| Macuilxochit: 砂河馬(1+1), 卡比獸, 符紋鳥, 皮可斯, 青幽水母(1.5), 盔甲鳥(1) = 4.5 Fung: 大鋼蛇, 斗笠菇(2.5), 電燈怪, 巨鉗螳螂(2.5), 寶石海星, 風神(1) = 6 Battle between Fung and Macuilxochit started! Tier: No Preview Ubers Mode: Singles Rule: Unrated Rule: Sleep Clause Rule: Freeze Clause Rule: Species Clause Rule: Self-KO Clause Fung sent out Steelix! (大鋼蛇) Macuilxochit sent out 砂河馬! 砂河馬's Sand Stream whipped up a sandstorm! [GW]Pm is watching the battle. non-face is watching the battle. AfkGG is watching the battle. rainy doll is watching the battle. Start of turn 1 砂河馬 used 石礫! 鋒利的岩石懸浮在Fung隊伍的空中! Fung's Steelix used 石礫! 鋒利的岩石懸浮在Macuilxochit隊伍的空中! The sandstorm rages! Start of turn 2 砂河馬 used 地震! It's super effective! Fung's Steelix lost 34% of its health! Fung's Steelix used 鐵頭槌! 砂河馬 lost 61 HP! (14% of its health) The sandstorm rages! 砂河馬的剩飯使它回復了少量HP! Fung's Steelix的剩飯使它回復了少量HP! Start of turn 3 Fung called Steelix back! Fung sent out Breloom! (斗笠菇) 鋒利的岩石紮進了Fung's Breloom的身體! 砂河馬 used 地震! It's not very effective... Fung's Breloom lost 27% of its health! The sandstorm rages! Fung's Breloom is buffeted by the sandstorm! 砂河馬的剩飯使它回復了少量HP! Start of turn 4 Macuilxochit called 砂河馬 back! Macuilxochit sent out 卡比獸! 鋒利的岩石紮進了卡比獸的身體! Fung's Breloom used 種子機關槍! 卡比獸 lost 64 HP! (12% of its health) 卡比獸 lost 70 HP! (13% of its health) 卡比獸 lost 72 HP! (13% of its health) 卡比獸 lost 66 HP! (12% of its health) [GD]Crazy_Doot is watching the battle. Hit 4 times! The sandstorm rages! Fung's Breloom is buffeted by the sandstorm! 卡比獸 is buffeted by the sandstorm! 卡比獸的剩飯使它回復了少量HP! Start of turn 5 Macuilxochit called 卡比獸 back! Macuilxochit sent out 符紋鳥! Fung's Breloom used 發勁! It's not very effective... A critical hit! 符紋鳥 lost 68 HP! (19% of its health) The sandstorm rages! Fung's Breloom is buffeted by the sandstorm! 符紋鳥的火焰珠發動了! 符紋鳥 was burned! Start of turn 6 Fung called Breloom back! Fung sent out Lanturn! (電燈怪) 鋒利的岩石紮進了Fung's Lanturn的身體! 符紋鳥 used 精神轉移! The attack of 符紋鳥 missed! The sandstorm rages! Fung's Lanturn is buffeted by the sandstorm! Fung's Lanturn的剩飯使它回復了少量HP! Start of turn 7 Macuilxochit called 符紋鳥 back! Macuilxochit sent out 皮可斯! Fung's Lanturn used 沸水! 皮可斯 lost 75 HP! (19% of its health) The sandstorm rages! Fung's Lanturn is buffeted by the sandstorm! Fung's Lanturn的剩飯使它回復了少量HP! 皮可斯的劇毒珠發動了! 皮可斯 was badly poisoned! Start of turn 8 Fung called Lanturn back! Fung sent out Steelix! (大鋼蛇) 鋒利的岩石紮進了Fung's Steelix的身體! 皮可斯 used 空元氣! It's not very effective... Fung's Steelix lost 8% of its health! The sandstorm rages! Fung's Steelix的剩飯使它回復了少量HP! Start of turn 9 Macuilxochit called 皮可斯 back! Macuilxochit sent out 砂河馬! 鋒利的岩石紮進了砂河馬的身體! Fung's Steelix used 鐵頭槌! 砂河馬 lost 64 HP! (15% of its health) The sandstorm rages! 砂河馬的剩飯使它回復了少量HP! Fung's Steelix的剩飯使它回復了少量HP! Start of turn 10 Macuilxochit called 砂河馬 back! Macuilxochit sent out 符紋鳥! Fung's Steelix used 地震! It had no effect! The sandstorm rages! Fung's Steelix的剩飯使它回復了少量HP! Start of turn 11 Fung called Steelix back! Fung sent out Lanturn! (電燈怪) 鋒利的岩石紮進了Fung's Lanturn的身體! 符紋鳥 used 精神轉移! 符紋鳥把異常狀態轉移到了Fung's Lanturn身上! Fung's Lanturn was burned! The sandstorm rages! Fung's Lanturn is buffeted by the sandstorm! Fung's Lanturn的剩飯使它回復了少量HP! Fung's Lanturn is hurt by its burn! 