本帖最後由 cy_lee96 於 22/4/2010 04:54 PM 編輯
May is a daughter of Gym leader Norman .Her career is coordinator. when her started her tainer'sife,she met Ash and an abnormal pikachu. After they cured Pikachu ,they became friends and traveled ... may_ag 發表於 19/4/2010 10:15 PM May isthedaughter of Gym leader Norman. Her career isacoordinator. Whenshestarted hertrainer's life(或Just at the beginning of her trainer's life, ...),she met Ash and an*abnormal Pikachu. AfterMay and Ashcured Pikachu,May and that Pikachubecame friends,and they started travellingtogether...She was expected to become a trainer ,and followed in her father'sfootstep. However,Had been theassiant(這是什麼字? Assistant?)of Janet in a contest(完全不明白整句的意思),she startedfalling inlovewith thecontest. She decided to become a coordinator. Few daysafter, MayX(has)Xmet Ash, Block andher youngerbrotherMax joinedherjourney. May often quarrelledwith Maxbutin fact, theyactually loved each other. For an example,one day, Max was lost.Mayeven choseto give up her Grand Festival (final contest) in order to find him .
*什麼abnormal?? 你究竟想形容他為什麼? 變態, 不正常, 有問題??? 如你想形容他是獨特的, 你可以用 unique這字 如你想形容他為有病的, 可改用 unwell/ sick/ ill.
總括來說... 錯漏百出... Grammar 錯了很多, 而且記得在每個標點符號後, 隔一格才繼續打。這是一般打英文的標準格式! 還有就是they的用法不夠清晰! 你指theybecame friends...意思是ash 跟may became friends 還是 ash, may+pikachu became friends??? 我卻認為你所想表示的是may+pikachu became friends, 對嗎? 因此幫你改成May and that Pikachu
不過你有決心去嘗試每星期一,三,五寫100字英文, 這是值得鼓勵的!!! 加油!!
PS: Useful website for you: Longman Dictionary http://www.ldoceonline.com/