以下內容引用自技能蜻蜓返: 攻擊命中後,自己交換精靈;交換效果會被追擊(おいうち),但對手速度較快而優先使出追擊則沒有追加效果;被禁止交換精靈時仍然有效 就當時情況,瑪狃拉根本不可能比速蟬快(再者瑪狃拉也不是先制爪,速蟬亦不是後攻尾) 基本上唯一能夠解釋的就應該只有「接力能夠被追擊」這個論點了 對面沒理由換人,接力隊強化速度完成後會自破嗎? 對上瑪狃拉隨便一個十字剪也夠令瑪狃拉不敢亂來 ∞-JUSTICE 發表於 25-1-2010 18:21 Whenever a Pokemon is withdrawn, either through switching or through U-turn (but not Baton Pass), if an enemy Pokemon has selected Pursuit for use, has not yet taken its turn, is not frozen, is not sleeping, and is not about to miss its turn due to Truant, then that enemy Pokemon uses Pursuit with double power on the Pokemon being withdrawn, and skips its normal turn. Otherwise, the user uses Pursuit normally on its turn against the selected target. 紐拉王吃不了速蟬一下十字剪 |