符紋鳥的火焰珠發動了! 符紋鳥 was burned! Start of turn 12 Macuilxochit called 符紋鳥 back! Macuilxochit sent out 皮可斯! Fung's Lanturn used 沸水! 皮可斯 lost 75 HP! (19% of its health) The sandstorm rages! Fung's Lanturn is buffeted by the sandstorm! Fung's Lanturn的剩飯使它回復了少量HP! Fung's Lanturn is hurt by its burn! Start of turn 13 Fung called Lanturn back! Fung sent out Scizor! (巨鉗螳螂) 鋒利的岩石紮進了Fung's Scizor的身體! 皮可斯 used 火焰放射! It's super effective! Fung's Scizor lost 87% of its health! Fung's Scizor fainted! The sandstorm rages! Macuilxochit: = = Fung sent out Breloom! (斗笠菇) 鋒利的岩石紮進了Fung's Breloom的身體! Start of turn 14 Macuilxochit called 皮可斯 back! Macuilxochit sent out 符紋鳥! Fung's Breloom used 種子機關槍! It's not very effective... 符紋鳥 lost 31 HP! (8% of its health) 符紋鳥 lost 33 HP! (9% of its health) 符紋鳥 lost 30 HP! (8% of its health) 符紋鳥 lost 31 HP! (8% of its health) 符紋鳥 lost 27 HP! (7% of its health) Hit 5 times! The sandstorm rages! Fung's Breloom is buffeted by the sandstorm! Start of turn 15 Fung called Breloom back! Fung sent out Starmie! (寶石海星) 鋒利的岩石紮進了Fung's Starmie的身體! 符紋鳥 used 鳥羽棲息! 符紋鳥著陸了! 符紋鳥回復了HP! The sandstorm rages! Fung's Starmie is buffeted by the sandstorm! Start of turn 16 Macuilxochit called 符紋鳥 back! Macuilxochit sent out 皮可斯! Fung's Starmie used 衝浪! 皮可斯 lost 153 HP! (38% of its health) Fung's Starmie因為生命玉而受到了傷害! The sandstorm rages! Fung's Starmie is buffeted by the sandstorm! Start of turn 17 Macuilxochit called 皮可斯 back! Macuilxochit sent out 青幽水母! 鋒利的岩石紮進了青幽水母的身體! Fung's Starmie used 衝浪! 青幽水母's 蓄水 absorbs the attack! The sandstorm rages! Fung's Starmie is buffeted by the sandstorm! 青幽水母 is buffeted by the sandstorm! 青幽水母的剩飯使它回復了少量HP! Start of turn 18 Fung called Starmie back! Fung sent out Lanturn! (電燈怪) 鋒利的岩石紮進了Fung's Lanturn的身體! 青幽水母 used 衝浪! It's not very effective... Fung's Lanturn lost 10% of its health! The sandstorm rages! Fung's Lanturn is buffeted by the sandstorm! 青幽水母 is buffeted by the sandstorm! Fung's Lanturn的剩飯使它回復了少量HP! 青幽水母的剩飯使它回復了少量HP! Fung's Lanturn is hurt by its burn! Start of turn 19 Macuilxochit called 青幽水母 back! Macuilxochit sent out 皮可斯! Fung's Lanturn used 伏特變換! 皮可斯 lost 69 HP! (17% of its health) Fung called Lanturn back! Fung sent out Breloom! (斗笠菇) 鋒利的岩石紮進了Fung's Breloom的身體! The sandstorm rages! Fung's Breloom is buffeted by the sandstorm! Start of turn 20 Macuilxochit called 皮可斯 back! Macuilxochit sent out 符紋鳥! Fung's Breloom used 種子機關槍! It's not very effective... 符紋鳥 lost 30 HP! (8% of its health) 符紋鳥 lost 33 HP! (9% of its health) 符紋鳥 lost 31 HP! (8% of its health) 符紋鳥 lost 27 HP! (7% of its health) Hit 4 times! The sandstorm rages! Fung's Breloom is buffeted by the sandstorm! Start of turn 21 Fung's Breloom used 種子機關槍! It's not very effective... 符紋鳥 lost 30 HP! (8% of its health) 符紋鳥 lost 28 HP! (8% of its health) 符紋鳥 lost 30 HP! (8% of its health) 符紋鳥 lost 28 HP! (8% of its health) Hit 4 times! 符紋鳥 used 吹飛! 鋒利的岩石紮進了Fung's Tornadus的身體! Fung's Tornadus強制上場! The sandstorm rages! Fung's Tornadus is buffeted by the sandstorm! Start of turn 22 Macuilxochit called 符紋鳥 back! Macuilxochit sent out 皮可斯! Fung's Tornadus used 花式飛行! Fung's Tornadus的C:飛屬性珠寶 提升了花式飛行的力量! 