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校園學術加分活動[2011 Summer]

發表於 1/8/2011 12:52 AM | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
 樓主| 發表於 1/8/2011 12:53 AM | 只看該作者
本帖最後由 fish 於 20/8/2011 12:18 AM 編輯


1. [文學] 漢樂府詩《戰城南》的中心思想是?
A. 抒發對戰爭的不滿
B. 鼓勵國家出征
C. 抒發對敵國的痛恨
D. 以上皆否

2. [其他 Others] 日本語文法問題:「日曜日休。____、行。」
A.     B.     C.     D. 

3. [生物 Biology] 以下哪項不是三羧酸循環的直接作用?
Which of the following is NOT a direct function of TCA Cycle?
A. 製造出合成氨基酸的前驅物 To generate precursors for amino acid synthesis
B. 製造還原劑 To generate reducing powers
C. 製造出合成核酸的前驅物 To generate precursors for nucleic acid synthesis
D. 製造ATP或GTP To generate ATP or GTP

4. [經濟 Economics] 國內生產凈值不能大於國內生產總值。
The net domestic product must not be greater than the gross domestic product.
A. 正確True
B. 錯誤 False

5. [中文] 詩經《鄭風‧子衿》首句「青青子衿」,句中的「子衿」使用了什麼修詞手法?
A. 比喻
B. 借代
C. 用典
D. 頂真

6. [化學 Chemistry] 同等質量的石墨和鑽石有著同等的標準燃燒焓變。
The standard enthalpy change of combustion of same masses of graphite and diamond are equal.
A. 正確True
B. 錯誤 False

7. [生物 Biology] 以下哪種細胞的線粒體數目密度是最低的?
Which of the following cell types has the lowest density of mitochondria in the cell?
A. 肝臟細胞 Liver cell
B. 神經細胞 Nerve cell
C. 肌肉細胞 Muscle cell
D. 紅血球 Red blood cell

8. [物理 Physics]  下哪個描述與由非常遠的太陽射向你的光線最為相乎?
Which of the following description best describes the light shining on you from the sun which is very, very far away from the earth?
A. 平衡光線 Parallel ray
B. 平衡光束 Parallel beam
C. 發散射線 Divergent ray
D. 發散光束 Divergent beam

9. [歷史 History] 「欲征服世界,必先征服中國;欲征服中國,必先征服滿蒙。」是誰提出的?
"In order to conquer the whole China, Manchuria and Mongolia should be conquered first. In order to conquer the whole world, China should be conquered first." Who proposed such an idea?
A. 田中義一 Tanaka Giichi
B. 北一輝 Kita Ikki
C. 東條英機 Tojo Hideki
D. 田中角榮 Tanaka Kakuei

10. [地理 Geography] 以下哪一項不是市場導向工業?
Which of the following is NOT a market-oriented industry?
A. 報業 Newspaper industry
B. 果汁工業 Juice industry  
C. 汽車工業 Car assembling industry
D. 造紙業 Pulp industry

11. [化學 Chemistry] 以下哪項最難溶於水?
Which of the following is the least soluble in water?
A. NaCl
B. PbCl2
C. MgCl2
D. ZnCl2

12. [物理 Physics] 一塊鏡子與水平線成30°。當入射線水平進入鏡子後,求光線的反射角:
A mirror is placed at an angle 30° with the horizontal. What is the reflected angle of the light ray if the incident ray is hit on the mirror horizontally?
A. 0°
B. 15°
C. 30°
D. 60°

13. [數學 mathematics] x^3 + x^2 - 6x = 0, find x
A. -6, 1, or 3
B. -2, 0, or 3
C. -3, 0, or 2
D. -3, -1, or 6

14. [經濟 Economics] 根據邊際報酬遞減定律,假設其他因素不變的情況之下,如果不停地增加投入可變要素, 而固定要素卻一直不變的話,邊際產量會先升而後跌。
According to the law of diminishing marginal returns, when variable factors are continuously added to a given quantity of fixed factors, the marginal product will increase then decrease, ceteris paribus.
A. 正確 True
B. 錯誤 False

15. [文學] 曹操《短歌行》中,引用了什麼典故?
A) 漢樂府詩《戰城南》
B) 莊子《庖丁解牛》
C) 詩經《鄭風‧子衿》
D) 詩經《秦風‧蒹葭》

16. [生物 Biology] 女性的飲食要求在何時會對於鈣質的需求上升? A woman’s dietary requirement of calcium increases
A. 經期期間 during menstruation
B. 懷孕第一週 in the first week of pregnancy
C. 分娩開始後 at the onset of labour
D. 哺乳期間 during the breast-feeding period

17. [電腦 Computer] 以下那個是使用藍芽而不用WiFi傳送檔案的好處?
A. 檔案傳送率更高
B. 更低的能量消耗
C. 更多機器支援藍芽
D. 可同時傳送多個檔案

18. [中文] 以下哪項是褒義詞?

19. [English] If we're ever going to get out of here in time, we're going to re-write all these papers, set up the desks, and clean the chalkboards; stack those books in the corner and clean up the mess around the wastebasket; notify security about the broken window, the thermostat that Raoul messed up, and the desk that was stolen before we even got there.

