原帖由 小霞的fans 於 23/3/2009 16:16 發表 zinc sulphate can be perpared by the recation between 1.zinc nitrate and magnesium sulphate 2.zinc oxide and dilute sulphuric acid 3.zinc and dilute sulphuric acid A.1 and 2 only B.1 and 3 only C.2 and 3 only D.1,2,3 唔係全部都會FORM到架咩 ? 同埋呢zinc nitrate and magnesium sulphate 係solid定aqueous solution呀 ? 佢冇提到呀 .. 雖然呢2樣野都係soluble in water .. 咁佢地未落水之前唔係solid黎 ? 我唔係好明.. 看第一個reaction Assume the reaction goes completely Zn(NO3)2(aq) + MgSO4(aq) --> ZnSO4(aq) + Mg(NO3)2(aq) 兩個product都是water soluble, 你不能直接分開它們,所以不可以用來prepare ZnSO4 你知另外兩個就即是明了 如果要求的metal可以再被oxidize (尤是Fe 2+)的話就要小心一下 nitric acid/ concentrated sulphuric acid/ HOT dilute sulphuric acid了 題目若不說明是solid/ aqueous/ liquid/ gas 的話就想想那compound的normal condition(你總不能在lab入面找到liquid/ gaseous Zn(NO3) or MgSO4吧-w-)
Lead(ll) chloride can be prepared by the reaction between 1.lead and hydrochloric acid 2.lead(ll) oxide and hydrocloric acid 3.lead(ll) nitrate and sodium chloride A.1 only B.3 only C.1 and 2 only D.1 and 3 only PbCl2這條我沒十足的信心,但我會選B 3 only. 原因為Pb + HCl要夠熱才可react 考慮一下reactivity series, K> Na> Ca> Mg> Al> (coke)> Zn> Fe> Sn> Pb> H+> Cu> Ag> Hg> Au> Pt 要Pb跟 H+ react的話, 速度慢得很,所以要加熱 人家沒說hot HCl....我會assume room temperature PbO + HCl mixture亦要夠熱才可react (印象中書中是沒有的,但學校應會做類似的實驗) 原因不敢肯定, CE亦沒有說過…..可無視-->我覺得應該是intermediate的問題 PbNO3+ NaCl….明顯的一個precipitation reaction
唔明既理由同上題一樣 . .唔係全部都form lead(ll) chloride的 ? 2果兩樣野係solid 定 aqueous solution ? 其實點先叫 prepare到 ? 要prepare到就要用簡易的physical method separate到....最好出兩個不同physical state的東東 簡易的physical method如filtration, evaporation, etc. 如上面的ZnSO4(aq) + Mg(NO3)2(aq)...你不能用physical,method分開兩個aqueous solution吧 但 PbNO3(aq) + 2NaCl(aq) --> PbCl2(s) + 2NaNO3(aq) 一個solid一個aqueous, filter一下再用少少凍水沖沖就很美好了 (essay 題的話filtration + rinse with little cold water 可佔分)
同埋呢 .. 用咩test可以分辨到 dilute hydrochloric acid 同埋 dilute nitric acid ? 本書好似冇的 .. . HCl VS HNO3 想想它們的 properties就可發現有不少test可用的了 All nitrates are soluble All halides are soluble except Pb(II), Ag 所以隨便倒些silver nitrate/ lead nitrate入兩acid中就可以了,有precipitate的是HCl HNO3is an oxidizing acid but not HCl 直接放Copper metal 入兩acid中, 有reaction的是HNO3 長問題的話要describe一下reaction, 即reaction 時的變化, product的外表, etc. 偶好像對inorganic chem生疏了..orz [ 本帖最後由 fish 於 24/3/2009 01:47 AM 編輯 ] |