原帖由 比超仔 於 29/1/2008 11:53 PM 發表 既然Endothermic= breaking bond 那Exothermic 即是Endothermic相反???formation of bond?? 但好像又不是.....formation of bond不需要energy嗎...= =" 想想thermit reaction,highly exothermic and explosive...但要靠heating/burning 去activate 但初時都需要heat 去activate 這個過程不計算在內的嗎 Elements tend to stay in the lower energy (more stable) form. Using Cl2 as an example here: A Cl atom is not having an octet structure, and it wants to gain a more stable form. When two Cl atoms meet, they share the valence electron and form a more stable compound Cl2 with a Cl-Cl bond Since lower energy means more stable, Cl2, with a Cl-Cl bond is of lower energy than a Cl atom. This means energy is released during formation of bonds. 爛中文版: 以Cl2 為例,Cl atom 不是 octet, 所以粒 valence electron 會想react 去變得更穩定 當兩粒Cl atom走近時,兩者都因想變得更穩定( 及 octect)而react,造出Cl2 ( Cl2 中有Cl-Cl bond) 現在在Cl2 中,兩粒Cl atom都已是octet,較穩定 (Lower energy) 所以制bond時會發熱. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 在說exothermic 與endothermic 時,我們是不會理process的 exothermic 與endothermic取決於enthalpy (暫時理解為Energy吧,亦以下圖的[delta]E 代表 ....但正式的是H,不是E的) Enthalpy 是state function,意指他只顧及最初與最後的energy,中間有多少升降都不會理會 用Heating 去Activate 時,那Heating 給的Energy 叫activation energy(Ea),亦是指中間的升降物 加張圖好了:今次字極醜
reaction多會有這樣的energy curve,會有升有降,於這類圖中可見Ea及[delta]E [delta] E 是個state function,所以不用理會progress,只計reaction的頭及尾 上圖的energy profile都是1-step reactions來的 [ 本帖最後由 fish 於 30/1/2008 05:29 AM 編輯 ] |