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發表於 3/2/2006 09:10 PM | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
主要是想測試pokemon XD 新增的技能效果如何

[ 本帖最後由 剎那 於 2006-2-3 09:12 PM 編輯 ]
發表於 3/2/2006 09:50 PM | 只看該作者
原帖由 剎那 於 2006-2-3 09:10 PM 發表
主要是想測試pokemon XD 新增的技能效果如何


汗死我 , snorlax的"特別用途"就是個爆牆

沒有被物攻x3的metagross打死 , 我吃了一驚o.Olll


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 樓主| 發表於 3/2/2006 10:01 PM | 只看該作者
原帖由 可愛的兔兒 於 2006-2-3 09:50 PM 發表


汗死我 , snorlax的"特別用途"就是個爆牆

沒有被物攻x3的metagross打 ...




[ 本帖最後由 剎那 於 2006-2-3 10:37 PM 編輯 ]

使用道具 舉報

發表於 3/2/2006 10:29 PM | 只看該作者
為何我Download了的Net Battle玩不到?

使用道具 舉報

發表於 3/2/2006 10:54 PM | 只看該作者
為何我Download了的Net Battle玩不到?
<< The software is only for xp 英文版...
solution :

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發表於 3/2/2006 11:38 PM | 只看該作者
原帖由 剎那 於 2006-2-3 10:01 PM 發表




我在team builder找不到snorlax有自爆等技=.=!?


使用道具 舉報

發表於 4/2/2006 10:00 AM | 只看該作者
原帖由 可愛的兔兒 於 2006-2-3 11:38 PM 發表

我在team builder找不到snorlax有自爆等技=.=!?


要調到Moderator模式才能學(Selfdistruct--->DB Moves)

