Solutions True /False: 2. The Himalayas is a fold mountain. 喜瑪拉雅山是一座摺曲山。 True. It is folded up when Indo-Australian Plate collides with Eurasian Plate. 正確. 當印度-澳洲板塊與歐亞板塊發生碰撞, 摺曲運動形成了喜瑪拉雅山. 4.國共第一次合作是由於日本侵華。 錯誤. 國共第一次合作是由於北伐軍閥, 第二次合作才是因為日本侵華. 6.The Crusades aimed to recapture Jerusalem. 十字軍東征旨在重奪耶路撒冷。 True. It is a series of religious wars started by the Roman Catholic Church. 正確. 這是一連串由羅馬教庭發起的宗教戰爭. 9. After the Second World War, western powers started to set up colonies in Southeast Asia. 第二次世界大戰後,西方列強開始在東南亞建立殖民地。 False. After WWII, western powers began to withdraw from colonies in Southeast Asia because they faced many internal problems after WWII. 錯誤. 第二次世界大戰後, 西方列強開始撤離東南亞殖民地, 這是因為列強在戰後面對著許多內部問題. 12. 百家爭鳴出現於戰國時代。 正確. 由於戰國時代各國力圖富強, 渴求匡時濟世之法, 紛紛延攬人才, 促使各家學說之興起. 13. People buy more shares when the share prices are increasing. This can be explained by the law of demand. 當股價上升,市民購買股票越多。這可以需求定律解釋。 False. When the share prices are rising, people expect the future price to rise. The demand for shares and therefore the quantity transacted increases. 錯誤. 當股價上升, 市民預料未來股價將繼續上升. 股票需求上升, 所以交易量亦上升. 15. It is better to hold money than assets during inflation. 通脹期間,手持現金比手持資產好。 False. It is better to hold assets than money during inflation because the purchasing power of money decreases while the value of assets increases. 錯誤. 通脹期間, 手持資產比手持現金好, 因為現金的購買力下降, 而資產的價值上升. 16. The development of logistics encourages globalization. 物流業發展促進全球化。 True. The development of logistics promotes convenient communication and transportation among countries. 正確. 物流業發展使國與國之通訊和交通便利. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Multiple Choice : 1. Which of the following is NOT included in the Four Ancient Great Civilizations? 以下哪一個不是四大文明古國之一? A. China 中國 B. Greece 希臘 C. Egypt 埃及 D. India 印度 B. The remaining one is Babylon, Mesopotamia. Each of Four Ancient Great Civilizations developed along a river. These are called riverine civilizations. China - Yellow River (Huanghe); Egypt - River Nile; India - River Ganges; Mesopotamia - River Tigris and River Euphrates 另外一個文明古國是巴比倫, 米索不達米亞. 每個文明古國皆沿著河流發展, 稱為近河文明(?). 中國 - 黃河; 埃及 - 尼羅河; 印度 - 恆河; 米索不達米亞 - 底格拉斯河&幼發拉底河 3. Which of the following descriptions about a tropical rain forest is INCORRECT? 以下哪一項關於熱帶雨林的描述是不正確的? A. Blockage of sunlight by the extended canopy layer hampers the growth of shrubs and undergrowth. 廣闊的樹冠層阻擋陽光,窒礙灌木和地面層的生長。 B. Convection rain is the most common type of rainfall. 最常見的雨是對流雨。 C. The climate is cool and wet. 氣候微涼而潮濕。 D. The existence of climbers is caused by a lack of sunlight under the canopy layer. 攀藤植物的存在是因為樹冠層下陽光不足。 C. The climate is hot because they are located at tropical areas of low latitudes. 氣候炎熱, 因為熱帶雨林位於低緯度之熱帶地區. A is correct because sunlight is necessary for vegetation growth. B is correct because intense heating at tropical areas favours the formation of convection rain. D is correct because climbers try to get more sunlight at higher places. A是正確的, 因為陽光是植被生長必須要的. B是正確的, 因為熱帶地區的猛烈日射有利對流雨的形成. D是正確的, 因為攀藤植物企圖從高處爭取較多陽光. 4. 三面紅旗不包括以下哪一項? A. 總路線 B. 大躍進 C. 大鳴大放 D. 人民公社 C. 大鳴大放是1957年「整風運動」的口號, 鼓吹人民提出批評意見, 其時中共政策尚未傾向反右. 三面紅旗則是1958年的左傾社會主義運動, 在總路線的綱領下, 期望農業及工業大躍進, 並成立人民公社實行共產主義. 5. Which of the following projects is a solution to the drought problem in Huanghe? 以下哪一個工程是解決黃河旱災問題的方法? A. Sanxia Project 三峽工程 B. West-East Power Transmission Project 西電東送 C. South-North Water Transfer Project 南水北調 D. Central Valley Project 中谷計劃 C. The South-North Water Transfer Project transfers excess water from Changjiang to Huanghe to solve the drought problem in the north and the flood problem in the south. 