MC CLOZE以為做嚮question paper(我認為係題目寫到唔清唔楚) 點知要同COMPREHENSION一樣做嚮MC專用Answer sheet
我個英文老師好體諒我,嘗試爭取 最後爭取唔到
白白冇左23分 全form有幾個都同我一樣就偏偏係個part做嚮question paper
題目寫: Answer the questions in the space provided Use pencil to answer Part 1 and part 2A >如果改成Use pencil to answer Part 1 and part 2A You must answer all the questions in the answer sheet
MC CLOZE可能係影印出面o既練習關係,冇改到instruction 寫:Circle the answer