原帖由 NDS之子 於 15/8/2006 23:58 發表 遲d不會連香港也禁播吧? 這方面暫時未影響到 因為太張揚 其實回歸已經有一些部分因大陸影響了的 EA games出品的某戰地遊戲 內容有模擬中美軍衝突 結果呢? EATW,EATH等等外地/國EA總部 都有在該區設有排名伺服器 而EAHK是沒有的 初初EA回信 只是在表面說什麼資源未許可 直至近一兩個月 才說是因為受到政府干預 全信一看(轉自Myorc)[table=98%][tr][td=1,1,10] [/td] [td=1,1,100%] Hello, Let me attempt to clarify for you. The reason there are no ranked servers stationed in Hong Kong is because of restrictions imposed by the Chinese Government. Due to these restrictions players are unable to use our EA downloader from China or Hong Kong and it is not possible for our partners to set up ranked servers there. While we would like to be able to accomodate this need, unfortunately it is beyond our control at this time. If you have any other questions or concerns please let us know. Thank you for your support of EA games and good luck on the battlefield. Sincerely, EARepWalsh Player Relations Electronic Arts[/td][/tr][/table] 大家不妨反思 有必要做到控制思想嗎? [ 本帖最後由 pichu 於 16/8/2006 07:56 編輯 ] |