南水北調是把長江的多餘河水運到黃河, 一方面解決北方(黃河)旱災問題, 另一方面解決南方(長江)氾濫問題. A - The Sanxia Project is a multi-purpose project, mainly aiming at solving the flood problem in Changjiang. B - The West-East Power Transmission Project transmits HEP from the west to eastern China in order to cope to the spatial differences between energy production and consumption. D - The Central Valley Project is an irrigation project carried out in South California to supply irrigation water. A - 三峽工程是個多效用計劃, 主要解決長江氾濫問題. B - 西電東送把中國西方的水力發電傳送至東方, 以解決能源製造和消耗的空間差距. D - 中谷計劃是南加州的水利工程, 用以提供灌溉用水. 7. Which of the followings is NOT a greenhouse gas? 以下哪一項不是溫室氣體? A. carbon monoxide 一氧化碳 B. water vapour 水蒸氣 C. methane 甲烷 D. nitrous oxide 一氧化二氮 A. The major type of greenhouse gas is carbon dioxide instead of carbon monoxide. 最主要的溫室氣體是二氧化碳而非一氧化碳. B is correct as water vapour has the ability to trap heat. B是正確的因為水蒸氣有吸熱的能力. 8. Which of the following descriptions about Russia and Soviet Union (USSR) is CORRECT? 以下哪一項關於俄國和蘇聯的描述是正確的? A. Before the October Revolution in 1917, the head of the country was the Kaiser. 在1917年十月革命前,國家的領袖是凱撒。 B. Stalin was the first ruler of the USSR. 史太林是蘇聯的第一個統治者。 C. The USSR formed the Warsaw Pact with the Eastern European countries during the Cold War. 在冷戰時期,蘇聯與東歐國家成立了華沙公約。 D. Gorbachev overthrew Yeltsin's rule and became the President of Russia after the breakup of the USSR. 戈爾巴喬夫推翻葉利欽統治,在蘇聯解體後成為俄國總統。 C. The Warsaw Pact was formed to counterbalance the NATO formed by the capitalist bloc. 華沙公約的成立是用來對抗資本陣營所成立的北大西洋公約組織的. A is wrong because the head of Russia before 1917 was the Czar / Tsar. B is wrong because Lenin was the first ruler of the USSR. D is wrong because Yeltsin overthrew Gorbachev's rule and became the President of Russia in 1991. A是錯誤的, 因為在1917前俄國的領袖是沙皇. B是錯誤的, 因為列寧才是蘇聯的第一個統治者. D是錯誤的, 因為是葉利欽推翻戈爾巴喬夫統治,在1991年成為俄國總統. 11. Which of the following is INCORRECT? 以下哪一項不正確? A. A barber is a tertiary producer. 理髮師是三級生產者。 B. An air-conditioner in a classroom is a capital good. 課室內的冷氣機是資本物品。 C. Reclaimed land is classified as capital. 填海地屬於資本。 D. Division of labour encourages diversification of products. 分工促使貨品多樣化。 D. Division of labour leads to standardization of products due to the possibility of mechanization. 分工引致貨品標準化, 是因為分工有利於機械化. A is correct because a barber is a service provider. B is correct because an air-conditioner in a classroom provides good learning environment, i.e. it assits learning (production). C is correct because reclaimed land involves human effort. (S6 definition: it can generate future income) A是正確的, 因為理髮師是服務提供者. B是正確的, 因為課室內的冷氣提供良好學習環境, 即是輔助學習(這是生產). C是正確的, 因為填海地包含人為努力. (中六定義: 它能產生未來的收入) 15. Which of the following is an indirect tax? 以下哪一項是間接稅? A. sales tax 銷售稅 B. salaries tax 薪俸稅 C. profits tax 利得稅 D. property tax 物業稅 A. A sales tax is an indirect tax because the tax burden can be shifted to other consumers. 銷售稅是一項間接稅, 因為這個稅項的負擔可轉嫁其他消費者. The other three taxes are directly taxed on the person. They are the only direct taxes in Hong Kong. 其餘三項稅收皆直接向個人收取. 香港只有這三項稅收是直接稅. 17. Who opened the door of Tokugawa Japan in 1853? 誰於1853年打開了德川日本的大門? A. Perry 培里 B. Ilipoo 伊里布 C. Li Hongzhang 李鴻章 D. Churchill 邱吉爾 A. American Commodore, Perry, broke to sakoku policy of Tokugawa Japan in the hope of exploiting the resources of Japan. 美國海軍准將, 培里, 打破了德川日本的鎖國政策, 以剝削利用日本的資源. B is wrong. Ilipoo was an Imperial Commissioner of Britain sent to China to arrange the Treaty of Humen in 1843. C is wrong. Li Hongzhang, regarding his diplomatic role, was the Chinese representative sent to Japan to sign the Treaty of Shimonoseki in 1895. D. is wrong. Winston Churchill was the British Prime Minister from 1940 to 1945 and from 1951 to 1955. B是錯誤的. 伊里布是英國於1843年派往中國安排簽訂虎門條約的欽差大臣. C是錯誤的. 李鴻章, 在外交角色上, 是1895年中國差往日本簽訂馬關條約的代表. D是錯誤的. 邱吉爾是1940至1945, 以及1951至1955年間的英國首相. *一切答案解釋以英文為準, 如有中文誤譯請指正 *** 這次的表現也很理想啊 是題目太容易了? 還是文科題目容易找答案? 還是大家都很聰明XD? 我已經盡量誤導大家的了(被揍), 看來下次可變本加厲(大誤) 我倒想看看理科人對的這次出的文科題目的看法, 我自己是文科人, 評論不會太客觀吧 我看理科的題目... 基本上沒一兩題懂的 @@" [ 本帖最後由 zubat 於 25/4/2008 06:51 PM 編輯 ] |