| 本帖最後由 BrotherFong 於 8/1/2015 07:57 PM 編輯 前言 嗯,我聽說少了人發戰報,原因就不在此探究了, 反正今日心血來潮,在showdown重現了我在實機跟群聚的同好用的隊伍:全飛行屬隊伍。 被選中的屬性:飛行屬 之所以會組了這麼一隊,事由在某whatsapp群中舉辦了館主戰, 8個參加者各挑選1種屬性進行6v6單打(不過banlist是跟官規),進行淘汰賽, 看一看兩box的對戰用精靈,竟然多達10隻以上的精靈是飛行屬,於是選用了飛行屬, 一般來說,飛行屬的印象是速度快;事實上,飛行屬的配套頗為齊全, 複合屬性廣泛,兩攻屬修技能具有威力,而且不乏防守向甚至是能進行干擾以及作為釘手等等的精靈, 這些都是專練廚寵的我不自覺練了一堆飛行屬精靈的原因。 這是oras前的統計oras還在捉傳說精靈(汗)
當然玩館主戰會針對各主的屬性進行預測再進行較量, 可是去到外邊,是不可能事前知道對手的隊伍主題結構,更多的是要面對單屬隊的問題:剋屬, 飛行屬更是要面對岩釘這個死穴, 雖然我是知道「一些」理論,但是我其實是不會應用;能助我一戰的,是對精靈的信任。 好了好了,我又不是甚麼大人物,說那麼多扮甚麼專家w,姑且說說我的隊伍吧 愛隊編成
基本上無太多組隊的思路, 以下每一隻都是在實機獨立練出來,但全數都是愛寵,所以每隻都改了nickname (名字意思自行理解吧) (BlazeBird)@專愛頭巾; 特性:疾速之翼;+a -sa;252a, 4sd, 252sp; 戰鳥,火推,蟲返,順風 高速物攻手,多用作後期清殘 (Fighter)@力量藥草; 特性:走鋼線;+a -sa;252a, 4sd, 252sp; 聖鳥一擊,花式飛行,飛膝踢,劍舞 強化物攻手,在合理時機劍舞,配合力量藥草使用聖鳥觸發特性,一口氣爆發 (Draco)@專愛眼鏡; 特性:穿透;+sp -a;252a, 4sd, 252sp; 流星群,暴風,火焰噴射,地下交易 高速特攻手,必要時有地下交易封鎖對手的干擾向精靈 (NightSparrow)@命玉; 特性:自信過剩;+a -sa;252a, 4sd, 252sp; 戰鳥,不意打,追蹤,試刀 爆發向物攻手,但對先讀操作等要求較高 (Boneber)@剩飯; 特性:防塵;+d -sa;248hp, 252d, 8sd; 拍落,欺詐,除霧,鳥棲 附助向物盾,也是隊中唯一的除釘手 (LittlePlane)@剩飯; 特性:天之恩賜;+sd -a;252hp, 8sa, 252sd; 空氣切割,波導彈,電磁波,鳥棲 干擾向特盾 順帶一提,這隊正是我在村聚那天跟某鴨打時用過的隊伍,而且那場對戰啊.......... (被和諧消音了) 想知原因貌似要出席下次村聚才知道了(發動特性:逃足) 實戰其實都是跟whatsapp群的人玩的多,當然他們實力不俗, 不過我想追求更多,這次就在smogon的舞台看看這隊能耐如何,更進一步改善整個7人的隊伍 戰報 因為最近才重玩showdown的關係,rank被重設過,不過smogon的玩家質素都很高,不影響小試牛刀 P.S. 因為我的精靈都改了nickname,為了方便閱讀,精靈會改為用圖像顯示, 另外招式以及部份細節會附上中文翻譯 影片連結: http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/ou-200511116 「視角方」是此replay的對手,因此戰報的"opponent"指的是我 malevolentmaliwan joined. BrotherFong joined. Format: OU Rated battle Swagger Clause: Swagger is banned Baton Pass Clause: Limit one Pokemon knowing Baton Pass Sleep Clause Mod: Limit one foe put to sleep Species Clause: Limit one of each Pokemon OHKO Clause: OHKO moves are banned Moody Clause: Moody is banned Evasion Moves Clause: Evasion moves are banned Endless Battle Clause: Forcing endless battles is banned HP Percentage Mod: HP is shown in percentages malevolentmaliwan's team: ///// BrotherFong's team: ///// 對手陣容非常強勢呢,我認為他會盡早放釘打壓, 而托洛姆一直是我很頭痛的對象,其實我未想到應對方法 Battle between malevolentmaliwan and BrotherFong started! Go!! BrotherFong sent out Boneber ()! Turn 1 BrotherFong withdrew Boneber ()! BrotherFong sent out LittlePlane ()! used Will-O-Wisp(鬼火)! The opposingwas burned(燒傷)! The opposingwas hurt by its burn(燒傷)! 