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[比賽] Smogon's Official Ladder Tournament 入圍賽戰報 [XY OU]

發表於 22/10/2014 11:18 PM | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
本帖最後由 John_Yiu 於 28/11/2016 01:21 PM 編輯

小弟最近參加了Smogon一個OU (Overused) 排位比賽, 對戰平台為 Pokemon Showdown
這次比賽共有8個Cycles, 每個cycle完結時於OU 排名頭8名就出線至 64強


小弟成功於cycle 5 中以第8名出線, 當中玩了共99場, 有很多很精彩的對戰



Talonflame (M) @ Sharp Beak
Ability: Gale Wings
EVs: 192 HP / 252 Atk / 64 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Brave Bird
- Swords Dance
- Will-O-Wisp
- Roost


Hippowdon (M) @ Leftovers
Ability: Sand Stream
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 Def
Impish Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Toxic
- Earthquake
- Slack Off


Reuniclus (F) @ Leftovers
Ability: Magic Guard
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpA
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Psyshock
- Calm Mind
- Focus Blast
- Recover


Scizor (M) @ Scizorite
Ability: Light Metal
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 SpD
Careful Nature
- U-turn
- Defog
- Bullet Punch
- Roost


Keldeo @ Choice Specs
Ability: Justified
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 1 Atk / 30 SpA
- Scald
- Hydro Pump
- Secret Sword
- Hidden Power [Electric]


Hydreigon (F) @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Draco Meteor
- Fire Blast
- Dark Pulse
- Focus Blast



LT5X JohnYiu joined.
LT5C Henry joined.

Rated battle
Swagger Clause: Swagger is banned
Baton Pass Clause: Limit one Pokémon knowing Baton Pass
Sleep Clause Mod: Limit one foe put to sleep
Species Clause: Limit one of each Pokémon
OHKO Clause: OHKO moves are banned
Moody Clause: Moody is banned
Evasion Moves Clause: Evasion moves are banned
Endless Battle Clause: Forcing endless battles is banned
HP Percentage Mod: HP is shown in percentages

LT5X JohnYiu's team: Talonflame / Hippowdon / Reuniclus / Scizor / Keldeo / Hydreigon
LT5C Henry's team: Alakazam / Talonflame / Suicune / Ferrothorn / Latios / Landorus-Therian

Battle between LT5X JohnYiu and LT5C Henry started!
Go! Hydreigon!
LT5C Henry sent out Alakazam!

Turn 1
LT5C Henry withdrew Alakazam!
LT5C Henry sent out Ferrothorn!
Hydreigon used Dark Pulse!
The opposing Ferrothorn lost 27.6% of its health!
The opposing Ferrothorn restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Turn 2
Hydreigon, come back!
Go! Talonflame!
The opposing Ferrothorn used Stealth Rock!
Pointed stones float in the air around your team!
The opposing Ferrothorn restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Turn 3
LT5C Henry withdrew Ferrothorn!
LT5C Henry sent out Suicune!
The opposing Suicune is exerting its pressure!
Talonflame used Will-O-Wisp!
The opposing Suicune avoided the attack!

Turn 4
Talonflame, come back!
Go! Reuniclus!
The opposing Suicune used Scald!
Reuniclus lost 23.3% of its health!
Reuniclus restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Turn 5
LT5C Henry withdrew Suicune!
LT5C Henry sent out Landorus-Therian!
The opposing Landorus-Therian intimidates Reuniclus!
Reuniclus's Attack fell!
Reuniclus used Psyshock!
The opposing Landorus-Therian lost 39.4% of its health!
Reuniclus restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Turn 6
LT5S Nelson joined.
The opposing Landorus-Therian used Knock Off!
It's super effective! Reuniclus lost 54.2% of its health!
The opposing Landorus-Therian knocked off Reuniclus's Leftovers!
Reuniclus used Recover!
Reuniclus regained health!

Turn 7
LT5S Nelson:
go henry
LT5C Henry withdrew Landorus-Therian!
LT5C Henry sent out Alakazam!
Reuniclus used Focus Blast!
The opposing Alakazam avoided the attack!

Turn 8
★LT5C Henry:
Reuniclus, come back!
Go! Scizor!
Pointed stones dug into Scizor!
Alakazam has Mega Evolved into Mega Alakazam!
The opposing Alakazam traced Scizor's Light Metal!
The opposing Alakazam used Shadow Ball!
Scizor lost 30.5% of its health!
Scizor's Special Defense fell!