使用道具 舉報

發表於 4/2/2006 10:37 AM | 只看該作者
  Added move Morning Sun.
  Added move Nightmare.
  Added move Baton Pass.
  Added move Refresh.
  Cannot have moves Refresh and Air Cutter at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Refresh and Faint Attack at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Refresh and Foresight at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Refresh and Pursuit at the same time.
  Added move Refresh.
  Cannot have moves Refresh and Air Cutter at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Refresh and Faint Attack at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Refresh and Foresight at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Refresh and Pursuit at the same time.
  Added move Refresh.
  Cannot have moves Refresh and Bite at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Refresh and Flame Wheel at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Refresh and Fury Swipes at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Refresh and Reversal at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Refresh and Screech at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Refresh and Uproar at the same time.
  Added move Baton Pass.
  Cannot have moves Baton Pass and Astonish at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Baton Pass and Faint Attack at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Baton Pass and False Swipe at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Baton Pass and Quick Attack at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Baton Pass and Scary Face at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Baton Pass and Sky Attack at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Baton Pass and Tri Attack at the same time.
  Added move Baton Pass.
  Cannot have moves Baton Pass and Astonish at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Baton Pass and Faint Attack at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Baton Pass and False Swipe at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Baton Pass and Quick Attack at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Baton Pass and Scary Face at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Baton Pass and Sky Attack at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Baton Pass and Tri Attack at the same time.
  Added move Refresh.
  Cannot have moves Refresh and Beat Up at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Refresh and Poison Fang at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Refresh and Pursuit at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Refresh and Slam at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Refresh and Spite at the same time.
  Added move Charm.
  Cannot have moves Charm and Disable at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Charm and Faint Attack at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Charm and Flail at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Charm and Howl at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Charm and Hypnosis at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Charm and Spite at the same time.
  Added move Charm.
  Cannot have moves Charm and Disable at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Charm and Faint Attack at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Charm and Flail at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Charm and Howl at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Charm and Hypnosis at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Charm and Spite at the same time.
  Added move Nightmare.
  Added move Nightmare.
  Added move Refresh.
  Cannot have moves Refresh and Flail at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Refresh and Light Screen at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Refresh and Psybeam at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Refresh and Pursuit at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Refresh and Screech at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Refresh and Sweet Scent at the same time.
  Added move Refresh.
  Cannot have moves Refresh and Flail at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Refresh and Light Screen at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Refresh and Psybeam at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Refresh and Pursuit at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Refresh and Screech at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Refresh and Sweet Scent at the same time.
  Added move Refresh.
  Cannot have moves Refresh and Baton Pass at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Refresh and Screech at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Refresh and Signal Beam at the same time.
  Added move Charm.
  Cannot have moves Charm and Ancientpower at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Charm and Beat Up at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Charm and Faint Attack at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Charm and Pursuit at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Charm and Screech at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Charm and Uproar at the same time.
  Added move Sing.
  Cannot have moves Sing and Amnesia at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Sing and Assist at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Sing and Charm at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Sing and Hypnosis at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Sing and Petal Dance at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Sing and Spite at the same time.
  Added move Sing.
  Cannot have moves Sing and Amnesia at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Sing and Assist at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Sing and Charm at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Sing and Hypnosis at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Sing and Petal Dance at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Sing and Spite at the same time.
  Added move Charm.
  Cannot have moves Charm and Cross Chop at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Charm and Foresight at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Charm and Future Sight at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Charm and Hypnosis at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Charm and Light Screen at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Charm and Mud Sport at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Charm and Psybeam at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Charm and Psychic at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Charm and Refresh at the same time.
  Added move Helping Hand.
  Cannot have moves Helping Hand and Beat Up at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Helping Hand and Foresight at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Helping Hand and Meditate at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Helping Hand and Revenge at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Helping Hand and Smellingsalt at the same time.
  Added move Charm.
  Cannot have moves Charm and Crunch at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Charm and Fire Spin at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Charm and Heat Wave at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Charm and Howl at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Charm and Safeguard at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Charm and Thrash at the same time.
  Added move Charm.
  Cannot have moves Charm and Crunch at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Charm and Fire Spin at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Charm and Heat Wave at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Charm and Howl at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Charm and Safeguard at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Charm and Thrash at the same time.
