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[單打] [釣魚帖]Smogon UU 戰報集

發表於 23/8/2014 06:50 PM | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
本帖最後由 E4 於 23/8/2014 07:13 PM 編輯

釣魚帖 想看看村落還有沒有人玩Smogon

第六世代的Smogon UU比上一代多了十分多實力強勁的精靈,而很多都是因為OU過於殘酷的對戰環境而導致使用率不足,跌至UU。例子有大呆獸、烈焰猴、魯卡利奧、三頭龍、佛烈托斯等等。而這一代惡系的強勢也導致不少超能力卅鬼系精靈慘被丟棄,巨金怪、基拉祈、寶石海星、水晶燈火靈便因此掉到UU,人造細胞卵甚至因而在UU也不受青睞,跌至RU級別。有鑒於此,我亦不妨使用UU級別中打落威力最高的惡系精靈Mega阿勃梭魯,其優秀物攻和速度種族值經常都能幫我在對方隊伍中打開缺口,而同樣優秀的特攻和變化招式也可以被利用於破掉對方物理盾牌,再加上魔法反射特性便於防釘子,也能令對方使用異常狀態招式時需再三考慮。我則選擇了打落卅突襲卅大字燒卅鬼火的配搭,以免對付地面系盾牌時顯得過於無力。

UU一向是眾多火系精靈大展拳腳的地方,而在使用率排名中,就有8隻精靈居於前列位置 (奉神犬、水晶燈火靈、達摩狒狒、炎帝、Mega黑魯加、烈焰猴、微波爐洛托姆、比克提尼),且多為簡單暴力一輩。因此,我故意把全隊隊伍成員都設為不怕火的精靈,亦因此沒有使用任何鋼系精靈,至於抵抗火系的精靈則用了三隻,各負責對抗不同火系精靈的威脅。



先說說此篇戰報的來由:筆者在Pokemon Showdown的UU channel裏偶爾碰著管理員發起了淘汰賽,第一次參與UU級別淘汰賽的我糊塗就裡地從第一輪以這隊連勝4場到了決賽,卻在決賽用破壞光線立方獸Z主題隊輸掉了。這篇是半決賽的戰報。

xMarth's team:Ampharos / Jirachi / Gligar / Hydreigon / Cobalion / Victini
b4winds's team:Absol / Swampert / Crobat / Rotom-Heat / Florges / Kingdra


Battle between xMarth and b4winds started!

Go! Victini!

b4winds sent out Crobat!


Turn 1

The opposing Crobat used Brave Bird!
Victini lost 39.9% of its health!
The opposing Crobat is damaged by recoil!

Victini used Trick!
Victini switched items with its target!
The opposing Crobat obtained one Choice Band.
Victini obtained one Black Sludge.

Victini is hurt by its Black Sludge!

Turn 2

Victini, come back!

Go! Jirachi!

The opposing Crobat used Brave Bird!
It's not very effective... Jirachi lost 26.2% of its health!
The opposing Crobat is damaged by recoil!

Jirachi restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Turn 3
b4winds withdrew Crobat!

b4winds sent out Rotom-Heat!

Jirachi used U-turn!
It's not very effective... The opposing Rotom-Heat lost 7.9% of its health!

Jirachi went back to xMarth!

Go! Ampharos!

The opposing Rotom-Heat restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Turn 4
Ampharos has Mega Evolved into Mega Ampharos!
Ampharos breaks the mold!

The opposing Rotom-Heat used Will-O-Wisp!
Ampharos was burned!

Ampharos used Volt Switch!
It's not very effective... The opposing Rotom-Heat lost 24.0% of its health!
Duskt70 joined.

Ampharos went back to xMarth!

Go! Victini!

Victini is hurt by its Black Sludge!
The opposing Rotom-Heat restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Turn 5

b4winds withdrew Rotom-Heat!

b4winds sent out Swampert!

Victini used Trick!
Victini switched items with its target!
The opposing Swampert obtained one Black Sludge.
Victini obtained one Leftovers.

Victini restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
The opposing Swampert is hurt by its Black Sludge!
Turn 6

Victini used U-turn!
The opposing Swampert lost 18.8% of its health!

Victini went back to xMarth!

Go! Hydreigon!

The opposing Swampert used Stealth Rock!
Pointed stones float in the air around your team!

The opposing Swampert is hurt by its Black Sludge!
Turn 7

b4winds withdrew Swampert!

b4winds sent out Florges!

Hydreigon used U-turn!
It's not very effective... The opposing Florges lost 7.8% of its health!

Hydreigon went back to xMarth!

Go! Gligar!
Pointed stones dug into Gligar!

The opposing Florges restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Turn 8

b4winds withdrew Florges!

b4winds sent out Rotom-Heat!

Gligar used Defog!
The opposing Rotom-Heat's evasiveness fell!
The pointed stones disappeared from around your team!

The opposing Rotom-Heat restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Turn 9

Gligar, come back!

Go! Ampharos (Ampharos-Mega)!
Ampharos breaks the mold!