經驗不足杜至開場就處於下風... Turn 2 used Volt Switch(伏特交換)! A critical hit(會心一擊)! It's super effective! The opposinglost 44.9% of its health! went back to malevolentmaliwan! Go!! intimidates(威嚇) the opposing! The opposingAttack fell! The opposingused Aura Sphere(波導彈)! It's not very effective...lost 12.0% of its health! restored a little HP using its Leftovers(剩飯)! The opposingrestored a little HP using its Leftovers(剩飯)! The opposingwas hurt by its burn(燒傷)! Turn 3 used U-turn(蟲返)! It's not very effective... The opposinglost 4.8% of its health! went back to malevolentmaliwan! Go!! The opposingused Roost(鳥棲)! The opposingregained health! The opposingrestored a little HP using its Leftovers(剩飯)! The opposingwas hurt by its burn(燒傷)! Turn 4 used Hydro Pump(水柱巨炮)! The opposinglost 25.7% of its health! The opposingused Roost(鳥棲)! The opposingregained health! The opposingwas hurt by its burn(燒傷)! Turn 5 used Volt Switch(伏特交換)! It's super effective! The opposinglost 31.0% of its health! went back to malevolentmaliwan! Go!! intimidates(威嚇) the opposing! The opposingAttack fell! The opposingused Aura Sphere(波導彈)! It's not very effective...lost 12.6% of its health! restored a little HP using its Leftovers(剩飯)! The opposingrestored a little HP using its Leftovers(剩飯)! The opposingwas hurt by its burn(燒傷)! Turn 6 used Knock Off(拍落)! It's not very effective... The opposinglost 13.4% of its health! knocked off the opposingLeftovers(剩飯)! The opposingused Roost(鳥棲)! The opposingregained health! restored a little HP using its Leftovers(剩飯)! The opposingwas hurt by its burn(燒傷)! 我家波克斯基是極限特防, 對方的水家電只有伏特交換有可觀傷害,最後一招看來是分痛而不是十萬伏特, 吃招是無問題,卻反制力不足,現在還要面對失去剩飯跟燒傷的雙重打擊 Turn 7 BrotherFong withdrew LittlePlane ()! BrotherFong sent out Draco ()! used Stealth Rock(岩釘)! Pointed stones float in the air around the opposing team! restored a little HP using its Leftovers(剩飯)! 對手終於上釘了,不過問題是面對劈瓦司令跟水家電,巨禿鷲不能隨便上場使用除霧,這時換上最快的攻擊手 Turn 8 , come back! Go!! The opposingused Flamethrower(噴射火焰)! It's not very effective...lost 14.5% of its health! 本來我以為他不會輕易硬吃一記流星群換上劈瓦司令,現在反而令我回到死胡同... Turn 9 BrotherFong withdrew Draco ()! BrotherFong sent out LittlePlane ()! Pointed stones dug into the opposing! used Will-O-Wisp(鬼火)! The opposingis already burned(燒傷). The opposingwas hurt by its burn(燒傷)! Turn 10 used Volt Switch(伏特交換)! It's super effective! The opposinglost 31.0% of its health! went back to malevolentmaliwan! Go!! intimidates(威嚇) the opposing! The opposingAttack fell! The opposingused Roost(鳥棲)! The opposingregained health! restored a little HP using its Leftovers(剩飯)! The opposingwas hurt by its burn(燒傷)! Turn 11 , come back! Go!! The opposingused Roost(鳥棲)! The opposingregained health! The opposingwas hurt by its burn(燒傷)! 這時換上水馬?對方可能想冥想強化? Turn 12 , come back! Go!! The opposingused Thunder Wave(電磁波)! But it failed! The opposingwas hurt by its burn(燒傷)! 