squrbit805: if you don't want me to attack you, send each kind of resources 2000 to [1] Sokolova, where is in the coordinate (-6,47)....in each time 500 is okay...it means you need to send the resources 4 times to there,.........................and also enter an alliance called @兄弟會武裝聯盟, they will send you an invitation as well as you reply and also send the resources, otherwise i will keep on attacking you until your citizens in the village start to die of starvation............ ___________ treeckopa: 難道我沒有傷亡嗎? 別忘了我從未主動攻擊你 主動攻擊人的是你 報仇的應該是我而不是你 ____________ squrbit805: because you have killed my troops, i mean some of them, i am just taking revenge. ____________ treeckopa: 你為什麼天天來打我 請不要打我了 請打其他人~我不肥的 _____________ 請各位幫手打E個欠打的ge小朋友... |