
berman's team:
Charizard / Garchomp / Greninja / Mienshao / Rotom-Wash / Venusaur
UncleBrian's team:
Rotom-Frost / Chesnaught / Pinsir / Chandelure / Crawdaunt / Umbreon
Battle between UncleBrian and berman started!
UncleBrian sent out Executioner (Pinsir)!
UncleBrian sent out Optimus (Chesnaught)!
Go! Mienshao!
Go! Greninja!
Turn 1
Battle timer is now ON: inactive players will automatically lose when time's up. (requested by berman)
Pinsir has Mega Evolved into Mega Pinsir!
The opposing Executioner used Protect!
The opposing Executioner protected itself!
Greninja's Protean made it the Ice type!
Greninja used Ice Beam!
It's super effective! The opposing Optimus lost 100% of its health!
The opposing Optimus fainted!
Mienshao used U-turn!
The opposing Executioner protected itself!
UncleBrian sent out Soul (Chandelure)!
Turn 2
You have 150 seconds to make your decision.
The opposing Soul used Protect!
The opposing Soul protected itself!
Greninja's Protean made it the Water type!
Greninja used Hydro Pump!
The opposing Soul protected itself!
Mienshao used U-turn!
It's not very effective... The opposing Executioner lost 10.5–12.5% of its health!
You have 150 seconds to make your decision.
Mienshao went back to berman!
Go! Charizard!
The opposing Executioner used Close Combat!
Greninja lost 76.4% of its health!
The opposing Executioner's Defense fell!
The opposing Executioner's Special Defense fell!
Greninja restored HP using its Leftovers!
Turn 3
You have 150 seconds to make your decision.
UncleBrian withdrew Soul (Chandelure)!
UncleBrian sent out RedLobster (Crawdaunt)!
The sunlight turned harsh!
Charizard has Mega Evolved into Mega Charizard!
The opposing Executioner used Protect!
The opposing Executioner protected itself!
Greninja used Hydro Pump!
It's not very effective... The opposing RedLobster lost 27.2–29.2% of its health!
Charizard used Flamethrower!
The opposing Executioner protected itself!
Greninja restored HP using its Leftovers!
Turn 4
You have 150 seconds to make your decision.
Greninja, come back!
Go! Mienshao!
The opposing Executioner used Close Combat!
Mienshao lost 91.4% of its health!
The opposing Executioner's Defense fell!
The opposing Executioner's Special Defense fell!
Mienshao is switched out with the Eject Button!
You have 150 seconds to make your decision.
Mienshao, come back!
Go! Venusaur!
Charizard used Flamethrower!
It's super effective! The opposing Executioner lost 87.5–89.5% of its health!
The opposing Executioner fainted!
The opposing RedLobster used Knock Off!
Charizard lost 81.8% of its health!
UncleBrian sent out Soul (Chandelure)!
Turn 5
You have 150 seconds to make your decision.
Venusaur, come back!
Go! Greninja!
The opposing RedLobster used Aqua Jet!
It's super effective! Charizard lost 18.2% of its health!
Charizard fainted!
The opposing Soul used Heat Wave!
Greninja avoided the attack!
Greninja restored HP using its Leftovers!
You have 150 seconds to make your decision.
Go! Venusaur!
Turn 6
You have 150 seconds to make your decision.
UncleBrian has 120 seconds left.
The server is restarting soon.
Please finish your battles quickly. No new battles can be started until the server resets in a few minutes.
Venusaur used SolarBeam!
Venusaur absorbed light!
It's super effective! The opposing RedLobster lost 70.8–72.8% of its health!
The opposing RedLobster fainted!
Greninja's Protean made it the Water type!
Greninja used Hydro Pump!
It's super effective! The opposing Soul lost 60.5–62.5% of its health!
The opposing Soul used Energy Ball!
It's super effective! Greninja lost 41.9% of its health!
Greninja fainted!
You have 150 seconds to make your decision.
Go! Mienshao!
Turn 7
You have 150 seconds to make your decision.
Venusaur used Sleep Powder!
The opposing Soul fell asleep!
Mienshao used Bulk Up!
Mienshao's Attack rose!
Mienshao's Defense rose!
The opposing Soul is fast asleep.
The sunlight faded.
Turn 8
You have 150 seconds to make your decision.
Mienshao used U-turn!
It's not very effective... The opposing Soul lost 8.4–12.4% of its health!
Venusaur used Sunny Day!
The sunlight turned harsh!
The opposing Soul is fast asleep.
Turn 9
You have 150 seconds to make your decision.
The opposing Soul is fast asleep.
Venusaur used Sleep Powder!
The opposing Soul is already asleep.
Mienshao used U-turn!
It's not very effective... The opposing Soul lost 8.4–12.4% of its health!
Turn 10
You have 150 seconds to make your decision.
Register an account to protect your ladder rating!
Venusaur used SolarBeam!
Venusaur absorbed light!
It's not very effective... The opposing Soul lost 16.7–18.7% of its health!
The opposing Soul fainted!
berman won the battle!
發表於 20/5/2014 01:50 PM | 只看該作者
居士既High Jump Kick同吸收拳都係格鬥招,多數只放一招,如果要封門就考量接力。