原來是我想多了... Turn 13 used Volt Switch(伏特交換)! It's super effective! The opposinglost 28.9% of its health! went back to malevolentmaliwan! Go!! intimidates(威嚇) the opposing! The opposingAttack fell! The opposingused Roost(鳥棲)! The opposingregained health! The opposingwas hurt by its burn(燒傷)! Turn 14 , come back! Go!! BrotherFong withdrew LittlePlane ()! BrotherFong sent out Boneber ()! Pointed stones dug into the opposing! The opposingrestored a little HP using its Leftovers(剩飯)! 巨禿鷲吃一次伏特交換凶多吉少,她還不能除完釘就失去這個盾牌 Turn 15 , come back! Go!! BrotherFong withdrew Boneber ()! BrotherFong sent out LittlePlane ()! Pointed stones dug into the opposing! The opposingwas hurt by its burn(燒傷)! Turn 16 used Iron Head(鐵頭鎚)! It's super effective! The opposinglost 41.4% of its health! The opposingfainted(瀕死)! BrotherFong sent out Boneber ()! Pointed stones dug into the opposing! 失誤,終於被對手打開缺口 Turn 17 used Iron Head(鐵頭鎚)! The opposinglost 23.4% of its health! The opposingflinched(害怕) and couldn't move! The opposingrestored a little HP using its Leftovers(剩飯)! Turn 18 used Knock Off(拍落)! It's not very effective... The opposinglost 17.7% of its health! knocked off the opposingLeftovers(剩飯)! The opposingused Roost(鳥棲)! The opposingregained health! Turn 19 , come back! Go!! The opposingused Knock Off(拍落)! A critical hit!(會心一擊)lost 36.6% of its health! 事到如今只能依靠後邊的攻擊手強行突破,現在要除霧讓後邊上場,特別是家門鳥 Turn 20 Charizardite X is reacting to malevolentmaliwan's Mega Bracelet! has Mega Evolved(mega進化) into! used Dragon Dance(龍舞)! Attack rose! Speed rose! The opposingused Defog(除霧)! evasiveness fell! The pointed stones disappeared from around the opposing team! 竟然是比較少見的X噴?如此一來,順利的話可以將他一軍... Turn 21 used Dragon Dance(龍舞)! Attack rose! Speed rose! The opposingused Foul Play(欺詐)! lost 63.4% of its health! fainted(瀕死)! Go!! intimidates(威嚇) the opposing! The opposingAttack fell! 會同時帶上拍落跟欺詐恐怕只有我吧,正常是應該帶上挑釁的, 當然這只是依我個人的風格跟喜好,無特別考量,我只相信這是「最適合我用的配招」
Turn 22 used Stealth Rock(岩釘)! Pointed stones float in the air around the opposing team! The opposingused Knock Off(拍落)! lost 11.0% of its health! The opposingknocked off's Leftovers(剩飯)! 又上釘了... 不過總不能免費送一個劍舞給對手吧... Turn 23 used U-turn(蟲返)! The opposinglost 13.0% of its health! went back to malevolentmaliwan! Go!! The opposingused Knock Off(拍落)! It's not very effective...lost 9.6% of its health! The opposingknocked offBlack Glasses(黑色眼鏡)! 現在只管拍落,盡量減低敵人的威協 Turn 24 , come back! Go!! The opposingused Roost(鳥棲)! The opposingregained health! 頭痛的水家電又來了... 現在已經無波克斯基出來擋了... 這時只能忍痛犧牲一隻精靈,換來攻擊手安全上場 Turn 25 BrotherFong withdrew Boneber ()! BrotherFong sent out BlazeBird ()! Pointed stones dug into the opposing! used Will-O-Wisp(鬼火)! The opposingavoided the attack! Turn 26 The opposingused Tailwind(順風)! The tailwind blew from behind the opposing team! used Volt Switch(伏特交換)! It's super effective! The opposinglost 50.2% of its health! The opposingfainted(瀕死)! went back to malevolentmaliwan! Go!! BrotherFong sent out Fighter ()! Pointed stones dug into the opposing! 