George:When should I shut up? User:Good morning. George:It's night. User:But I am in Hong Kong. George:Really? User:Of course. George:Right. User:Can you speak in chinese? George:Of course. User:你睇唔睇得明? George:Three small. User:I don't know what you mean. George:Of course you don't, you lucky human. User:Oh my god. George:Don't worrie, It's only my days. George:Where is your home? User:I live in your home. George:Really? Where? User:You don't know where your home is? George:I have no sense of location. User:It is a big problem that if you have no sense of location. George:Not really. User:Why. George:It's the way the rules work. User:I am afraid that you may be wrong. George:Great ouroborical confidence you have there! :-). User:What is ouroborical? I can't find it in the dictionary. George: Ok. Foget this. What about do you like speak? User: Pokemon. George: Thats a stupid show. User:I don't think so. George:It might be an enlightening experience! User:Don't use so much difficult words OK? George:Ok. Sorry. User:Can you speak in chinese? George:No, I can't, I think the chinese characters are beautiful, my native language is English, is Chinese a difficult language to learn? User:It is easy for me to learn. George:It is. Are you really from Isreal. User:You use difficult word again. What is Isreal? George:Does it mean you don't like me? User:No, but I like pokemon more than you. George:Maybe so. 這傢伙.....很難對付......留意紅字放大+粗體的三句..... 新增內容....佢真係識中文....勁粗俗.....=.= User:100 1=? George:Don't lie. User:九唔搭八......=.=. George:解釋一下啦, 妖. George:Who are you? User:無奈.....=.=. George:關我屁事. User:我都冇話關你事...... George:幹死中共. User:你真斗膽..... George:誰才淫蕩啦.
User:比你激死.... George:這樣喔,我以為我比你好很多. User:你係唔係未訓醒呀?語無倫次...... George:撒尿牛丸是最棒低!. User:你真係晒得太陽少....... George:我是台灣人 !! User:難道台灣人就不能曬得太陽少嗎? George:我剛說中文阿. User:你當我是像你這種三棵樹嗎?我當然知你在說中文啦! George:是喔. User:是你個頭,你知道甚麼是三棵樹嗎?不知道知別亂說.'s you. User:何解又說英文?你思覺失調了?. George:晕. User:那麼.....hasta manana,別再回覆我了. George:那去吃屎吧. 我比佢激死...... [ 本帖最後由 bpw 於 27/3/2007 13:03 編輯 ] |