The opposing Rotom-Heat used Thunder Wave!
But it failed!

The opposing Rotom-Heat restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Ampharos was hurt by its burn!
Turn 10
The opposing Rotom-Heat used Volt Switch!
It's not very effective... Ampharos lost 7.1% of its health!

The opposing Rotom-Heat went back to b4winds!

b4winds sent out Swampert!

Ampharos used Heal Bell!
A bell chimed!

The opposing Swampert is hurt by its Black Sludge!
Turn 11

Ampharos used Dragon Pulse!
The opposing Swampert lost 44.1% of its health!

The opposing Swampert fainted!

b4winds sent out Florges!
Turn 12
b4winds withdrew Florges!

b4winds sent out Absol!

Ampharos, come back!

Go! Jirachi!

Jirachi restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Turn 13
Absol has Mega Evolved into Mega Absol!

The opposing Absol used Sucker Punch!
It's super effective! Jirachi lost 77.2% of its health!

Jirachi used U-turn!
It's super effective! The opposing Absol lost 58.3% of its health!

Jirachi went back to xMarth!

Go! Hydreigon!
Turn 14
b4winds withdrew Absol (Absol-Mega)!

b4winds sent out Florges!

Hydreigon used U-turn!
It's not very effective... The opposing Florges lost 7.8% of its health!

Hydreigon went back to xMarth!

Go! Jirachi!

Jirachi restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
The opposing Florges restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Turn 15
b4winds withdrew Florges!

b4winds sent out Crobat!

Jirachi used Wish!

Jirachi restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Turn 16

Jirachi used Protect!
Jirachi protected itself!

The opposing Crobat used Brave Bird!
Jirachi protected itself!

Jirachi's wish came true!
Jirachi restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Turn 17

b4winds withdrew Crobat!

b4winds sent out Rotom-Heat!

Jirachi used U-turn!
It's not very effective... The opposing Rotom-Heat lost 7.9% of its health!

Jirachi went back to xMarth!

Go! Ampharos (Ampharos-Mega)!
Ampharos breaks the mold!

The opposing Rotom-Heat restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Turn 18
The opposing Rotom-Heat used Volt Switch!
It's not very effective... Ampharos lost 6.5% of its health!

The opposing Rotom-Heat went back to b4winds!

b4winds sent out Florges!

Ampharos used Dragon Pulse!
It doesn't affect the opposing Florges...

The opposing Florges restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Turn 19

b4winds withdrew Florges!

b4winds sent out Rotom-Heat!

Ampharos, come back!

Go! Victini!

Victini restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
The opposing Rotom-Heat restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Turn 20

Victini used U-turn!
It's not very effective... The opposing Rotom-Heat lost 9.9% of its health!

Victini went back to xMarth!

Go! Ampharos (Ampharos-Mega)!
Ampharos breaks the mold!

The opposing Rotom-Heat used Volt Switch!
It's not very effective... Ampharos lost 7.1% of its health!

The opposing Rotom-Heat went back to b4winds!

b4winds sent out Florges!
Turn 21
Ampharos, come back!

Go! Victini!

The opposing Florges used Toxic!
Victini was badly poisoned!

Victini restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Victini was hurt by poison!
Turn 22
Victini, come back!

Go! Cobalion!

The opposing Florges used Protect!
But it failed!
Turn 23
b4winds withdrew Florges!

b4winds sent out Rotom-Heat!

Cobalion used Stealth Rock!
Pointed stones float in the air around the opposing team!

The opposing Rotom-Heat restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Turn 24

Cobalion used Volt Switch!
It's not very effective... The opposing Rotom-Heat lost 6.6% of its health!

Cobalion went back to xMarth!

Go! Ampharos (Ampharos-Mega)!
Ampharos breaks the mold!

The opposing Rotom-Heat used Will-O-Wisp!
Ampharos was burned!

The opposing Rotom-Heat restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Ampharos was hurt by its burn!
Turn 25
The opposing Rotom-Heat used Volt Switch!
It's not very effective... Ampharos lost 7.6% of its health!

The opposing Rotom-Heat went back to b4winds!

b4winds sent out Florges!
Pointed stones dug into the opposing Florges!

Ampharos used Heal Bell!
A bell chimed!

The opposing Florges restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Turn 26
Ampharos, come back!

Go! Victini!

The opposing Florges used Moonblast!
It's not very effective... Victini lost 16.7% of its health!

Victini restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
The opposing Florges restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Turn 27

The opposing Florges used Protect!
The opposing Florges protected itself!

Victini used V-create!
The opposing Florges protected itself!

Victini restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
The opposing Florges restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Turn 28

b4winds withdrew Florges!

b4winds sent out Kingdra!
Pointed stones dug into the opposing Kingdra!

Victini used V-create!
It's not very effective... The opposing Kingdra lost 25.8% of its health!
Victini's Defense fell!
Victini's Special Defense fell!
Victini's Speed fell!

Victini restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Turn 29

Victini, come back!

