Battle Log: Battle Mode: Ruby/Sapphire Rule: Sleep Clause Rule: Freeze Clause Rule: Self-KO Clause Rule: Apply PP Ups Rule: Battle Timeout DarkRP vs felipesagiro. Begin! DarkRP sent out U.b (Lv.100 Umbreon)! felipesagiro sent out Heracross (Lv.100 Heracross)! Begin Turn #1 DarkRP withdrew U.b! DarkRP sent out G.r (Lv.100 Gyarados)! G.r's Intimidate cuts Heracross's Attack! --------------------------------- Heracross used Megahorn! (81 damage) It's not very effective... --------------------------------- G.r's Leftovers restored its HP a little! End of turn #1 DarkRP's G.r: 270 HP felipesagiro's Heracross: 100% HP Begin Turn #2 Heracross used Swords Dance! Heracross's Attack sharply rose! --------------------------------- G.r used Hidden Power! (100% damage) It's super effective! 他無視了HP =] Heracross fainted! felipesagiro sent out Exeggutor (Lv.100 Exeggutor)! --------------------------------- G.r's Leftovers restored its HP a little! End of turn #2 DarkRP's G.r: 290 HP felipesagiro's Exeggutor: 100% HP Begin Turn #3 G.r used Thunder Wave! Exeggutor is paralyzed! It may be unable to move! Exeggutor's Lum Berry cured its paralysis problem! --------------------------------- Exeggutor used Sunny Day! The sunlight got bright! --------------------------------- The sunlight is strong. G.r's Leftovers restored its HP a little! End of turn #3 DarkRP's G.r: 310 HP felipesagiro's Exeggutor: 100% HP Begin Turn #4 DarkRP withdrew G.r! DarkRP sent out V.p (Lv.100 Vileplume)! --------------------------------- Exeggutor used Solar Beam! (53 damage) It's not very effective... --------------------------------- The sunlight is strong. V.p's Leftovers restored its HP a little! End of turn #4 DarkRP's V.p: 265 HP felipesagiro's Exeggutor: 100% HP Begin Turn #5 DarkRP withdrew V.p! DarkRP sent out U.b (Lv.100 Umbreon)! --------------------------------- Exeggutor used Psychic! It doesn't affect U.b... --------------------------------- The sunlight is strong. End of turn #5 DarkRP's U.b: 332 HP felipesagiro's Exeggutor: 100% HP Begin Turn #6 Exeggutor used Sleep Powder! U.b fell asleep! --------------------------------- U.b is fast asleep. z_Z --------------------------------- The sunlight is strong. End of turn #6 DarkRP's U.b: 332 HP (Slp) felipesagiro's Exeggutor: 100% HP Begin Turn #7 DarkRP withdrew U.b! DarkRP sent out V.p (Lv.100 Vileplume)! --------------------------------- felipesagiro withdrew Exeggutor! felipesagiro sent out Zangoose (Lv.100 Zangoose)! --------------------------------- The sunlight faded. V.p's Leftovers restored its HP a little! End of turn #7 DarkRP's V.p: 283 HP felipesagiro's Zangoose: 100% HP Begin Turn #8 Zangoose used Aerial Ace! (143 damage) It's super effective! --------------------------------- V.p used Aromatherapy! A soothing aroma wafted through the area! 為此而已 --------------------------------- V.p's Leftovers restored its HP a little! End of turn #8 DarkRP's V.p: 158 HP felipesagiro's Zangoose: 100% HP Begin Turn #9 DarkRP withdrew V.p! DarkRP sent out G.r (Lv.100 Gyarados)! 搏鬥 G.r's Intimidate cuts Zangoose's Attack! --------------------------------- Zangoose used Aerial Ace! (51 damage) --------------------------------- G.r's Leftovers restored its HP a little! End of turn #9 DarkRP's G.r: 279 HP felipesagiro's Zangoose: 100% HP Begin Turn #10 Zangoose used Rock Slide! (128 damage) It's super effective! --------------------------------- G.r used Earthquake! (66% damage) --------------------------------- G.r's Leftovers restored its HP a little! End of turn #10 DarkRP's G.r: 171 HP felipesagiro's Zangoose: 34% HP Begin Turn #11 Zangoose used Return! (131 damage) --------------------------------- G.r used Earthquake! (34% damage) Zangoose fainted! felipesagiro sent out Typhlosion (Lv.100 Typhlosion)! --------------------------------- G.r's Leftovers restored its HP a little! End of turn #11 DarkRP's G.r: 60 HP 重傷 felipesagiro's Typhlosion: 100% HP Begin Turn #12 Typhlosion used Thunderpunch! (60 damage) It's super effective! G.r fainted! 