至少讓他留下順風吧... Turn 27 , come back! Go!! intimidates(威嚇) the opposing! The opposingAttack fell! The opposingused Swords Dance(劍舞)! The opposingAttack sharply rose! 最具威協的攻擊手上場,我知道他一定會出來威嚇,先強化 Turn 28 The opposingused Sky Attack(聖鳥一擊)! The opposingbecame cloaked in a harsh light! The opposingPower Herb(力量藥草) activated! lost 67.5% of its health! flinched(害怕) and couldn't move! 這邊實在是一點操之過急... 其實應該再強化一次... 無想到觸發了害怕附加效果 Turn 29 The opposingused Acrobatics(花式飛行)! lost 21.5% of its health! fainted(瀕死)! The opposing team's tailwind(順風) petered out(消失)! Go!! Turn 30 The opposingused High Jump Kick(飛膝踢)! lost 85.5% of its health! fainted(瀕死)! Go!! Turn 31 The opposingused Acrobatics(花式飛行)! lost 81.8% of its health! used Draco Meteor(流星群)! The opposinglost 87.5% of its health! Special Attack harshly fell! lost some of its HP! The opposingfainted(瀕死)! BrotherFong sent out NightSparrow ()! Pointed stones dug into the opposing! 果然+1還是太勉強麼... Turn 32 The opposingused Pursuit(追蹤)! It's super effective!lost 8.5% of its health! The opposinglost some of its HP! fainted(瀕死)! The opposingMoxie raised its Attack! Go!! Turn 33 used Hydro Pump(水柱巨炮)! The opposinglost 65.1% of its health! The opposingfainted(瀕死)! BrotherFong sent out Draco ()! Pointed stones dug into the opposing! 紳士鴉已經不能應對剩下的精靈,這邊點了戰鳥,結果是預算之內, 現在雙方都只有兩隻精靈,對方會換?還是不換?不過我已經先讀過一次對方換司令失敗,直接強攻應該是最好 Turn 34 The opposingused Draco Meteor(流星群)! A critical hit!(會心一擊)lost 100% of its health! The opposingSpecial Attack harshly fell! fainted(瀕死)! Go!! 其實是應該點暴風,不知怎的總是不相信暴風的命中,然後還給我命要→_→ Turn 35 BrotherFong withdrew Draco ()! BrotherFong sent out Boneber ()! Pointed stones dug into the opposing! used Knock Off(拍落)! It's not very effective... The opposinglost 9.5% of its health! 現在換回巨禿鷲,跟他磨夠就勝利在望了 Turn 36 used Iron Head(鐵頭鎚)! The opposinglost 22.9% of its health! The opposingflinched(害怕) and couldn't move! Turn 37 used Iron Head(鐵頭鎚)! The opposinglost 24.3% of its health! The opposingflinched(害怕) and couldn't move! 啊... Turn 38 used Iron Head(鐵頭鎚)! The opposinglost 18.4% of its health! The opposingfainted(瀕死)! BrotherFong sent out Draco ()! Pointed stones dug into the opposing! Turn 39 used Sucker Punch(不意打)! The opposinglost 50.2% of its health! The opposingfainted(瀕死)! 最後一記不意打,結束這局對戰,結果還是輸0-1 malevolentmaliwan won the battle! Ladder updating... malevolentmaliwan's rating: 1109 → 1135 (+26 for winning) BrotherFong's rating: 1123 → 1097 (-26 for losing) ★malevolentmaliwan: hahaha gg bruh ★BrotherFong: GG malevolentmaliwan left. 後記: 這局算上思考時間應該足足打了半小時以上,一直打得很緊張,臨場判斷未如理想, 除此之外,波克斯基在這局一直處於捱打的狀況,有必要使用更多反制手斷,暫時有一個簡單的想法, 希望下次可以帶來更高質素的戰報。 感謝閱讀 |