Originally posted by rogergeot at 2004-8-26 07:27 PM: Well, by using logic, it is clearly that there are some Japanese translators in the World Championships as not all of the competators know Japanese. You do not suppose all of the competators know J ...
鬼鬼can be translator!
Look what quality he has! THe only professor in HK! ------------------------------------------ 鬼鬼的資歷:
1. 寵物小精靈靈塔網主 2. HKPMA第二年起所有card比賽的籌劃人 3. 2004年度Pokemon Card世界賽香港區選拔賽(National Championship Hong Kong 2004) Head Judge 4. 任天堂Pokemon Organized Play Active Professor (全港十個都冇) 5. 任天堂Pokemon Organized Play Tournament Organizor (全港唯一一個) 6. 任天堂Pokemon Organized Play League Leader (全港唯一一個) 7. Pokebeach 情報提供員 8. www.fakecard.com 、 www.pokebeach.com 、 www.pokemonlabs.com 御用日版卡表修正員 9. www.pojo.com 網上打卡程式Appr GSSS 加強版較對員 等等等等 ------------------------------------------ 咁勁﹐你都唔用?