香港寵物小精靈村落 論壇

標題: [Answers]2004GCSE進階物理(高卷) [打印本頁]

作者: dolphin_ice    時間: 24/2/2005 01:40 AM
標題: [Answers]2004GCSE進階物理(高卷)
2004 GCSE 進階物理 (高卷)
2004 GCSE Seperate PHYSICS Higher Tier


PS: 本文章所提供之答案﹐並非Model Answers, 仍是本紅唇娃答案
講笑0者﹐唔係全部我答ge! 我答錯果D咪打先生比果D答案lor
The follwing represents the electromagnetic spectrum.
|Gamma Rays| X-rays | Ultraviolet| Visible light| Infra red| Microwaves| Radio waves|

Name the type of electromagnetic radiation that is used to:
1) sterilise surgical instruments. [1mark]

2) to send a signal to a TV from remote control.[1mark]
Infra red

3) Valuable items can be security marked using special ink. The ink can only be seen in ultraviolet radiation.
Explain what happens to make the ink visible. [2]
The ink absorbs UV then re-emits visible light

4. Explain why skin cells need to be pretected from Ultraviolet radiation.[2]
UV is harmful to skin cells. It can mutate the DNA material to cause mutations and cancer.

The following information is from an oven that combines a microwave and a grill.
Microwave power-0.65kW
Grill power--1.15kW

5. Name 2 types of electromagnetic radiation that the oven can use to cook.[1]
microwave, infra red.

6. Both are switched on at full power for half an hour. Calculate energy transfered, in kWh, by the oven. [2]

7. Which 2 are the same element? [1]
a) 7proton 7neutron 7 electron
b) 6          6           6
c) 6          8           6
b and c

8. Give your reasons to your answer[1]
Same number of protons and electrons

9. A Space shuttle takes 9 mins to reach its orbital velocity of 8100m/s
Write down the equation that links acceleration, change in velocity and time taken. [1]

10. Calculate in m/s, the average acceleration, of the space shuttle during the first 9 minutes of its flight. Show clearly how you work out your answer.

11. How is the velocity of an object diffrerent from the speed of an object? [1]
Velocity is how fast the object moves in the same direction. Speed is only how fast

12. The space shuttle can stay in orbit around the earth for several weeks. Esplain why it stays in orbit and does not fall. [2]
Constant change of velocity. The space shuttle is actually falling, but it is moving, and the earth is round.

13. As the shuttle returns to earth, friction causes its outside temperature to go as high as 1200C. Why is the underneath of the shuttle covered with black tiles?[1]
Black objects emits radiation as it gets hot, so the person does not get fried.

14. Jill weighs 700N and Greg weighs 500N. They are carried by a charlift to 200m high. Write down the equation that links distance moved, force applied and work done. [1]
work=force applied x distance

15. Calculate work done to lift Greg and Jill. [3]
work-force applied x distance

16. The chair takes 5mins to move from the bottom to the top of the ski slope. Use the following equation to calculate the power required to lift Greg and Jill to the top of the ski slope. [2]
power=work done/ time taken

17. What word can be used for "the flow of electrons"? [1]

18. How is a thermistor affected by an increase in temperature? [2]
Resistance decreases when temperature increases.

19. Write down the equation that links acceleration, force and mass. [1]

20. Write down the equation that links current, potential difference and power. [1]

21. Use the theory of plate techtonics to explain sea floor spreading. [2]
In tensional plate margins, magma coming up and push plates apart. Magma hardens and forms new crust, So the ocean spreads.

22. What evidence is there to support the idea of sea-floor spreading?[1]
The magnetic field has changed 9 times and has formed opposite patterns in the sea floor

23. Write down the equation that links frequency, wavelength and wave speed. [1]
V=f x lambda

24. A lens is used as a magnifying glass. What type of lens is it? [1]
Converging lens

25. Two points are marked as F. In ray diagrams. What are these points? [1]
Focal point

26. What is the name of the straight line which goes through F, through the centre of the lens, and through F on the other side? [1]

27. Write down the equation, in words, which you need to use to calculate momentum. [1]
momentum=mass x speed.

28. Write down the equation which connects change in momentum, force and time. [1]
F=change of momentum/time

29. Which part of an atom emits a beta particle? [1]

30. How does the composition of an atom change when it emits a beta particle? [1]
A neutron changes to a proton

75% / 以上---A*
63% / 以上---A

之後果D唔記得左 (核爆!!!)

[ Last edited by 紅唇娃 on 2005-2-24 at 04:16 PM ]
作者: 細薯    時間: 24/2/2005 07:55 AM
我打機見過this wordXDDDDD

7. Which 2 are the same element? [1]
a) 7proton 7neutron 7 electron
b) 6          6           6
c) 6          8           6
a and c

8. Give your reasons to your answer[1]
Same number of protons and electrons

b and c ar~~~~~~~~~~

[ Last edited by smallpotato226 on 2005-2-24 at 07:56 AM ]
作者: dolphin_ice    時間: 24/2/2005 04:15 PM
呀係﹐睇錯tim XD

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