| 近來溫書溫到超爆悶, 故搞d咁ge野比人玩下 全MC! 1. 為何紫外線對細胞有害? Why is UV radiation harmful to cells? a) 會在細胞核鑽洞 Pokes holes in the nucleus b) 使水份子震動漲破細胞 Makes water molecules vibrate and burst the cells c) 會更改DNA Causes mutations in DNA. 2. 貓和狗那一個較適合短跑? Are cats better at sprinting or dogs? a) 貓 cats b) 狗 dogs c) 一樣 the same 3. 以下那一種鳥類的視力最佳? Which of the following is best at sight? a) 駝鳥 Ostrich b) 鷹 Eagle c) 企鵝 Penguin 4. 貓頭鷹的耳朵不對稱, 一上一下. 為什麼? Owl's ears are asymmetrical, one higher than the other. Why is this? a) 這樣看起來特別些 It looks more interesting this way b) 這樣看起來好看些 It looks nicer this way c) 這樣能使貓頭應分別聲音的上下來源 This allows the owl to distinguish whether the sound is from below or above. 5. 蜂鳥每秒拍翼15~80次, 水母則0.5秒收縮一次. 以上2者的生活節奏的差別那麼大是因為? Humming birds flap their wings 15~80 times per second, whilst jellyfish contract once every 0.5 seconds. Why is there such a difference in their speed? a) 水母沒有腦 Jellyfish don't have brains b) 蜂鳥的神經系統傳遞訊息較快 Humming bird's nerves transfer messages quicker. c) 蜂鳥較崇尚香港人的生活方式 Humming birds prefer the way of life of Hong Kong people. 6. 珊瑚白化的其中一個原因是? One of the reasons why corals bleach is... a) 溫室效應 Greenhouse effect b) 綠屋效應 Green House effect c) 蝴蝶效應 Butterfly effect 7. 何謂染色體? What is a chromosome? a) 染了色的物體 A dyed object b) 細胞分裂前出現的含DNA物質 Material that contains DNA which appears before cell division c) 細胞平時有的DNA物質 Material that contains DNA which exists when the cell is not dividing. 8. 加拉巴哥群島是研究進化論的勝地, 所以又叫... Galapagos Islands is a great place to investigate evolution, so it is also called... a) 逹爾文之島 Darwin's Islands b) 逹文西之島 Da Vinci's Islands c) 海豚冰之島 Dolphin Ice's Islands 9. 蛋白質由什麼組成? What does proteins consist of? a) 笨蛋, 白痴, 神經質 Stupidity, sillyness, sensitiveness b) 氨基酸 amino acids c) 核酸 nucleic acids 10. 碳水化合物不包括... Carbohydrates does not include... a) 澱粉質 starch b) 類固醇 steroid c) 蔗糖 sucrose [ 本帖最後由 dolphin_ice 於 14/11/2007 07:17 PM 編輯 ] |