You can put four Team Magma's/Aqua's Ball and four Team Magma/Aqua Conspirator in to your deck in order to solve Team Magma's Groundon/Team Aqua's Kyogue's pokebody problem.
I think there is an mistake made by Eric. After looking at the card, I think Team Aqua's Kyogue can only attack when you have 4 Team Aqua's pokemon in play. (Which means counting Team Aqua's Kyogue, you need to have at least 3 Team Aqua's pokemon in your bench in order to let Team Aqua's Kyogue to attack.)
[ Last edited by rogergeot on 2004-4-9 at 11:24 AM ]
Originally posted by rogergeot at 2004-4-7 13:55: You can put four Team Magma's/Aqua's Ball and four Team Magma/Aqua Conspirator in to your deck in order to solve Team Magma's Groundon/Team Aqua's Kyogue's pokebody problem.