Turn 9
★LT5C Henry:
i keep knocking people down
★LT5C Henry: but i dont think its enough
Scizor has Mega Evolved into Mega Scizor!
The opposing Alakazam used Focus Blast!
Scizor lost 57.0% of its health!
Scizor fainted!
Go! Hydreigon!
Pointed stones dug into Hydreigon!

Turn 10
LT5C Henry withdrew Alakazam (Alakazam-Mega)!
LT5C Henry sent out Suicune!
The opposing Suicune is exerting its pressure!
Hydreigon used Dark Pulse!
The opposing Suicune lost 30.4% of its health!
The opposing Suicune restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Turn 11
Hydreigon used Dark Pulse!
The opposing Suicune lost 30.7% of its health!
The opposing Suicune used Scald!
It's not very effective... Hydreigon lost 14.5% of its health!
The opposing Suicune restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Turn 12
LT5S Nelson: theres 50 mins left
★LT5C Henry: im 1845 rn
★LT5C Henry: i just need to keep winning
LT5S Nelson: yes
LT5S Nelson: 4 battles
LT5S Nelson: and ur in
Hydreigon used Dark Pulse!
The opposing Suicune lost 28.5% of its health!
The opposing Suicune used Scald!
It's not very effective... Hydreigon lost 15.4% of its health!
The opposing Suicune restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Turn 13
Hydreigon used Dark Pulse!
The opposing Suicune lost 28.7% of its health!
The opposing Suicune fainted!
LT5C Henry sent out Ferrothorn!

Turn 14
Hydreigon, come back!
Go! Reuniclus!
The opposing Ferrothorn used Stealth Rock!
But it failed!
The opposing Ferrothorn restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Turn 15
chumped joined.
LT5C Henry withdrew Ferrothorn!
LT5C Henry sent out Talonflame!
Reuniclus used Psyshock!
The opposing Talonflame lost 50.5% of its health!

Turn 16
The opposing Talonflame used Acrobatics!
Reuniclus lost 30.0% of its health!
Reuniclus used Recover!
Reuniclus regained health!

Turn 17
The opposing Talonflame used Swords Dance!
The opposing Talonflame's Attack sharply rose!
Reuniclus used Psyshock!
The opposing Talonflame lost 49.5% of its health!
The opposing Talonflame fainted!
LT5C Henry sent out Alakazam (Alakazam-Mega)!
The opposing Alakazam traced Reuniclus's Magic Guard!

Turn 18
Reuniclus, come back!
Go! Hippowdon!
Pointed stones dug into Hippowdon!
A sandstorm kicked up!
The opposing Alakazam used Substitute!
The opposing Alakazam put in a substitute!
The opposing Alakazam lost 24.7% of its health!
The sandstorm rages.
Hippowdon restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Turn 19
The opposing Alakazam used Psychic!
Hippowdon lost 67.1% of its health!
Hippowdon used Earthquake!
A critical hit! The opposing Alakazam's substitute faded!
The sandstorm rages.
Hippowdon restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Turn 20
The opposing Alakazam used Psychic!
Hippowdon lost 39.0% of its health!
Hippowdon fainted!
The sandstorm rages.
LT5S Nelson: how can ur mega zam has magic guard
LT5S Nelson: and not trace
LT5S Nelson: oh
LT5S Nelson: figured out
LT5S Nelson: my ba
LT5S Nelson: d
Go! Hydreigon!
Pointed stones dug into Hydreigon!

Turn 21
LT5C Henry withdrew Alakazam (Alakazam-Mega)!
LT5C Henry sent out Ferrothorn!
Hydreigon used Dark Pulse!
The opposing Ferrothorn lost 25.6% of its health!
The sandstorm rages.
Hydreigon is buffeted by the sandstorm!
The opposing Ferrothorn restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Turn 22
Hydreigon, come back!
Go! Reuniclus!
The opposing Ferrothorn used Leech Seed!
Reuniclus was seeded!
The sandstorm subsided.
The opposing Ferrothorn restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Turn 23
LT5C Henry withdrew Ferrothorn!
LT5C Henry sent out Alakazam (Alakazam-Mega)!
The opposing Alakazam traced Reuniclus's Magic Guard!
Reuniclus used Calm Mind!
Reuniclus's Special Attack rose!
Reuniclus's Special Defense rose!

Turn 24
The opposing Alakazam used Shadow Ball!
It's super effective! Reuniclus lost 43.4% of its health!
Reuniclus used Psyshock!
It's not very effective... The opposing Alakazam lost 50.2% of its health!

Turn 25
The opposing Alakazam used Shadow Ball!
A critical hit! It's super effective! Reuniclus lost 56.6% of its health!
Reuniclus fainted!
Go! Hydreigon!
Pointed stones dug into Hydreigon!

