香港寵物小精靈村落 論壇

標題: 英文grammar問題 [打印本頁]

作者: mythical    時間: 26/5/2012 08:11 AM
標題: 英文grammar問題
1.My brother doesnt drive.He____(not/have) a driving license yet.
2.Fred is still weak._______(not/completely/recover) from his cold.
3._______ (your brother/find) his keys yet? I wonder where they could be.
4.Where's Tony? ________(he/leave) yet?
5.These vegetables look fresh._______(you/buy) them from the market?
6.We took MTR home._______(we/not/take) the bus.
7.'Look who's coming!'We_______(look) in the direction she_______(point).

8.My father_______(returned/has returned) form work.He's taking a shower.
9.I________(buy/have brought) two tickets for the concert on Sunday.Would you like to go?

Mr Wong returned to the village after being away for many years. He didnt recognise his old house. His family rebuilt it just before his return.
以上有一個for many years,爲什麽不用present perfect tense?

以下用when和tenses 連接兩個phrases
10.They (return) to their school ..................they (find) it (change) a lot
11.The alarm clock (go) off ..................he (wake) up and (get) out of bed
12.He (wake) up .................. the sun (shine)

作者: 柊.David    時間: 26/5/2012 03:39 PM
我個人向來反對這些單句填充的tense, 因為在不知道意境時很難決定用present perfect tense或past tense

"for many years"可算是一個具體的過去時間, 所以用past tense是沒錯的
present perfect tense是在過去了, 但沒具體時間時使用, 例如"yet", 所以ppt在對話中很常用
所以第一題應該是has not

希望沒弄錯吧, 我的英文認真糟糕的
作者: N_Ralts    時間: 26/5/2012 08:06 PM
作者: Qulava    時間: 26/5/2012 09:28 PM
作者: abbozto    時間: 26/5/2012 09:53 PM
本帖最後由 aboyu 於 26/5/2012 10:07 PM 編輯
Mr Wong returned to the village after being away for many years. He didnt recognise his old house. His family rebuilt it just before his return.

那個for many years不是對returned to the village而是對being away, 也就是說:
Mr Wong returned to the village after he has been away for many years.

如果看起來句子很長的話, 下句其實同意思, 不過有 comma 作分隔 (不過前面用 he 好像怪了點, 總之分清for many years的對象是哪個就是)
After being away / he has been away for many years, Mr Wong returned to the village.

作者: mythical    時間: 14/6/2012 08:54 PM
本帖最後由 mythical 於 20/6/2012 10:24 PM 編輯

這是f.6的英語= =
working at及working in
walk in 及walk on
I've always及I always have
you're working hard today及you've been working hard today

get married及have been married  
I have worked hard all day及I have been working hard all day
1.為什麽可以"It was hard carrying the bags"而不是"It was hard to carry the bags/for carrying the bags?"
2.上網看到這句"My apology if it sounded a  bit rude in my reply",請問這是甚麼句式?
3.請問'It stopped raining for a while, but is raining again'與'It stopped ....  , but it has rained again'有不同嗎?
4.A:Are you still reading the paper?   B:No ,I ...........(finish) with it .You can have it.  點解答案是have finished?
5.present perfect 及present perfect continuous 和 past perfect及past perfect continuous最大的分別是什麽?
6.Mr. Clark .............(work) in a bank for 15 years . Then he gave it up

作者: abbozto    時間: 26/6/2012 11:12 PM
本帖最後由 aboyu 於 6/7/2012 11:32 PM 編輯

先答有序號的部分題目 (藍字為 6/7 修帖)

1. 突然看到, 你的問題是 "為什麼可以 ... 而不是 ..."
因為一般而言是hard + (-ing) / (to infinitive), 就是用for一定錯了
按 cambridge dictionary 個用法都可以

2. 應該是一般的 if clause 之類吧, 問的是指My apology? 印象中 My apology 多出現在對話之中的, 用法有點不懂說

3. present continuous 和 present perfect 的分別, 查 grammar 書好些

4.You can have it.暗示了已經閱報完, 因此對話用上了 present perfect tense (點解唔係乜乜乜 tense ?)