The option which best describes the sentence is:
A. There is nothing wrong with the structure of this sentence.
B. Run-on: the sentence should be broken into three smaller sentences.
C. Fragment: although the sentence is very long, it's missing a verb string.
D. Run-on: change those two semicolons to commas.

20. [經濟 Economics] 有限合夥清盤時,以下那類持分者擁有最優先的索償權?
Which of the the following stakeholders have the highest priority of payment upon the liquidation of a limited partnership?
A. 受擔保的債券持有人 Secured bondholders
B. 僱員 Employees
C. 優先股股東 Preference shareholders
D. 清盤人 Liquidators

21. [化學 Chemistry] 芳香性化合物如是苯有毒的, 所以我們的細胞沒有芳香性化合物
Aromatic compounds like benzene and phenol are toxic; therefore, our cells do NOT have aromatic compounds.  
A. 正確True
B. 錯誤 False

22. [其他 Others] When was Chopin's 200th anniversary?
A. 2010
B. 1970
C. 1930
D. 1890

23. [地理 Geography] 廣東道原名為?What is the original name of Canton Road?
A. 麥當奴道 MacDonnell Road
B. 砵甸乍道 Pottinger Road
C. 文咸道 Bonham Road
D. 寶靈道 Bowring Road

24. [經濟 Economics] 為了同時達致有效公司管治的目標和保障經理及股東的利益,以下哪項該被執行?
To achieve the objective of effective corporate governance, aligning the interests of managers and shareholders, which of the following should be practised?
A. 由同一人出任主席和行政總裁 Position of chairman and CEO should be held by the same person.
B. 董事局只由執行董事組成 Board of directors should include executive directors only.
C. 允許股東向董事局獨立反映意見 Shareholders should be allowed to give the board of directors independent advice.
D. 以上皆否None of the above

25. [生物 Biology] 以下哪種細胞屬於免疫系統?  Which of the following is NOT part of the immune system ?
A. T細胞 T cells
B. B細胞 B cells
C. 皮膚神經細胞 skin cells
D. 神經細胞 nerve cells

26. [地理 Geography] 曲流通常位於上游。A meander is usually found in the upper course.
A. 正確True
B. 錯誤 False

27. [經濟 Economics] 其他因素不變,一群公務員退休會令失業率上升。Other things being constant, the retirement of a group of civil servants will lead to an increase in the unemployment rate.
A. 正確True
B. 錯誤 False

28. [化學 Chemistry] 以下哪鹼基對的分子間氫鍵是最強的? Which of the following base-pair have the strongest intermolecular hydrogen bonding?
A. A-T
B. C-G
C. A-U
D. C-T

29. [文學] 唐代詩人李白的寫作風格大多是?
A) 含蓄悠遠
B) 平易通俗
C) 溫柔敦厚
D) 浪漫雄奇

30. [English] She apologizes _____ messing ____ the experiment.
A. to……in
B. to……up
C. for…
D. for…..up

31. [物理 Physics] 把0.7公斤10°C的冷水加進300克80°C的熱水裏,求混合物最終溫度:
What is the final temperature of the mixture when 300g of hot water (at 80°C) is mixed with 0.7kg of cold water (at 10°C)?
A. 31°C
B. 45°C
C. 59°C
D. 62°C

32. [生物 Biology] 組織是由一群什麼聚集成的? A tissue is a collection of similar
A. Organelles 細胞器
B. Cells 細胞
C. Organs 器官
D. Systems 系統

33. [地理 Geography] Which new town has the high population density? 以下哪個新市鎮人口密度是最高的?
A. Tsuen Wan 荃灣
B. Tin Shui Wai 天水圍
C. Sha Tin 沙田
D. Tseung Kwan O 將軍澳新市鎮

34. [物理 Physics] 氫氣沸騰點是of -252.8°C, 當它由沸騰點被加熱到20°C時, 溫度改變了多少(開氏)?
Hydrogen has a boiling point of -252.8°C. When it is heated from its boiling point to 20°C, what is the temperature change in Kelvin?
A. 545.8 K
B. 525.8 K
C. 272.8 K
D. 232.8 K

35. [數學 mathematics] 一個正多面體有 6x條邊, 4x塊面, 12個頂點. 找 x
A regular polyhedron has 6x edges, 4x faces, and 12 vertices, find x
A. 3
B. 4
C. 5
D. 6

36. [English] Which of the following is grammatically INCORRECT?
A. My hedgehog loves to sleep on the black cart when it has durian inside.
B. The blue rabbit likes to hang out with dragons; but it never gets eaten.
C. The dark secret was disclosed; however, no one seems to be surprised.
D. A snowflake was eaten by the penguin sitting on the iceburg.

