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樓主: dolphin_ice
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發表於 20/6/2005 03:48 AM | 只看該作者
2.Transistor係做咩ga? base 同common又有咩用?
Transistor can be used in making IC.
Base and Common are the ports of the Transistor.

3. 點解circuit入面Voltage increase, Current Increase; 但係transporting electricity果時Voltage increase, Current Decrease?
By V=IR,
if the circuit component doesnt change  i.e. R is constant,
than V increase, I increase,
eg. when R = 100ohm
100V = 1A x 100Ohm
1000V = 10A x 100Ohm

When Transporting electricity,
the power(energy carried) of the electricity is the same,
100 = 100 x 1
100 = 10 x 10  etc

4. Circuit個Charge同Stactic個Charge係1樣定唔同? If唔同﹐有咩唔同?
More or less the same.
The main difference is that,
electrons in electrostatic is static,
but in complete circuit, they flow around the circuit.

[ Last edited by 鬼鬼 on 2005-6-20 at 03:51 AM ]

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 樓主| 發表於 21/6/2005 04:02 PM | 只看該作者
Oh I see~

thanks :D

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