使用道具 舉報

發表於 20/5/2014 09:16 PM | 只看該作者



使用道具 舉報

發表於 23/5/2014 11:24 PM | 只看該作者
本帖最後由 HimTE 於 23/5/2014 11:43 PM 編輯





到地龍,最熱門既vgc地龍道具有rocky helmet,lum berry,focus sash等等,多數帶rocky helmet目的就係想減輕隊伍對物理攻擊既負擔(由其係mega袋獸,每turn打2野,自身rough skin+rocky helmet已經可以扣佢成半條血),lum berry就防異常狀態尤其係鬼火,focus sash就係地龍打地龍/快過你既龍系打你呢d情況下用到,配招基本都係公式:地震+崩石+龍爪+保護(如果係玩專愛系列既話保護可以轉鋼頭卅毒刺去克妖精系)

到新水主,攻擊向水主熱門道具基本上只有2個,life orb卅focus sash,前者增加damage後者保命,但係以我所知就係無人用剩飯....
配招並無大問題,值得一試既招係mat block,vgc入面既新水主極常有呢招,配合自身高速度可以幫隊友block一下攻擊,效果唔錯

到mienshao,起vgc入面mienshao其實係一個非常給力既support黎,有fake out,wide guard,quick quard
而且佢速度比mega袋獸/地龍等等快,所以其實唔需要choice scarf。
多數既配法就係fake out+high jump kick/drain punch+wide guard/quick guard/rock slide(3選2),wide guard可以幫自己隊噴火Y防崩石,係一個幾好既support招黎,而多數道具就係帶focus sash(起場上留得幾耐就幾耐)

到rotom.. 首先我認為你個努力值要深思一下,對於rotom黎講252/252/4既分法一定唔係最好。
多數既rotom係高耐為主(當然都有choice spec型rotom,但係非常之少),詳細既努力值分法可以睇睇呢條片:。除左努力值外其他都係非常公式,招分別係10萬+水柱+鬼火+保護,道具為sitrus berry較為最多

到奇異花了,你呢隊team主題係噴火Y既放晴隊,配合奇異花既雙倍速黎壓制人。而道具方面,其實唔需要focus sash(你個隊有好多人搶住用focus sash LOL),反倒life orb之類可以增加傷害,令佢起晴天下更暴力會比較好。
同埋呢一排興緊放晴team雙mega,意思為噴火mega Y+奇異mega,噴火為mega時奇異照帶出去但唔mega,奇異mega時唔帶噴火龍既玩法,可以比到人一個驚喜都唔定。

整體黎講呢副team其實唔錯,尤其係聯防方面,噴火Y同mienshao既時候有wide guard防rock slide,mega奇異同mienshao既時候亦有quick guard防talonflame brave bird(基本上全vgc得佢1隻會帶飛系招lol)

不過最重要一句,雖未睇戰報,就咁睇樓主你既配招同道具就知道你唔單止少接觸VGC同雙打,而且應該仲未好熟pkm既對戰環境  我建議你除左打vgc仲可以打下其他唔同既野,吸收多d pkm既基本對戰知識同經驗先~


使用道具 舉報

發表於 24/5/2014 07:02 PM | 只看該作者
Aaron Zheng的洗衣機分析

1. 有關保護︰最重點的是首回合擋下(氾濫的)mega袋獸下馬威(也包括其他下馬威眾,不過袋獸打出的傷害就算最高了),己方地龍的地震(免得要用地震打對方時隊友受傷),先讀對方集中攻擊一隻,還有環境技的拖回合
2. 隊伍最高速的是晴天下的奇異花,最低速是電鬼,只要首發選得好的話要解決順風炎隼或一血巾化石飛龍都不難(例如師父鼬下馬威+地龍岩崩)。問題是欺空,像細胞和鬼燈這種就是了,前者厚血後者無效化下馬威,鬼燈還有專愛圍巾的玩法,要留意對方隊伍來判斷。一旦欺空放了出來你的隊伍會很慘這時候保護的作用就是拖回合了。
3. 師父鼬還可以考慮整體使用率偏低的佯攻,針對對方(無腦?)地震/放電+保護的場合伏對方一個回合,甚至是集中攻擊一隻時利用佯攻確保隊友成功打中目標。又或者是針對性高的打落(試過鬼燈被打落秒殺)


使用道具 舉報

發表於 24/5/2014 08:04 PM | 只看該作者


不過樓上第3點講過個point我都幾認同,之前我打對面隻雷超個陣,以為佢會出下馬威所以我就保護左,點知佢反讀心佯攻跟住再比佢另一隻寵打死左,呢個就係逆meta game既屈機之處lol

提外話:識睇一定睇Aaron Zheng d片 我新加入vgc個陣都係睇佢d片學野 不過黎緊都無得再打VGC了;_;

使用道具 舉報

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