失手=[ DarkRP sent out Nidoq (Lv.100 Nidoqueen)! 親自出馬XD --------------------------------- End of turn #12 DarkRP's Nidoq: 360 HP felipesagiro's Typhlosion: 100% HP Begin Turn #13 felipesagiro withdrew Typhlosion! felipesagiro sent out Exeggutor (Lv.100 Exeggutor)! --------------------------------- Nidoq used Earthquake! (24% damage) It's not very effective... read了.......... --------------------------------- End of turn #13 DarkRP's Nidoq: 360 HP felipesagiro's Exeggutor: 76% HP Begin Turn #14 Exeggutor used Sunny Day! The sunlight got bright! --------------------------------- Nidoq used Attract! 試rp Exeggutor fell in love! --------------------------------- The sunlight is strong. End of turn #14 DarkRP's Nidoq: 360 HP felipesagiro's Exeggutor: 76% HP Begin Turn #15 Exeggutor is in love with Nidoq! Exeggutor is immobilized by love! --------------------------------- Nidoq used Sludge Bomb! (75% damage) It's super effective! Exeggutor fainted! 成功了(我真強XD) felipesagiro sent out Houndoom (Lv.100 Houndoom)! --------------------------------- The sunlight is strong. End of turn #15 DarkRP's Nidoq: 360 HP felipesagiro's Houndoom: 100% HP Begin Turn #16 Houndoom used Solar Beam! (298 damage) A critical hit! OTL(好彩加了耐久=p 不死呢~不死呢~) --------------------------------- Nidoq used Earthquake! (100% damage) It's super effective! Houndoom fainted! 看招XD felipesagiro sent out Typhlosion (Lv.100 Typhlosion)! --------------------------------- The sunlight is strong. Nidoq's Leftovers restored its HP a little! End of turn #16 DarkRP's Nidoq: 84 HP felipesagiro's Typhlosion: 100% HP Begin Turn #17 DarkRP withdrew Nidoq! 如果不是chit便可再殺=[ DarkRP sent out W.z (Lv.100 Weezing)! --------------------------------- Typhlosion used Flamethrower! (261 damage) W.z was burned! 按錯了OTL,不是出Kingdra的,仲要有burn OTL(眾:自大狂) --------------------------------- The sunlight is strong. W.z's Leftovers restored its HP a little! W.z is hurt by its burn! End of turn #17 DarkRP's W.z: 5 HP (Brn) felipesagiro's Typhlosion: 100% HP Begin Turn #18 DarkRP withdrew W.z! DarkRP sent out K.d (Lv.100 Kingdra)!回來吧~ --------------------------------- Typhlosion used Substitute! 煩煩的Sub@@ Typhlosion made a Substitute! --------------------------------- The sunlight faded. End of turn #18 DarkRP's K.d: 319 HP felipesagiro's Typhlosion: 75% HP Begin Turn #19 Typhlosion used Thunderpunch! (83 damage) --------------------------------- K.d used Surf! The Substitute took damage for Typhlosion! Typhlosion's Substitute faded! It's super effective! --------------------------------- K.d's Leftovers restored its HP a little! End of turn #19 DarkRP's K.d: 255 HP felipesagiro's Typhlosion: 75% HP Begin Turn #20 Typhlosion used Sunny Day! The sunlight got bright! --------------------------------- K.d used Surf! (60% damage) It's super effective! --------------------------------- The sunlight is strong. Using Petaya Berry, the Special Attack of Typhlosion rose! K.d's Leftovers restored its HP a little! End of turn #20 DarkRP's K.d: 274 HP felipesagiro's Typhlosion: 15% HP Begin Turn #21 Typhlosion used Thunderpunch! (134 damage) --------------------------------- K.d used Rain Dance! 我不喜歡陽光=p It started to rain! --------------------------------- Rain continues to fall. K.d's Leftovers restored its HP a little! End of turn #21 DarkRP's K.d: 159 HP felipesagiro's Typhlosion: 15% HP Begin Turn #22 K.d used Surf! (15% damage) It's super effective! Typhlosion fainted! x3......... felipesagiro sent out Sceptile (Lv.100 Sceptile)! --------------------------------- Rain continues to fall. K.d's Leftovers restored its HP a little! End of turn #22 DarkRP's K.d: 178 HP felipesagiro's Sceptile: 100% HP Begin Turn #23 K.d used Ice Beam! (67% damage) It's super effective! --------------------------------- Sceptile used Leech Seed! 煩煩的種子 K.d was seeded! --------------------------------- Rain continues to fall. K.d's Leftovers restored its HP a little! K.d's health is sapped by Leech Seed! Sceptile's Leftovers restored its HP a little! End of turn #23 DarkRP's K.d: 158 HP felipesagiro's Sceptile: 53% HP Begin Turn #24 Sceptile used Protect! Sceptile protected itself! --------------------------------- K.d used Ice Beam! 