最近開貼好密,,請大家見諒…… matching concept究竟係咩黎架呢.. 又要有expense又要有revenue ?? 點解depreciation for fixed assets is a application of matching concept. 唔係應該係prudence concept 架咩? 由於fixed assets 每年會有損耗..所以我地要提供depreciation比佢先唔會高估左佢既價值,,完全切合prudence concept喎 = = " " 我唔知幾時用matching concept. 同埋呢accrual concept states that revenues and expenses are recognized in the profit and loss account for the period in which they have beenearned or incurred,not when they are received or paid. 紅色字唔知佢講咩=.= ... thx |