  Added move Helping Hand.
  Cannot have moves Helping Hand and Bubblebeam at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Helping Hand and Haze at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Helping Hand and Ice Ball at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Helping Hand and Mist at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Helping Hand and Splash at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Helping Hand and Sweet Kiss at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Helping Hand and Water Sport at the same time.
  Added move Morning Sun.
  Cannot have moves Morning Sun and Encore at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Morning Sun and Ingrain at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Morning Sun and Leech Life at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Morning Sun and Reflect at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Morning Sun and Synthesis at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Morning Sun and Teeter Dance at the same time.
  Added move Morning Sun.
  Cannot have moves Morning Sun and Encore at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Morning Sun and Ingrain at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Morning Sun and Leech Life at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Morning Sun and Reflect at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Morning Sun and Synthesis at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Morning Sun and Teeter Dance at the same time.
  Added move Baton Pass.
  Cannot have moves Baton Pass and Charm at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Baton Pass and Double Kick at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Baton Pass and Flame Wheel at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Baton Pass and Hypnosis at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Baton Pass and Thrash at the same time.
  Added move Nightmare.
  Added move Nightmare.
  Added move Refresh.
  Added move Baton Pass.
  Cannot have moves Baton Pass and Curse at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Baton Pass and Featherdance at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Baton Pass and Flail at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Baton Pass and Foresight at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Baton Pass and Gust at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Baton Pass and Mirror Move at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Baton Pass and Quick Attack at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Baton Pass and Wish at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Baton Pass and Yawn at the same time.
  Added move Sky Attack.
  Added move Baton Pass.
  Added move Sky Attack.
  Cannot have moves Baton Pass and Endeavor at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Baton Pass and Faint Attack at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Baton Pass and Flail at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Baton Pass and Haze at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Baton Pass and Quick Attack at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Baton Pass and Supersonic at the same time.
  Added move Helping Hand.
  Cannot have moves Helping Hand and Disable at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Helping Hand and Encore at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Helping Hand and Fake Out at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Helping Hand and Horn Drill at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Helping Hand and Icicle Spear at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Helping Hand and Lick at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Helping Hand and Perish Song at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Helping Hand and Slam at the same time.
  Added move Helping Hand.
  Cannot have moves Helping Hand and Disable at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Helping Hand and Encore at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Helping Hand and Fake Out at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Helping Hand and Horn Drill at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Helping Hand and Icicle Spear at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Helping Hand and Lick at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Helping Hand and Perish Song at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Helping Hand and Slam at the same time.
  Added move Helping Hand.
  Cannot have moves Helping Hand and Curse at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Helping Hand and Haze at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Helping Hand and Imprison at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Helping Hand and Lick at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Helping Hand and Mean Look at the same time.
  Added move Helping Hand.
  Cannot have moves Helping Hand and Curse at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Helping Hand and Haze at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Helping Hand and Imprison at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Helping Hand and Lick at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Helping Hand and Mean Look at the same time.
  Added move Refresh.
  Added move Selfdestruct.
  Cannot have moves Refresh and Barrier at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Refresh and Bubblebeam at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Refresh and Icicle Spear at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Refresh and Rapid Spin at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Refresh and Screech at the same time.
  Added move Refresh.
  Added move Selfdestruct.
  Cannot have moves Refresh and Barrier at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Refresh and Bubblebeam at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Refresh and Icicle Spear at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Refresh and Rapid Spin at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Refresh and Screech at the same time.
  Added move Selfdestruct.
  Added move Nightmare.
  Added move Nightmare.
  Added move Selfdestruct.
  Added move Nightmare.
  Added move Selfdestruct.
  Added move Selfdestruct.
  Added move Nightmare.
  Added move Baton Pass.
  Added move Nightmare.
  Cannot have moves Baton Pass and Assist at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Baton Pass and Barrier at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Baton Pass and Belly Drum at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Baton Pass and Role Play at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Baton Pass and Wish at the same time.
  Added move Refresh.
  Added move Refresh.
  Added move Selfdestruct.
  Added move Nightmare.
  Added move Refresh.
  Added move Selfdestruct.
  Added move Nightmare.
  Cannot have moves Refresh and Curse at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Refresh and Ingrain at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Refresh and Moonlight at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Refresh and Sweet Scent at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Refresh and Synthesis at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Refresh and Wish at the same time.
  Added move Sing.
  Cannot have moves Sing and Ancientpower at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Sing and Belly Drum at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Sing and Perish Song at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Sing and Screech at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Sing and Skull Bash at the same time.
  Added move Refresh.
  Cannot have moves Refresh and Mach Punch at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Refresh and Rapid Spin at the same time.
