等我幫他改.....= = II would like to ask Sonic the following question : I want to have six 速攻PM in my team. <<<冇可能 只有太陽,雷,草e才能玩速攻,其他速不夠 月能玩下毒,干擾,雙禦 水能玩防禦,特攻 火和冰能做攻擊手 I would like to ask Sonic the following questions : 能力:I have just started to play this game so I don't know any things about this. <<<爬文 努力:I have just started to play this game so I don't know any things about this. <<<爬文 性格:I want to join this team so you can ask me <<<這真的不知他想點,問人地又叫人問返佢...... 要改就 I want yo make the team which has six 伊貝 and you can ask me about 唔知乜. 個體:I don't know how to check it. <<< http://pokemon.aucy.com:81/nds/cal.php |