本帖最後由 Royal 於 12/2/2010 07:24 PM 編輯 1.After drinking a lot of salty soap,a healthy person will produce A.a small voume of urine with high concentration of salt B.a small voume of urine with low concentration of salt C.a large voume of urine with high concentration of salt D.a large voume of urine with low concentration of salt 係salty soap定salty soup呀?? 應該係CE level吧? 如果係excess intake of salt 身體為左放走多d鹽, 就唔會去reabsorb返d鹽(mechanism連AL都out左) 然後因為d鹽仲o係度, 咁d水亦都會留返低 (water potential既問題) 所以答案應該係C. 綠紅藍果SET CE書亦都有講過 我當年記呢個concept都記得好唔舒服 始終kidney有好多既function都係關hormone事 但係CE bio對hormone既介紹又太少 都係果句, 記左佢算 2.which of the following structure of mammalian skin is not involved in temperature regulation? A.oil glands B.nerve endings C.erector muscles D.blood capillaries 我都估係D, 因為wall of capillaries係唔識contract/relax |