本帖最後由 小霞的fans 於 2/9/2009 08:48 PM 編輯 assume air resistance is negligable.a ball is thrown veically upward with velocity v and it returns to its original position after time t.velocity and acceleration pointing upwards is taken to be positive.which of following is/are correct? 1.its velocity is zero at 0.5t. 2.the acceleration is maxium at t=0 3.at t seconds,its velocity is -v 我知2 一定錯..但係唔明3點解岩亦都唔知1岩唔岩..望指教.. 另外..我有相似既問題.. assume air resistance is negligable.a ball is thrown veically upward with velocity 30ms^-1 . acceleration pointing downwards is taken to be positive.find the distance travelled after 1 second. 咁姐係u=30ms^-1 ,,a=10ms^-2,,t=1 s=? s=ut+1/2at^2 s=30+1/2(-10) =25m 但係佢既velocity唔係應該係20ms^-1(比acceleration每秒鍾-10米)架咩? 咁應該果秒行20米架喎,,點解會係25既-0- thx!! P=Fv 'F'is the applied force that opposes resisting force acting on the object moving at a constant speed. 呢句野姐係話個F 係MOTION既相反方句!? opposes 同 resisting都解妨礙-0- , , 所以有d唔明 |