Turn 26
LT5C Henry withdrew Alakazam (Alakazam-Mega)!
LT5C Henry sent out Latios!
Hydreigon used Dark Pulse!
A critical hit! It's super effective! The opposing Latios lost 100% of its health!
The opposing Latios fainted!
LT5C Henry sent out Ferrothorn!

Turn 27
Hydreigon, come back!
Go! Keldeo!
Pointed stones dug into Keldeo!
The opposing Ferrothorn used Stealth Rock!
But it failed!
The opposing Ferrothorn restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Turn 28
chumped left.
The opposing Ferrothorn used Protect!
The opposing Ferrothorn protected itself!
Keldeo used Secret Sword!
The opposing Ferrothorn protected itself!
The opposing Ferrothorn restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Turn 29
LT5S Nelson:
Keldeo used Secret Sword!
A critical hit! It's super effective! The opposing Ferrothorn lost 90.6% of its health!
The opposing Ferrothorn fainted!
LT5C Henry sent out Alakazam (Alakazam-Mega)!
The opposing Alakazam traced Keldeo's Justified!

Turn 30
The opposing Alakazam used Psychic!
It's super effective! Keldeo lost 93.8% of its health!
Keldeo fainted!
Go! Hydreigon!
Pointed stones dug into Hydreigon!

Turn 31
Hydreigon used Dark Pulse!
It's super effective! The opposing Alakazam lost 25.1% of its health!
The opposing Alakazam fainted!
LT5C Henry sent out Landorus-Therian!
The opposing Landorus-Therian intimidates Hydreigon!
Hydreigon's Attack fell!

Turn 32
BELLICOSTER: henrayy lmop
BELLICOSTER: be modest
Hydreigon used Dark Pulse!
The opposing Landorus-Therian lost 52.8% of its health!
The opposing Landorus-Therian used U-turn!
It's super effective! Hydreigon lost 14.8% of its health!
Hydreigon fainted!
Go! Talonflame!
Pointed stones dug into Talonflame!

Turn 33
Talonflame used Brave Bird!
The opposing Landorus-Therian lost 7.8% of its health!
Talonflame is damaged by recoil!
The opposing Landorus-Therian fainted!

LT5X JohnYiu won the battle!

Ladder updating...

★LT5X JohnYiu: GG
LT5X JohnYiu's rating: 1923 → 1938
(+15 for winning)
LT5C Henry's rating: 1841 → 1826
(-15 for losing)

發表於 30/11/2014 06:02 PM | 只看該作者


世界變太快, 完全追唔上

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 樓主| 發表於 2/12/2014 03:18 AM | 只看該作者
NHC 發表於 30/11/2014 06:02 PM


前個星期已經開始左64強比賽, 佢玩雙敗淘汰賽, 每人輸兩Rounds先出局
我Round 1 輸左, 落左敗組, Round 2 贏, 依家開始緊Round 3, 黎緊星期四朝早10點會打 (配到個好勁ge對手, 應該g_g) ... acket-only.3523124/

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發表於 2/12/2014 07:56 PM | 只看該作者

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 樓主| 發表於 5/12/2014 02:55 PM | 只看該作者

Round 3剛剛打了,輸左,出局了

Game 1 replay 係呢度:

遲d可能就住呢場再發發戰報,因為打到好緊湊,最後因為miss rp彈而輸,好唔抵(其實我應該要出龍昇群+子彈拳就穩贏,不過當時比賽緊ge壓力都令我諗唔到呢一點)

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發表於 5/12/2014 07:29 PM | 只看該作者

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 樓主| 發表於 7/12/2014 12:25 AM | 只看該作者

有個外國pokemon youtuber 錄低左live, 邊睇邊講
Game 1:
Game 2:

另外我都有參加oras ou 比賽, 前兩日贏左round 2, 下星期打round 3

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發表於 7/12/2014 06:58 PM | 只看該作者
本帖最後由 NHC 於 7/12/2014 07:19 PM 編輯

OLT R3: Ben Gay vs JohnxYiu ft Pokeaim AMAAAAZING GAME!


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 樓主| 發表於 7/12/2014 10:15 PM | 只看該作者
NHC 發表於 7/12/2014 06:58 PM
OLT R3: Ben Gay vs JohnxYiu ft Pokeaim AMAAAAZING GAME!


但個youtber分析得好好~ 我聽佢講發現有d位真係做錯左, 我以後會做好d

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發表於 8/12/2014 02:37 PM | 只看該作者

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