  Added move Helping Hand.
  Cannot have moves Helping Hand and Hi Jump Kick at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Helping Hand and Mind Reader at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Helping Hand and Rapid Spin at the same time.
  Added move Helping Hand.
  Added move Nightmare.
  Cannot have moves Helping Hand and Belly Drum at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Helping Hand and Curse at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Helping Hand and Heal Bell at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Helping Hand and Magnitude at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Helping Hand and Smellingsalt at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Helping Hand and Wish at the same time.
  Added move Helping Hand.
  Cannot have moves Helping Hand and Crunch at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Helping Hand and Crush Claw at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Helping Hand and Curse at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Helping Hand and Magnitude at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Helping Hand and Reversal at the same time.
  Added move Sweet Kiss.
  Cannot have moves Sweet Kiss and Aromatherapy at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Sweet Kiss and Heal Bell at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Sweet Kiss and Present at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Sweet Kiss and Sweet Scent at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Sweet Kiss and Wish at the same time.
  Added move Morning Sun.
  Cannot have moves Morning Sun and Amnesia at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Morning Sun and Confusion at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Morning Sun and Flail at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Morning Sun and Leech Seed at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Morning Sun and Nature Power at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Morning Sun and Reflect at the same time.
  Added move Sing.
  Cannot have moves Sing and Crush Claw at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Sing and Disable at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Sing and Focus Energy at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Sing and Foresight at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Sing and Safeguard at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Sing and Stomp at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Sing and Wish at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Sing and Yawn at the same time.
  Added move Nightmare.
  Added move Refresh.
  Added move Nightmare.
Mr. Mime:
  Added move Follow Me.
  Added move Nightmare.
  Cannot have moves Follow Me and Fake Out at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Follow Me and Future Sight at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Follow Me and Hypnosis at the same time.
  Added move Morning Sun.
  Cannot have moves Morning Sun and Baton Pass at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Morning Sun and Light Screen at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Morning Sun and Razor Wind at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Morning Sun and Reversal at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Morning Sun and Safeguard at the same time.
  Added move Nightmare.
  Added move Follow Me.
  Cannot have moves Follow Me and Barrier at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Follow Me and Karate Chop at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Follow Me and Meditate at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Follow Me and Rolling Kick at the same time.
  Added move Follow Me.
  Cannot have moves Follow Me and Barrier at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Follow Me and Karate Chop at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Follow Me and Mega Punch at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Follow Me and Screech at the same time.
  Added move Helping Hand.
  Cannot have moves Helping Hand and Faint Attack at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Helping Hand and Flail at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Helping Hand and Fury Attack at the same time.
  Added move Refresh.
  Added move Heal Bell.
  Added move Nightmare.
  Cannot have moves Heal Bell and Curse at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Heal Bell and Dragon Dance at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Heal Bell and Foresight at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Heal Bell and Horn Drill at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Heal Bell and Refresh at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Heal Bell and Tickle at the same time.
  Added move Nightmare.
  Added move Selfdestruct.
  Added move Refresh.
  Added move Selfdestruct.
  Cannot have moves Refresh and Charm at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Refresh and Lick at the same time.
  Added move Heal Bell.
  Added move Extrasensory.
  Added move Haze.
  Added move Sky Attack.
  Added move Extrasensory.
  Added move Metal Sound.
  Added move Baton Pass.
  Added move Sky Attack.
  Added move Extrasensory.
  Added move Will-O-Wisp.
  Added move Morning Sun.
  Added move Sky Attack.
  Added move Heal Bell.
  Cannot have moves Heal Bell and Dragonbreath at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Heal Bell and Haze at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Heal Bell and Light Screen at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Heal Bell and Mist at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Heal Bell and Supersonic at the same time.
  Added move Faint Attack.
  Added move Zap Cannon.
  Added move Trick.
  Added move Hypnosis.
  Added move Fake Out.
  Added move Night Shade.
  Added move Selfdestruct.
  Added move Sky Attack.
  Added move Nightmare.
  Added move Frenzy Plant.
  Cannot have moves Frenzy Plant and Flail at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Frenzy Plant and Grasswhistle at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Frenzy Plant and Ingrain at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Frenzy Plant and Leech Seed at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Frenzy Plant and Nature Power at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Frenzy Plant and Vine Whip at the same time.
  Added move Frenzy Plant.
  Cannot have moves Frenzy Plant and Flail at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Frenzy Plant and Grasswhistle at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Frenzy Plant and Ingrain at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Frenzy Plant and Leech Seed at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Frenzy Plant and Nature Power at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Frenzy Plant and Vine Whip at the same time.
  Added move Frenzy Plant.
  Cannot have moves Frenzy Plant and Flail at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Frenzy Plant and Grasswhistle at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Frenzy Plant and Ingrain at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Frenzy Plant and Leech Seed at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Frenzy Plant and Nature Power at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Frenzy Plant and Vine Whip at the same time.
  Added move Blast Burn.
  Cannot have moves Blast Burn and Covet at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Blast Burn and Crush Claw at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Blast Burn and Foresight at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Blast Burn and Fury Swipes at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Blast Burn and Howl at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Blast Burn and Thrash at the same time.