皮可斯 lost 22 HP! (5% of its health) 皮可斯 fainted! The sandstorm rages! Fung's Tornadus is buffeted by the sandstorm! Macuilxochit sent out 砂河馬! 鋒利的岩石紮進了砂河馬的身體! Start of turn 23 Fung's Tornadus used 挑撥! 砂河馬被挑撥了! 砂河馬 used 石刃! It's super effective! Fung's Tornadus lost 63% of its health! Fung's Tornadus fainted! The sandstorm rages! 砂河馬的剩飯使它回復了少量HP! Fung sent out Starmie! (寶石海星) 鋒利的岩石紮進了Fung's Starmie的身體! Start of turn 24 Macuilxochit called 砂河馬 back! Macuilxochit sent out 符紋鳥! Fung's Starmie used 衝浪! 符紋鳥 lost 65 HP! (18% of its health) 符紋鳥 fainted! Fung's Starmie因為生命玉而受到了傷害! The sandstorm rages! Fung's Starmie is buffeted by the sandstorm! Macuilxochit sent out 青幽水母! 鋒利的岩石紮進了青幽水母的身體! Start of turn 25 Fung called Starmie back! Fung sent out Lanturn! (電燈怪) 鋒利的岩石紮進了Fung's Lanturn的身體! 青幽水母 used 衝浪! It's not very effective... Fung's Lanturn lost 2% of its health! Fung's Lanturn fainted! The sandstorm rages! 青幽水母 is buffeted by the sandstorm! 青幽水母的剩飯使它回復了少量HP! Fung sent out Breloom! (斗笠菇) 鋒利的岩石紮進了Fung's Breloom的身體! Start of turn 26 Macuilxochit called 青幽水母 back! Macuilxochit sent out 盔甲鳥! 鋒利的岩石紮進了盔甲鳥的身體! Fung's Breloom used 種子機關槍! It's not very effective... 盔甲鳥 lost 6 HP! (1% of its health) 盔甲鳥 lost 6 HP! (1% of its health) 盔甲鳥 lost 7 HP! (2% of its health) Hit 3 times! The sandstorm rages! Fung's Breloom is buffeted by the sandstorm! Start of turn 27 Macuilxochit called 盔甲鳥 back! Macuilxochit sent out 卡比獸! 鋒利的岩石紮進了卡比獸的身體! Fung's Breloom used 蘑菇孢子! 卡比獸 fell asleep! The sandstorm rages! Fung's Breloom is buffeted by the sandstorm! Fung's Breloom fainted! 卡比獸 is buffeted by the sandstorm! 卡比獸的剩飯使它回復了少量HP! Fung sent out Steelix! (大鋼蛇) 鋒利的岩石紮進了Fung's Steelix的身體! Start of turn 28 Macuilxochit called 卡比獸 back! Macuilxochit sent out 青幽水母! 鋒利的岩石紮進了青幽水母的身體! Fung's Steelix used 地震! 青幽水母 lost 105 HP! (25% of its health) The sandstorm rages! 青幽水母 is buffeted by the sandstorm! 青幽水母的剩飯使它回復了少量HP! Fung's Steelix的剩飯使它回復了少量HP! Start of turn 29 青幽水母 used 自我再生! 青幽水母回復了HP! Fung's Steelix used 吼叫! 鋒利的岩石紮進了砂河馬的身體! 砂河馬強制上場! The sandstorm rages! 砂河馬的剩飯使它回復了少量HP! Fung's Steelix的剩飯使它回復了少量HP! Start of turn 30 砂河馬 used 地震! It's super effective! Fung's Steelix lost 32% of its health! Fung's Steelix used 地震! 砂河馬 lost 76 HP! (18% of its health) The sandstorm rages! 砂河馬的剩飯使它回復了少量HP! Fung's Steelix的剩飯使它回復了少量HP! Start of turn 31 砂河馬 used 地震! It's super effective! Fung's Steelix lost 35% of its health! Fung's Steelix used 鐵頭槌! 砂河馬 lost 63 HP! (15% of its health) The sandstorm rages! 砂河馬的剩飯使它回復了少量HP! Fung's Steelix的剩飯使它回復了少量HP! Start of turn 32 砂河馬 used 地震! It's super effective! Fung's Steelix lost 33% of its health! Fung's Steelix fainted! The sandstorm rages! 砂河馬的剩飯使它回復了少量HP! Fung sent out Starmie! (寶石海星) 鋒利的岩石紮進了Fung's Starmie的身體! Start of turn 33 Fung's Starmie used 衝浪! It's super effective! 砂河馬 lost 286 HP! (68% of its health) 砂河馬 fainted! Fung's Starmie因為生命玉而受到了傷害! The sandstorm rages! Fung's Starmie is buffeted by the sandstorm! Macuilxochit sent out 卡比獸! 鋒利的岩石紮進了卡比獸的身體! Start of turn 34 Fung's Starmie used 衝浪! 卡比獸 lost 57 HP! (10% of its health) 卡比獸 fainted! Fung's Starmie因為生命玉而受到了傷害! Fung's Starmie fainted! Macuilxochit won the battle! Macuilxochit: gg |