Go! Hydreigon!

The opposing Kingdra used Dragon Dance!
The opposing Kingdra's Attack rose!
The opposing Kingdra's Speed rose!
Turn 30
b4winds withdrew Kingdra!

b4winds sent out Florges!
Pointed stones dug into the opposing Florges!

Hydreigon used Draco Meteor!
It doesn't affect the opposing Florges...

The opposing Florges restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Turn 31
Hydreigon, come back!

Go! Victini!

The opposing Florges used Wish!

Victini restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
The opposing Florges restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Turn 32
b4winds withdrew Florges!

b4winds sent out Rotom-Heat!
Pointed stones dug into the opposing Rotom-Heat!

Victini used Bolt Strike!
It's not very effective... The opposing Rotom-Heat lost 17.1% of its health!

Florges's wish came true!
Victini restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Turn 33
Victini used U-turn!
It's not very effective... The opposing Rotom-Heat lost 10.5% of its health!

Victini went back to xMarth!

Go! Hydreigon!

The opposing Rotom-Heat used Volt Switch!
It's not very effective... Hydreigon lost 19.7% of its health!

The opposing Rotom-Heat went back to b4winds!

b4winds sent out Florges!
Pointed stones dug into the opposing Florges!

The opposing Florges restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Turn 34
Hydreigon, come back!

Go! Jirachi!

The opposing Florges used Wish!

Jirachi restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
The opposing Florges restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Turn 35
b4winds withdrew Florges!

b4winds sent out Kingdra!
Pointed stones dug into the opposing Kingdra!

Jirachi used Wish!

Florges's wish came true!
Jirachi restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Turn 36
Jirachi used U-turn!
The opposing Kingdra lost 19.6% of its health!

Jirachi went back to xMarth!

Go! Hydreigon!

The opposing Kingdra used Rain Dance!
It started to rain!

Jirachi's wish came true!
Turn 37
Hydreigon, come back!

Go! Jirachi!

The opposing Kingdra used Waterfall!
A critical hit! Jirachi lost 69.8% of its health!

Jirachi restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Turn 38
Jirachi used Protect!
Jirachi protected itself!

The opposing Kingdra used Waterfall!
Jirachi protected itself!

Jirachi restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Turn 39
The opposing Kingdra used Dragon Dance!
The opposing Kingdra's Attack rose!
The opposing Kingdra's Speed rose!

Jirachi used Wish!

Jirachi restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Turn 40
The opposing Kingdra used Dragon Dance!
The opposing Kingdra's Attack rose!
The opposing Kingdra's Speed rose!

Jirachi used U-turn!
The opposing Kingdra lost 20.3% of its health!

Jirachi went back to xMarth!

Go! Ampharos (Ampharos-Mega)!
Ampharos breaks the mold!

The rain stopped.
Jirachi's wish came true!
Turn 41
The opposing Kingdra used Outrage!
It's super effective! Ampharos lost 100% of its health!

Ampharos fainted!

Go! Cobalion!
Turn 42
The opposing Kingdra used Outrage!
It's not very effective... Cobalion lost 40.5% of its health!

Cobalion used Close Combat!
The opposing Kingdra lost 49.8% of its health!
Cobalion's Defense fell!
Cobalion's Special Defense fell!

The opposing Kingdra's rampage ended!
The opposing Kingdra became confused!
Cobalion restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
The opposing Kingdra ate its Lum Berry!
The opposing Kingdra snapped out of confusion!
Turn 43
The opposing Kingdra used Waterfall!
Cobalion lost 65.6% of its health!

Cobalion fainted!

Go! Hydreigon!
Turn 44

Hydreigon, come back!

Go! Gligar!

The opposing Kingdra used Outrage!
Gligar lost 51.4% of its health!
Turn 45
The opposing Kingdra used Outrage!
Gligar lost 36.1% of its health!

Gligar fainted!

Go! Jirachi!
Turn 46

The opposing Kingdra used Outrage!
It's not very effective... Jirachi lost 38.6% of its health!

Jirachi fainted!

The opposing Kingdra's rampage ended!
The opposing Kingdra became confused!

Go! Hydreigon!
Turn 47
The opposing Kingdra is confused!

The opposing Kingdra used Outrage!
It's super effective! Hydreigon lost 100% of its health!

Hydreigon fainted!

Go! Victini!
Turn 48
The opposing Kingdra is confused!

The opposing Kingdra used Outrage!
Victini lost 61.9% of its health!

Victini fainted!

b4winds won the battle!

一場以互相爭持開首的戰鬥以刺龍王一隻清掉對方六隻結束,顯出其作為強化攻擊手的價值。現時在UU中的刺龍王大多是Scope Lens+Focus Energy的100%命中要害狙擊手類型,也很好地替刺龍王自我掩護。實戰上經常遇到對手對著刺龍王換出幸福蛋就是證據。



發表於 24/8/2014 08:48 PM | 只看該作者
原來現時的uu有這麼多過去的強怪啊 期待更多戰報

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