  Added move Blast Burn.
  Cannot have moves Blast Burn and Covet at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Blast Burn and Crush Claw at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Blast Burn and Foresight at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Blast Burn and Fury Swipes at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Blast Burn and Howl at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Blast Burn and Thrash at the same time.
  Added move Blast Burn.
  Cannot have moves Blast Burn and Covet at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Blast Burn and Crush Claw at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Blast Burn and Foresight at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Blast Burn and Fury Swipes at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Blast Burn and Howl at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Blast Burn and Thrash at the same time.
  Added move Hydro Cannon.
  Cannot have moves Hydro Cannon and Ancientpower at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Hydro Cannon and Dragon Claw at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Hydro Cannon and Mud Sport at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Hydro Cannon and Thrash at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Hydro Cannon and Water Sport at the same time.
  Added move Hydro Cannon.
  Cannot have moves Hydro Cannon and Ancientpower at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Hydro Cannon and Dragon Claw at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Hydro Cannon and Mud Sport at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Hydro Cannon and Thrash at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Hydro Cannon and Water Sport at the same time.
  Added move Hydro Cannon.
  Cannot have moves Hydro Cannon and Ancientpower at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Hydro Cannon and Dragon Claw at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Hydro Cannon and Mud Sport at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Hydro Cannon and Thrash at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Hydro Cannon and Water Sport at the same time.
  Added move Refresh.
  Cannot have moves Refresh and Bide at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Refresh and Silver Wind at the same time.
  Added move Refresh.
  Cannot have moves Refresh and Bide at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Refresh and Silver Wind at the same time.
  Added move Refresh.
  Cannot have moves Refresh and Baton Pass at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Refresh and Disable at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Refresh and Psybeam at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Refresh and Pursuit at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Refresh and Sonicboom at the same time.
  Added move Refresh.
  Cannot have moves Refresh and Baton Pass at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Refresh and Disable at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Refresh and Psybeam at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Refresh and Pursuit at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Refresh and Sonicboom at the same time.
  Added move Nightmare.
  Added move Tri Attack.
  Cannot have moves Tri Attack and Foresight at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Tri Attack and Future Sight at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Tri Attack and Mirror Move at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Tri Attack and Peck at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Tri Attack and Present at the same time.
  Added move Tri Attack.
  Cannot have moves Tri Attack and Foresight at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Tri Attack and Future Sight at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Tri Attack and Mirror Move at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Tri Attack and Peck at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Tri Attack and Present at the same time.
  Added move Baton Pass.
  Added move Nightmare.
  Added move Sky Attack.
  Cannot have moves Baton Pass and Drill Peck at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Baton Pass and Faint Attack at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Baton Pass and Featherdance at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Baton Pass and Haze at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Baton Pass and Quick Attack at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Baton Pass and Refresh at the same time.
  Added move Baton Pass.
  Added move Nightmare.
  Added move Sky Attack.
  Cannot have moves Baton Pass and Drill Peck at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Baton Pass and Faint Attack at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Baton Pass and Featherdance at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Baton Pass and Haze at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Baton Pass and Quick Attack at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Baton Pass and Refresh at the same time.
  Added move Heal Bell.
  Cannot have moves Heal Bell and Charge at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Heal Bell and Odor Sleuth at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Heal Bell and Reflect at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Heal Bell and Safeguard at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Heal Bell and Screech at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Heal Bell and Take Down at the same time.
  Added move Heal Bell.
  Cannot have moves Heal Bell and Charge at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Heal Bell and Odor Sleuth at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Heal Bell and Reflect at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Heal Bell and Safeguard at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Heal Bell and Screech at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Heal Bell and Take Down at the same time.
  Added move Heal Bell.
  Cannot have moves Heal Bell and Charge at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Heal Bell and Odor Sleuth at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Heal Bell and Reflect at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Heal Bell and Safeguard at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Heal Bell and Screech at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Heal Bell and Take Down at the same time.
  Added move Nightmare.
  Added move Refresh.
  Added move Selfdestruct.
  Cannot have moves Refresh and Flail at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Refresh and Sand Tomb at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Refresh and Swift at the same time.
  Added move Refresh.
  Added move Selfdestruct.
  Cannot have moves Refresh and Flail at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Refresh and Sand Tomb at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Refresh and Swift at the same time.
  Added move Selfdestruct.
  Added move Morning Sun.
  Cannot have moves Morning Sun and Baton Pass at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Morning Sun and Light Screen at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Morning Sun and Razor Wind at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Morning Sun and Reversal at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Morning Sun and Safeguard at the same time.
  Added move Refresh.
  Cannot have moves Refresh and Crunch at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Refresh and Take Down at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Refresh and Yawn at the same time.
  Added move Refresh.