煩煩的Protect Sceptile protected itself! --------------------------------- Rain continues to fall. Sceptile's Leftovers restored its HP a little! K.d's Leftovers restored its HP a little! K.d's health is sapped by Leech Seed! End of turn #24 DarkRP's K.d: 138 HP felipesagiro's Sceptile: 73% HP Begin Turn #25 DarkRP withdrew K.d! DarkRP sent out U.b (Lv.100 Umbreon)! --------------------------------- Sceptile used Substitute! Sceptile made a Substitute! --------------------------------- The rain stopped. Sceptile's Leftovers restored its HP a little! End of turn #25 DarkRP's U.b: 332 HP felipesagiro's Sceptile: 54% HP Begin Turn #26 Sceptile used Protect! Sceptile protected itself! --------------------------------- U.b used Wish! U.b made a Wish! --------------------------------- Sceptile's Leftovers restored its HP a little! End of turn #26 DarkRP's U.b: 332 HP felipesagiro's Sceptile: 60% HP Begin Turn #27 Sceptile used Thunderpunch! (39 damage) --------------------------------- U.b used Baton Pass! DarkRP sent out K.d (Lv.100 Kingdra)! --------------------------------- U.b's Wish came true! 加血x1 K.d regained health! Sceptile's Leftovers restored its HP a little! K.d's Leftovers restored its HP a little! End of turn #27 DarkRP's K.d: 316 HP felipesagiro's Sceptile: 66% HP Begin Turn #28 Sceptile used Leech Seed! K.d was seeded! 又來OTL --------------------------------- K.d used Ice Beam! The Substitute took damage for Sceptile! Sceptile's Substitute faded! It's super effective! --------------------------------- Sceptile's Leftovers restored its HP a little! K.d's Leftovers restored its HP a little! K.d's health is sapped by Leech Seed! End of turn #28 DarkRP's K.d: 280 HP felipesagiro's Sceptile: 86% HP Begin Turn #29 Sceptile used Protect! Sceptile protected itself! --------------------------------- K.d used Ice Beam! Sceptile protected itself! 又來OTL --------------------------------- Sceptile's Leftovers restored its HP a little! K.d's Leftovers restored its HP a little! K.d's health is sapped by Leech Seed! End of turn #29 DarkRP's K.d: 260 HP felipesagiro's Sceptile: 100% HP Begin Turn #30 DarkRP withdrew K.d! DarkRP sent out U.b (Lv.100 Umbreon)! --------------------------------- Sceptile used Substitute! Sceptile made a Substitute! --------------------------------- Sceptile's Leftovers restored its HP a little! U.b's Leftovers restored its HP a little! End of turn #30 DarkRP's U.b: 313 HP felipesagiro's Sceptile: 81% HP Begin Turn #31 Sceptile used Leech Seed! U.b was seeded! --------------------------------- U.b used Wish! U.b made a Wish! --------------------------------- Sceptile's Leftovers restored its HP a little! U.b's Leftovers restored its HP a little! U.b's health is sapped by Leech Seed! End of turn #31 DarkRP's U.b: 291 HP felipesagiro's Sceptile: 100% HP Begin Turn #32 Sceptile used Leech Seed! U.b evaded the attack! --------------------------------- U.b used Baton Pass! DarkRP sent out Nidoq (Lv.100 Nidoqueen)! 加血x2 --------------------------------- U.b's Wish came true! Nidoq regained health! Nidoq's Leftovers restored its HP a little! Nidoq's health is sapped by Leech Seed! End of turn #32 DarkRP's Nidoq: 241 HP felipesagiro's Sceptile: 100% HP Begin Turn #33 Sceptile used Leech Seed! Nidoq evaded the attack! --------------------------------- Nidoq used Attract! 再試rp~ Sceptile fell in love! --------------------------------- Nidoq's Leftovers restored its HP a little! Nidoq's health is sapped by Leech Seed! End of turn #33 DarkRP's Nidoq: 218 HP felipesagiro's Sceptile: 100% HP Begin Turn #34 Sceptile is in love with Nidoq! Sceptile used Protect! 失敗OTL Sceptile protected itself! --------------------------------- Nidoq used Sludge Bomb! Sceptile protected itself! 