Originally posted by Arthas007 at 2005-9-5 10:24 PM: 如果你們對pm那麼喜歡,那麼試回答下列各題: Chem: In Pokemon 2, why the combination of water, electricity and fire can break 火鳥's 籠? Phys: 1)Find the Forces if Ash is diving into water in ... 你的英文好難明白................. 我姑且試答地理題啦........ Geog: If火鳥, 急凍鳥 and 雷鳥 go out on the Island in movie 2, why the earth 's climate become chaos?(希望我估中你想問乜,why the weather of the area become extreme when火鳥, 急凍鳥 and 雷鳥go away from the Island in second movie) ans: 三鳥是改變了天氣,而不是改變氣侯,而且記憶中牠們力量亦尚未波及整個地球的天氣 Also tell that its affect?(這句是什麼意思,是explain the effect嗎?) ans: 牠們引發了氣溫變化,一些水土流失和山泥傾瀉等自然災害使人生命財產損失,不過基於只是突發天氣異變,而氣候因素如日照,水源,空氣成份等不變,生態將回復原本之均衡狀態 |