  Cannot have moves Refresh and Crunch at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Refresh and Take Down at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Refresh and Yawn at the same time.
  Added move Selfdestruct.
  Added move Refresh.
  Added move Selfdestruct.
  Cannot have moves Refresh and Acid Armor at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Refresh and Heat Wave at the same time.
  Added move Charm.
  Cannot have moves Charm and Bite at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Charm and Icicle Spear at the same time.
  Added move Charm.
  Cannot have moves Charm and Bite at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Charm and Icicle Spear at the same time.
  Added move Sky Attack.
  Added move Charm.
  Cannot have moves Charm and Beat Up at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Charm and Fire Spin at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Charm and Pursuit at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Charm and Rage at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Charm and Reversal at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Charm and Spite at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Charm and Will-O-Wisp at the same time.
  Added move Charm.
  Cannot have moves Charm and Beat Up at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Charm and Fire Spin at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Charm and Pursuit at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Charm and Rage at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Charm and Reversal at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Charm and Spite at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Charm and Will-O-Wisp at the same time.
  Added move Nightmare.
  Added move Sweet Kiss.
  Cannot have moves Sweet Kiss and Aromatherapy at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Sweet Kiss and Heal Bell at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Sweet Kiss and Present at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Sweet Kiss and Sweet Scent at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Sweet Kiss and Wish at the same time.
  Added move Nightmare.
  Added move Nightmare.
  Added move Nightmare.
  Added move Featherdance.
  Added move Psycho Boost.
  Added move Nightmare.
  Added move Heal Bell.
  Cannot have moves Heal Bell and Astonish at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Heal Bell and Covet at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Heal Bell and Leer at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Heal Bell and Yawn at the same time.
  Added move Heal Bell.
  Cannot have moves Heal Bell and Astonish at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Heal Bell and Covet at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Heal Bell and Leer at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Heal Bell and Yawn at the same time.
  Added move Refresh.
  Cannot have moves Refresh and Amnesia at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Refresh and False Swipe at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Refresh and Leech Seed at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Refresh and Quick Attack at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Refresh and Razor Wind at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Refresh and Take Down at the same time.
  Added move Refresh.
  Cannot have moves Refresh and Amnesia at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Refresh and False Swipe at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Refresh and Leech Seed at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Refresh and Quick Attack at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Refresh and Razor Wind at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Refresh and Take Down at the same time.
  Added move Refresh.
  Cannot have moves Refresh and Amnesia at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Refresh and False Swipe at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Refresh and Leech Seed at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Refresh and Quick Attack at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Refresh and Razor Wind at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Refresh and Take Down at the same time.
  Added move Baton Pass.
  Cannot have moves Baton Pass and Featherdance at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Baton Pass and Mirror Move at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Baton Pass and Pursuit at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Baton Pass and Rage at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Baton Pass and Refresh at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Baton Pass and Sky Attack at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Baton Pass and Supersonic at the same time.
  Added move Sing.
  Added move Nightmare.
  Cannot have moves Sing and Charm at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Sing and Destiny Bond at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Sing and Disable at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Sing and Mean Look at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Sing and Memento at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Sing and Will-O-Wisp at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Sing and Wish at the same time.
  Added move Sing.
  Added move Nightmare.
  Cannot have moves Sing and Charm at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Sing and Destiny Bond at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Sing and Disable at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Sing and Mean Look at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Sing and Memento at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Sing and Will-O-Wisp at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Sing and Wish at the same time.
  Added move Sing.
  Added move Nightmare.
  Cannot have moves Sing and Charm at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Sing and Destiny Bond at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Sing and Disable at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Sing and Mean Look at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Sing and Memento at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Sing and Will-O-Wisp at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Sing and Wish at the same time.
  Added move Refresh.
  Cannot have moves Refresh and Charm at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Refresh and Fake Tears at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Refresh and Helping Hand at the same time.
  Added move Refresh.
  Cannot have moves Refresh and Charm at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Refresh and Fake Tears at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Refresh and Helping Hand at the same time.
  Added move Refresh.
  Cannot have moves Refresh and Cross Chop at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Refresh and Detect at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Refresh and Faint Attack at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Refresh and Foresight at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Refresh and Helping Hand at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Refresh and Revenge at the same time.
  Added move Refresh.
  Cannot have moves Refresh and Cross Chop at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Refresh and Detect at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Refresh and Faint Attack at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Refresh and Foresight at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Refresh and Helping Hand at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Refresh and Revenge at the same time.
  Added move Helping Hand.
  Added move Selfdestruct.
  Cannot have moves Helping Hand and Magnitude at the same time.
  Added move Sweet Kiss.