又來OTL --------------------------------- Nidoq's Leftovers restored its HP a little! Nidoq's health is sapped by Leech Seed! End of turn #34 DarkRP's Nidoq: 195 HP felipesagiro's Sceptile: 100% HP Begin Turn #35 Sceptile is in love with Nidoq! Sceptile is immobilized by love! --------------------------------- Nidoq used Sludge Bomb! The Substitute took damage for Sceptile! Sceptile's Substitute faded! It's super effective! --------------------------------- Nidoq's Leftovers restored its HP a little! Nidoq's health is sapped by Leech Seed! End of turn #35 DarkRP's Nidoq: 172 HP felipesagiro's Sceptile: 100% HP Begin Turn #36 Sceptile is in love with Nidoq! Sceptile used Substitute! 失敗OTL Sceptile made a Substitute! --------------------------------- Nidoq used Sludge Bomb! The Substitute took damage for Sceptile! Sceptile's Substitute faded! It's super effective! --------------------------------- Sceptile's Leftovers restored its HP a little! Nidoq's Leftovers restored its HP a little! Nidoq's health is sapped by Leech Seed! End of turn #36 DarkRP's Nidoq: 149 HP felipesagiro's Sceptile: 97% HP Begin Turn #37 DarkRP withdrew Nidoq! 讓小的出來吸收一下經驗XD DarkRP sent out V.p (Lv.100 Vileplume)! 出來吧~ --------------------------------- Sceptile used Substitute! Sceptile made a Substitute! --------------------------------- Sceptile's Leftovers restored its HP a little! V.p's Leftovers restored its HP a little! End of turn #37 DarkRP's V.p: 176 HP felipesagiro's Sceptile: 78% HP Begin Turn #38 Sceptile used Thunderpunch! (31 damage) It's not very effective... --------------------------------- V.p used Aromatherapy! A soothing aroma wafted through the area! --------------------------------- Sceptile's Leftovers restored its HP a little! V.p's Leftovers restored its HP a little! End of turn #38 DarkRP's V.p: 163 HP felipesagiro's Sceptile: 84% HP Begin Turn #39 Sceptile used Thunderpunch! (30 damage) It's not very effective... --------------------------------- V.p used Giga Drain! The Substitute took damage for Sceptile! It's not very effective... Sceptile had its energy drained! --------------------------------- Sceptile's Leftovers restored its HP a little! V.p's Leftovers restored its HP a little! End of turn #39 DarkRP's V.p: 170 HP felipesagiro's Sceptile: 90% HP Begin Turn #40 Sceptile used Thunderpunch! (28 damage) It's not very effective... --------------------------------- V.p used Giga Drain! The Substitute took damage for Sceptile! Sceptile's Substitute faded! It's not very effective... Sceptile had its energy drained! --------------------------------- Sceptile's Leftovers restored its HP a little! V.p's Leftovers restored its HP a little! End of turn #40 DarkRP's V.p: 176 HP felipesagiro's Sceptile: 96% HP felipesagiro: =p 有自信是好事來的(大家請留意=]) Begin Turn #41 Sceptile used Leech Seed! 一直在等這一下
V.p evaded the attack! --------------------------------- V.p used Sleep Powder! 來吧=v= Sceptile fell asleep! --------------------------------- Sceptile's Leftovers restored its HP a little! V.p's Leftovers restored its HP a little! End of turn #41 DarkRP's V.p: 194 HP felipesagiro's Sceptile: 100% HP (Slp) DarkRP: =p 串 Begin Turn #42 DarkRP withdrew V.p! DarkRP sent out K.d (Lv.100 Kingdra)! --------------------------------- Sceptile is fast asleep. --------------------------------- K.d's Leftovers restored its HP a little! End of turn #42 DarkRP's K.d: 279 HP felipesagiro's Sceptile: 100% HP (Slp) Begin Turn #43 Sceptile is fast asleep. --------------------------------- K.d used Ice Beam! (100% damage) A critical hit! 省了一回~ It's super effective! Sceptile fainted! End Battle! DarkRP wins! Score: 5 to 0 DarkRP: gg felipesagiro: nd NetBattle v0.9.6 Log saved 10/16/2006 at 7:27:25 PM
Begin Turn #2 Heracross used Swords Dance! Heracross's Attack sharply rose! --------------------------------- G.r used Hidden Power! (100% damage) It's super effective! 他無視了HP =] Heracross fainted! felipesagiro sent out Exeggutor (Lv.100 Exeggutor)! --------------------------------- G.r's Leftovers restored its HP a little! End of turn #2 DarkRP's G.r: 290 HP felipesagiro's Exeggutor: 100% HP
[對號入坐]那一場玩玩而已,試下(1) Uber vs (多隻)Uber....[/對號入坐] .....叉包仔那一場有觀戰嗎? ......通通都愛改名=v=