5. 這個 ... 都是查 grammar 書好些, 這個問題我很難解答

6. 直觀答: had been working (past perfect continuous)

另說I've alwaysI always have的分別
I've always中其實是沒有用上 verb 的, 那個是 I have always (past participle), 這個是 present perfect (continuous) tense 用上了 always 作 adverb
I always have就是 simple present tense
作者: mythical    時間: 6/7/2012 10:15 PM
第6題可以是worked嗎?因為“Then he gave it up”現在與之前不同,所以用past

其實我還有很多問題的(出自Cambridge果本),有空一次過打出來減磅- -
作者: abbozto    時間: 6/7/2012 11:44 PM
第6題可以是worked嗎?因為“Then he gave it up”現在與之前不同,所以用past

其實我 ...
mythical 發表於 6/7/2012 10:15 PM
Mr. Clark .............(work) in a bank for 15 years . Then hegave it up.
gave it up只反映了 (work) in a bank 是過去了的事
不能作為用 simple past 的提示 (英語中連續幾句用上 simple past / past cont. / past perfect / present perfect 混起來還不是少見的)
反而應留意的是for 15 years(先抱歉我不能找回那幾份 grammar notes, 否則就解釋得更完整)
嘛, 應該說for / since / over都是提示用 ______ perfect (continuous) 的, 也就是這樣的話你有 6 個選擇
也因為我不肯定的原因, 才說直觀答(唉, UE C 了的後遺症很大)

P.S. #7 修了帖加答案
作者: 一世靈異    時間: 7/7/2012 01:13 AM
本帖最後由 一世靈異 於 7/7/2012 01:18 AM 編輯

99.999% correct

6.Mr. Clarkhad worked(work) in a bank for 15 years . Then he gave it up
六.Clark 生以前在 bank工作過15 years, 後來辭職了.

此 tense 用來描述 experience (經驗), 以上可譯成: Clark 生曾經有 15 years 在 bank 內的工作經驗
作者: pichu    時間: 7/7/2012 08:09 PM
本帖最後由 pichu 於 7/7/2012 08:36 PM 編輯

6.Mr. Clark .............(work) in a bank for 15 years . Then he gave it up

嗯, 我認為答案是 has worked而不是had worked, 因為斷句是footstop...後面的then he gave it up其實完全可以無視. 因為沒有時間條件, Simple past就可以了.

如果把'then he gave it up'併入去成單一句子, 才會用上had -ed:
Mr. Clarkhad gave up his job (或had quitted his job) in a bankafter 15 years of service.

為何這句會用had 而不是has? 因為同句後面有一個「條件」(藍色)修飾前面的'gave up his job'(紅色). 「以前辭工(quitted his job)」的特定時間條件是「做了15年後(after 15 years of service)」. 英文語法的條件關係經常放在後面, 與現時中文的習慣並不相同. 但為方便明白, 你可用中文意譯看這句話前後掉轉的條件關係:「Mr. Clark在做了15年銀行工後決定辭職不幹。」

而練習的原句Mr. Clark .............(work) in a bank for 15 years . Then he gave it up. 轉成中文, 你就會看到中間沒有任何特定時間條件:
「Mr. Clark在銀行做了15年。然後他辭工了。」
所以就要用Mr. Clark has worked in a bank for 15 years.

不過呢, 如果那是comma而非footstop, 那就應該用had了. 因為前後連成了一句...

「Mr. Clarkhad worked in a bank for 15 years,thenhe gave it up. 」
在這句, 藍色的then就是條件, 修飾「辭工」是在特定時間:「做了15年後」才辭.
作者: mythical    時間: 11/7/2012 09:46 PM
本帖最後由 mythical 於 11/7/2012 10:03 PM 編輯

我選擇是worked(past)的原因是Clark生已經完成工作了,與現在沒有關係(no connection to now),所以算是曾經吧。
另外,用past perfect(continuous)是因為“Then”一詞 ,表示了 不再工作 是更早完成的。所以可用表示更早的past perfect(continuous)


Grandfather took Peter firmly by the hand (= He took Peter’s hand).
Purely by chance, I met him again that weekend, in the wine shop.
I called John “David” by mistake.
What do you mean by (= when you say) “off-hand”?
“Cats” is the most recent novel by this remarkable young writer.

b.Could have更Could都是表示以往可以,請問他們有更深的分別嘛?
作者: pichu    時間: 13/7/2012 08:02 PM
其實我都講到19999999...上次神志唔清醒 past perfect寫左做simple past...算啦~_~

By的29種用法, 有齊你那些例子了.

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