本帖最後由 華麗制霸者 於 13/4/2010 06:53 PM 編輯
升呢會快D 有D都可以用下,例如大鋼,合金 隻比卡超減特攻加速度卻冇雷神的確悲劇,不過係外國種,容易生出閃光後代 kkcct 發表於 1/11/2009 06:42 PM 我能告訴你們馬志士的比卡超(及其他NPC的)也不會當是外國的精靈 所以国際結婚不能生效
It will not work if both Pokemon are from the same foreign language,even if it is a different language from the game; or if the player uses one of his or her own Pokemon and theMeister'sMagikarporLt. Surge's Pikachu,which are obtained throughin-game trades.