37. [歷史 History] 以下哪人跟宗教改革無關? Which of the following person is NOT related to Protestant Reformation?
A. 馬丁‧路德‧金 Martin Luther King
B. 約翰‧加尔文 John Calvin
C. 胡爾德萊斯‧慈運理 Ulrich Zwingli
D. 亨利八世 Henry VIII

38. [地理 Geography] 以下哪個城市人口密度是最高的?
Which of the following city is the most densely populated?
A. 梵蒂岡 Vatican
B. 香港 Hong Kong
C. 新加坡 Singapore
D. 澳門 Macau

39. [歷史 History] 皇帝說:「我非爾曹之力,不得至此,念汝之德,無有窮已。然天子亦大艱難,殊不若為節度使之樂。吾今終夕未嘗敢安枕而臥也……是不難知,居此位者,誰不欲為之?」其中所指的節度使是安祿山。
A. 正確True
B. 錯誤 False

40. [文學] 莊子《庖丁解牛》中表達出什麼處世態度?
A. 順應自然
B. 挑戰自我
C. 不怕失敗
D. 珍惜光陰

41. [生物 Biology] 以下哪項是製造脂質的部位? Which of the following is the site of lipid synthesis?
A. 粗面内質網 Rough endoplasmic reticulum
B. 光面内質網 Smooth endoplasmic reticulum
C. 細胞膜 Cell membrane
D. 線粒體 Mitochondrion

42. [物理 Physics] 以下哪一句為正確的?Which of the following statement is true?
A. 光不能穿過空的空間 Light cannot travel through the empty space.
B. 光以直線穿梭 Light travels in straight line.
C. 我們能夠看見蘋果是因為有光從蘋果發射進我們的眼 We can see an apple because the light emitted from it enters our eyes.
D. 我們因為看見燈是因為它反射光 We can see the lamp because it reflects light.

43. [Literature] Homosexuality is an outstanding theme in Oscar Wilde's works.
A. True
B. False

44. [歷史 History] 二次大戰前,菲律賓是美國殖民地 Before WWII, the Philippines was a colony of the US.
A. 正確True
B. 錯誤 False

45. [化學 Chemistry] 以下哪一個化合物是最鹼性的? Which of the following is the most basic?
C. NaBr
D. BnMgBr

46. [經濟 Economics] 基於需求定律,需求曲線是必然向下斜的。
Because of the law of demand, a demand curve is always downward sloping.
A. 正確True
B. 錯誤 False

47. [歷史 History] 德川時期,政府提倡蘭學以學效荷蘭人。During Tokugawa period, Rangaku was put forward by the government to encourage learning from the Dutch.
A. 正確True
B. 錯誤 False

48. [生物 Biology] 基因水平轉移中, 接合作用是個需要接觸的過程。 In horizontal gene transfer, conjugation is a contact-dependent process.  
A. 正確True
B. 錯誤 False

49. [文學] 關漢卿《竇娥冤》中的正旦是?
A. 監斬官
B. 張驢兒
C. 蔡婆婆
D. 以上皆否

50. [中文] 小說區的新子版命名為「筆耕田園」。「筆耕」的意思是甚麼?

51. [數學 mathematics] 有這樣一個四位數:被2除的餘數是1,被3除的餘數是2,被4除的餘數是3,被5除的餘數是4,被6除的餘數是5,被7除的餘數是6,被8除的餘數是7,被9除的餘數是8,被10除的餘數是9。請問這個數是什麼?

52. [地理 Geography] 東京23區之渋谷()的中文譯名?

53. [其他 Others] 貝多芬的200週年誕生紀念年份是甚麼?

54. [電腦 Computer] If Press ■ →Press 123456789. = Nothing, what is ■?

55. [化學 Chemistry] 人體中, 哪四種原子是最多的? Which four atoms are the most abundant in human body?

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 樓主| 發表於 1/8/2011 12:53 AM | 只看該作者
本帖最後由 fish 於 28/8/2011 11:35 PM 編輯






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發表於 1/8/2011 05:50 AM | 只看該作者

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發表於 1/8/2011 09:04 AM | 只看該作者

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發表於 1/8/2011 02:47 PM | 只看該作者



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發表於 1/8/2011 05:03 PM | 只看該作者
答案公佈及加分日期: (暫定)2010年8月31日(GMT+8,香港時區)




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 樓主| 發表於 1/8/2011 08:32 PM | 只看該作者
呃…短消息不是可以直接把滑鼠放左你的頭像上然後就按那「發短消息」 ...
烈焰火龍 發表於 1/8/2011 17:03

Both methods work.


If I were you, I'd answer all the questions.

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 樓主| 發表於 2/8/2011 06:58 AM | 只看該作者
02 AUG 2011 6:58AM:

I have corrected the typo in question 13. Please check your answer again before submitting your answer sheet to me. Sorry for the inconvenience.

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發表於 3/8/2011 01:19 AM | 只看該作者
本帖最後由 Darkjohnny 於 3/8/2011 01:50 AM 編輯


5.本遊戲容許大家使用任何搜尋器、書籍、舊帖或人力物力,但基於公平關係,五位出題者(Eric1874, fish, mk311111, secret, and zubat) 不會回答你們的問題

第10題應該是 Geog 吧? Human geography =v=

continuously added to agivan(given) quantity

Because of the law of demand, a demand curve is always downward sloping.
<<是 "According to" 吧,Because of an assertion , sth is sth. 感覺怪怪的 = =

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