  Cannot have moves Sweet Kiss and Baton Pass at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Sweet Kiss and Fake Tears at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Sweet Kiss and Helping Hand at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Sweet Kiss and Pay Day at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Sweet Kiss and Tickle at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Sweet Kiss and Uproar at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Sweet Kiss and Wish at the same time.
  Added move Helping Hand.
  Added move Nightmare.
  Cannot have moves Helping Hand and Moonlight at the same time.
  Added move Sing.
  Cannot have moves Sing and Ancientpower at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Sing and Poison Fang at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Sing and Tickle at the same time.
  Added move Refresh.
  Cannot have moves Refresh and Crunch at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Refresh and Curse at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Refresh and Headbutt at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Refresh and Swift at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Refresh and Uproar at the same time.
  Added move Sweet Kiss.
  Added move Nightmare.
  Cannot have moves Sweet Kiss and Cotton Spore at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Sweet Kiss and Pin Missile at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Sweet Kiss and Spikes at the same time.
  Added move Sing.
  Added move Selfdestruct.
  Added move Nightmare.
  Cannot have moves Sing and Acid Armor at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Sing and Pain Split at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Sing and Smog at the same time.
  Added move Sing.
  Added move Selfdestruct.
  Added move Nightmare.
  Cannot have moves Sing and Acid Armor at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Sing and Pain Split at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Sing and Smog at the same time.
  Added move Refresh.
  Cannot have moves Refresh and Hydro Pump at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Refresh and Thrash at the same time.
  Added move Refresh.
  Cannot have moves Refresh and Hydro Pump at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Refresh and Thrash at the same time.
  Added move Charm.
  Cannot have moves Charm and Howl at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Charm and Scary Face at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Charm and Stomp at the same time.
  Added move Charm.
  Cannot have moves Charm and Howl at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Charm and Scary Face at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Charm and Stomp at the same time.
  Added move Nightmare.
  Added move Sky Attack.
  Added move Heal Bell.
  Added move Sky Attack.
  Cannot have moves Heal Bell and Agility at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Heal Bell and False Swipe at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Heal Bell and Haze at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Heal Bell and Pursuit at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Heal Bell and Rage at the same time.
  Added move Refresh.
  Cannot have moves Refresh and Curse at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Refresh and Double Kick at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Refresh and Flail at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Refresh and Razor Wind at the same time.
  Added move Baton Pass.
  Added move Selfdestruct.
  Added move Baton Pass.
  Added move Selfdestruct.
  Added move Refresh.
  Added move Refresh.
  Added move Nightmare.
  Added move Helping Hand.
  Added move Nightmare.
  Cannot have moves Helping Hand and Astonish at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Helping Hand and Destiny Bond at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Helping Hand and Disable at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Helping Hand and Foresight at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Helping Hand and Imprison at the same time.
  Added move Helping Hand.
  Added move Nightmare.
  Cannot have moves Helping Hand and Destiny Bond at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Helping Hand and Faint Attack at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Helping Hand and Grudge at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Helping Hand and Imprison at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Helping Hand and Memento at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Helping Hand and Pain Split at the same time.
  Added move Helping Hand.
  Added move Nightmare.
  Cannot have moves Helping Hand and Destiny Bond at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Helping Hand and Faint Attack at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Helping Hand and Grudge at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Helping Hand and Imprison at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Helping Hand and Memento at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Helping Hand and Pain Split at the same time.
  Added move Sing.
  Added move Selfdestruct.
  Cannot have moves Sing and Block at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Sing and Spikes at the same time.
  Added move Sing.
  Added move Selfdestruct.
  Cannot have moves Sing and Block at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Sing and Spikes at the same time.
  Added move Charm.
  Cannot have moves Charm and Curse at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Charm and Fissure at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Charm and Spit Up at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Charm and Stockpile at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Charm and Swallow at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Charm and Water Sport at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Charm and Yawn at the same time.
  Added move Charm.
  Cannot have moves Charm and Curse at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Charm and Fissure at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Charm and Spit Up at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Charm and Stockpile at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Charm and Swallow at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Charm and Water Sport at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Charm and Yawn at the same time.
  Added move Charm.
  Cannot have moves Charm and Curse at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Charm and Fissure at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Charm and Spit Up at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Charm and Stockpile at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Charm and Swallow at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Charm and Water Sport at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Charm and Yawn at the same time.
  Added move Refresh.
  Cannot have moves Refresh and Dragon Rage at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Refresh and Hydro Pump at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Refresh and Iron Defense at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Refresh and Thrash at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Refresh and Twister at the same time.
  Cannot have moves Refresh and Wish at the same time.
  Added move Refresh.
  Added move Refresh.
  Added move Selfdestruct.
  Added move Selfdestruct.

雲雞的技能就是heal bell麼?

[ 本帖最後由 可愛的兔兒 於 2006-2-4 10:56 AM 編輯 ]

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 樓主| 發表於 4/2/2006 10:57 AM | 只看該作者
原帖由 可愛的兔兒 於 2006-2-4 10:37 AM 發表

雲雞的技能就是heal bell麼?

這個刪掉吧- -

使用道具 舉報

發表於 4/2/2006 11:07 AM | 只看該作者
原帖由 剎那 於 2006-2-4 10:57 AM 發表

這個刪掉吧- -


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