本帖最後由 Bon! 於 28/2/2010 10:43 PM 編輯 You are operating a canon that can fire at approaching tanks. The canon can fire a projectile at any angle between 0 and 90 degrees. You wish to hit a tank that is changing position at speed u. It is coning toward you. At what angle should you aim if the tank is horizontal distance D away. Given that D= 1000 m u= 10 m/s. speed of projection 200m/s. 我係咁計的.. Let the horizontal displacement of the canon ball be x. Let the angle of projection be y. Let the time of flight be t. 200cosy * t = x ..........1 0 = 200siny * t - 5t^2 ......... 2 10t = 1000-x .......... 3 From 2 , t = 40siny ......... 4 Sub 4 into 1 and 3, 200cosy * 40siny = x .........5 10*40siny = 1000-x .........6 From 5 and 6, 200cosy * 40siny + 10 * 40siny = 1000 40siny(200cosy + 10) = 1000 跟住唔識solve落去 .. 求幫忙 .. 同埋有做錯既話請指正 , 謝 |