原帖由 幸福蛋 於 21/1/2007 10:05 發表 小安知道自己必須要冷靜,然後從背包中取出一把斧頭,打傷了阿柏蛇。 背包有斧頭??![](static/image/smiley/default/sweat.gif) 是的.....~_~ 其實呢個故事o既第一回係我上年上學期交的第一篇英文作文 原文如下: One Sunday, Andy went to a forest with his pet, Pika. Pika is a little mouse. It has a long tail. They wanted to have a good trip. It was a sunny, hot day. The sun looked very angry. It was burning, burning all the time. Pika and Andy felt very hot. They found a garden house to have a break. When Andy sat on a bench, he discovered that a big spider was eating a small butterfly. It was very horrible. The big spider was as big as an orange! There were many insects in the garden house. It was disgusting! He ran out of the house as fast as he could. Of course, he did not forget Pika. Then they walked along a beautiful trail. There were many attractive flowers beside the trail. Suddenly, a monkey appeared and snatched Andy’s wallet. He felt very surprised and he chased it. At that time, another monkey pounced him. He fell onto the ground. Pika bit it hard and it ran away. He kept chasing the monkey which got his wallet. He followed it for a long distance. It was very fast. It brought them to a lake. It threw his wallet into a narrow, small hole. Andy told Pika, ‘I can’t get it.’ Pika helped him the pick it up. He thought that Pika was the cleverest mouse all over the world. Andy was very happy. However, he found out that he got lost, but Pika indicated that he knew where to go. He followed him carefully, confused about his skills. Suddenly, Pika turned to him. A big snake was looking at them. Andy picked Pika up. The snake had terrible eyes, sharp teeth, and it was longer than a train. Andy could not move at that moment. He was shocked. The snake crept toward them. He knew that he needed to calm down. Then he used an axe to kill it in one second. They felt very tired. They went back home at about sever o'clock. Andy gave the snake to his mother and told her to cook it. It was an unforgettable day for Andy and Pika.(呢一段o係變成本故事第一回時被我刪除了,冇可能煮條阿柏蛇黎食.....) 我呀sir話我作得好好,又冇乜點錯,所以比得好高分 不過就係唔知點解無啦啦個背包裏會有把斧頭 佢話呢度係敗筆......=.= 後來,我就將呢篇作文翻做中文(都改左好多,真係好多,你細心睇就知) 成為呢個故事o既第一回 其實我上年總共有三篇英文作文&兩篇中文作文寫左一d同pm有關o既野 三篇英文都好高分 但係其中一篇中文居然唔合格.....(原因係解錯題,唔係文筆差...) 上面提到o既五篇作文中,有四篇我都擺左個 idea 落呢篇小說到(唔合格o個篇都有...),遲d再講比大家聽o係邊la [ 本帖最後由 bpw 於 21/1/2007 11:46 編輯 ] |