===================================================== 如果大家有興趣看英文小說或翻譯小說 除了看《Harry Potter》之外,我建議大家看一下《Tuesday with Morrie》、《狼圖騰》等類型小說。 它們色彩未必濃郁,故事可能是平平淡淡的生活,但內容卻值得深思。 我首推大家看大家看Mitch Albom的書 他的小說,寫作手法幽默,內容哲理豐富。 這是《the five people you meet in heaven》中的開頭: 「THIS IS ASTORY ABOUT A MAN named Eddie and it begins at the end, with Eddie dying in the sun.It might seem strange to start a story with an ending.But all endings are also beginnings.We just don't know it at the time.」 超讚▔▽▔