An electronic structure of an atom should have 18 electrons as the maximum no. in the third shell and 2(4^2) electrons as the maximum no. in the fourth shell(I hope my concept is right),but why the electrons formed in the 3rd shell again after two electrons are formed in the 4th shell?Why not just leave the 3rd shell and continue in the 4th shell? Please help me~
[ Last edited by secret on 2005-12-31 at 09:45 AM ]
Originally posted by oscar at 2005-12-29 11:29 PM: 當我讀Atom Electronic Arrangement既時候,我都問過我個呀sir 不過我而家唔係好記得... 大約係話咩第19粒atom放入第4個shell個electrons會stable d... (應該唔o岩...)
Originally posted by secret at 2005-12-29 08:59 PM: An electronic struture of an atom should have 18 electrons as the maximum no. in the third shell and 2(4^2) electrons as the maximum no. in the fourth shell(I hope my concept is right),but why the ...
中6問題。 你可以揀唔知。
Concept: (I'll answer your question later. Read this one first so you can understand more)
The electron arrangements in the atom are not only divided into shells.
Shells can be divided into sub-shells There are 4 types of sub-shells: s, p, d & f
The first shell has 1 sub-shell: s an S sub-shell can hold 2 electrons. So the first shell can hold 2 electrons.
2nd shell has 2 sub-shells: s, p a P sub-shell can hold 6 electrons. So the 2nd shell can hold 8 electrons.
D sub-shell can hold 10 electrons. So 3rd shell can hold 18 eletrons.
ANSWER: 關鍵在於,eletron排列方式,係由低level ge sub-shell排起,而唔係由shell 排起。 由低能量至高能量排,會係咁: