Battlebetween 村落人andcest la vie started!
Tier:Dream World OU
Rule: SleepClause
Rule: FreezeClause
Rule: SpeciesClause
Rule: Self-KOClause
cest la vie sent out Borutorosu!
村落人sent out Bronzong!
Startof turn 1
村落人calledBronzong back!
村落人sentout旋律仙子!(Meloetta) (這隻東西我不是很熟悉)
Borutorosu usedVoltChange!
The foe's旋律仙子lost18% of its health!
cest la vie called Borutorosu back!
cest lavie sent out Warubiaru! (不過換這隻一定沒錯就是了)
Warubiaru intimidates the foe's旋律仙子!
The foe's旋律仙子's Attackfell!
The foe's旋律仙子restoreda little HP using its Leftovers!
Startof turn 2
The foe's旋律仙子is being sent back!
It'ssuper effective!
The foe's旋律仙子lost87% of its health!
The foe's 旋律仙子fainted! ()
村落人sentout Genosekuto!
The foe's Genosekuto's Download activates!
Thefoe's Genosekuto's Attack rose!
Startof turn 3
cest la vie called Warubiaru back!
cest lavie sent out Kerudio! (冰光/迴轉我都能擋)
The foe's Genosekuto usedU-turn!
It'snot very effective...
A criticalhit!
Kerudio lost 164 HP! (50% of its health)
村落人called Genosekuto back!
村落人sent out Starmie!
Kerudiorestored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Startof turn 4
村落人calledStarmie back!
村落人sentout Genosekuto!
The foe's Genosekuto's Download activates!
Thefoe's Genosekuto's Sp. Att. rose!
Kerudio usedHiddenPower! (我忘了自己為甚麽不換)
It's not veryeffective...
The foe's Genosekuto lost 15% of itshealth!
Kerudio restored a little HP using itsLeftovers!
Start of turn 5
cestla vie called Kerudio back!
cest la vie sent outWarubiaru! (看到上面下載加特攻我還以為對面肯定直打的
Warubiaru intimidates the foe's Genosekuto!
Thefoe's Genosekuto's Attack fell!
The foe's Genosekuto usedU-turn!
It'ssuper effective!
Warubiaru lost 164 HP! (48% of itshealth) (不過我也不是沒經過考量,威嚇後的蜻返打得不會多
村落人calledGenosekuto back!
村落人sentout Bronzong!
Start of turn 6
cestla vie called Warubiaru back!
cest la vie sent out Heatran!
Thefoe's Bronzong usedStealth Rock!
Pointedstones float in the air around cest la vie's team!
Startof turn 7
村落人calledBronzong back!
村落人sentout Starmie!
Heatran usedSubstitute! (忘了海星,浪費了血量真可惜
Heatranmade a substitute!
Heatran restored a little HP usingits Leftovers!
Start of turn 8
Thefoe's Starmie usedHydro Pump!
It'ssuper effective!
Heatran's substitutefaded!
Heatran usedEarthPower!
The foe's Starmie lost 46% of its health!
Thefoe's Starmie restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Heatranrestored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Startof turn 9
cest la vie called Heatran back!
cest lavie sent out Latios!
Pointed stones dug intoLatios!
The foe's Starmie usedHydroPump!
It's not veryeffective...
Latios lost 77 HP! (25% of its health)
Thefoe's Starmie restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Latiosrestored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Startof turn 10
村落人calledStarmie back!
村落人sentout焚翼蛾!(Urugamosu) (啊
Latios usedDracoMeteor!
The foe's焚翼蛾lost74% of its health!
Latios's Sp. Att. sharply fell!
Latiosrestored a little HP using its Leftovers!
The foe's焚翼蛾restored a little HP using itsLeftovers!
Start of turn 11
村落人sent out Genosekuto!
Thefoe's Genosekuto's Download activates!
The foe's Genosekuto'sAttack rose!
Latios usedDracoMeteor!
It's not veryeffective...
The foe's Genosekuto lost 23% of itshealth!
Latios's Sp. Att. sharply fell!
Latios restored alittle HP using its Leftovers!
Startof turn 12
cest la vie called Latios back!
cest lavie sent out Kerudio!
Pointed stones duginto Kerudio!
The foe's Genosekuto usedU-turn! (還是那一招,擋冰光/蜻返
It'snot very effective...
Kerudio lost 72 HP! (22% of itshealth)
村落人calledGenosekuto back!
村落人sentout焚翼蛾!(Urugamosu) (是手殘還是甚麽....?為甚麽用火蛾擋水馬
Kerudio restored a little HP using itsLeftovers!
The foe's焚翼蛾restoreda little HP using its Leftovers!
Startof turn 13
村落人sent out Starmie!
It'snot very effective...
The foe's Starmie lost 35% of itshealth!
The foe's Starmie restored a little HP using itsLeftovers!
Kerudio restored a little HP using itsLeftovers!
Start of turn 14
Thefoe's Starmie usedRecover!
Thefoe's Starmie regained health!
Kerudio usedHiddenPower! (讀再生/對面讀我拉兄
It's super effective!
Thefoe's Starmie lost 74% of its health!
The foe's Starmierestored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Kerudio restored alittle HP using its Leftovers!
Startof turn 15
村落人calledStarmie back!
村落人sentout Genosekuto! (對面換的話看來是比我慢?
The foe's Genosekuto's Download activates!
Thefoe's Genosekuto's Sp. Att. rose!
Kerudio usedHiddenPower! (啊,忘了說這其實是醒惡
It's not veryeffective...
The foe's Genosekuto lost 16% of itshealth!
Kerudio restored a little HP using itsLeftovers!
Start of turn 16
cestla vie called Kerudio back!
cest la vie sent outBorutorosu! (換進來是炮灰的
Pointed stones dug intoBorutorosu!
The foe's Genosekuto usedThunderbolt!
Borutorosu lost200 HP! (66% of its health)
Borutorosu isparalyzed! It may be unable to move!
Borutorosurestored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Startof turn 17
Borutorosu usedThunderWave! (這就是我的目的
The foe's Genosekuto isparalyzed! It may be unable to move!
Thefoe's Genosekuto is paralyzed! It can't move! (還RP了
Borutorosurestored a little HP using its Leftovers!
TheBooty Tester is watching the battle.
Startof turn 18
The foe's Genosekuto usedThunderbolt!
Borutorosu lost61 HP! (20% of its health)
Borutorosu fainted!
cestla vie sent out Heatran!
Pointed stones duginto Heatran!
Start of turn19
Heatran usedFlamethrower!
It'ssuper effective!
The foe's Genosekuto lost 44% of itshealth!
The foe's Genosekuto fainted!
Heatranrestored a little HP using its Leftovers!
村落人sentout Starmie!
Start of turn 20
cestla vie called Heatran back!
cest la vie sent outToxicroak!
Pointed stones dug intoToxicroak!
The foe's Starmie usedHydroPump! (其實可以早些出,但畢竟要提防海星對水馬用精念/精衝
Toxicroak restored HP usingits Dry Skin!
The foe's Starmie restored a little HPusing its Leftovers!
Start of turn21
Toxicroak usedSuckerPunch!
It's super effective!
Thefoe's Starmie lost 23% of its health!
The foe's Starmiefainted!
Start of turn 22
Thefoe's焚翼蛾usedButterfly Dance!
The foe's焚翼蛾's Sp. Att.rose!
The foe's焚翼蛾'sSp. Def. rose!
The foe's焚翼蛾'sSpeed rose!
Toxicroak usedStoneEdge! (還RP了-_,-
The attack of Toxicroak missed!
The foe's焚翼蛾restored alittle HP using its Leftovers!
Startof turn 23
Toxicroak usedSuckerPunch!
The foe's焚翼蛾lost38% of its health!
The foe's焚翼蛾usedFire Blast!
Toxicroak lost 313HP! (100% of its health)
Toxicroak fainted!
Thefoe's焚翼蛾restored alittle HP using its Leftovers!
cest la vie sent outHeatran!
Pointed stones dug intoHeatran!
Start of turn 24
Thefoe's焚翼蛾usedMorning Sun! (幸好沒醒地
Heatran usedEarthPower!
The foe's焚翼蛾lost20% of its health!
The foe's焚翼蛾restoreda little HP using its Leftovers!
Heatran restored a little HPusing its Leftovers!
Start of turn25
The foe's焚翼蛾usedButterfly Dance!
The foe's焚翼蛾's Sp. Att.rose!
The foe's焚翼蛾'sSp. Def. rose!
The foe's焚翼蛾'sSpeed rose!
Heatran usedSubstitute!
Heatranmade a substitute!
The foe's焚翼蛾restoreda little HP using its Leftovers!
Heatran restored a little HPusing its Leftovers!
Start of turn26
The foe's焚翼蛾usedBug Buzz!
It'snot very effective...
Heatran'ssubstitute took the damage!
Heatran usedFlamethrower! (只好等運到
The foe's焚翼蛾lost 27% of its health!
Thefoe's焚翼蛾restored alittle HP using its Leftovers!
Heatran restored a little HP usingits Leftovers!
Start of turn 27
Thefoe's焚翼蛾usedMorning Sun!
Heatran usedFlamethrower!
Thefoe's焚翼蛾lost 26%of its health!
The foe's焚翼蛾restoreda little HP using its Leftovers!
Heatran restored a little HPusing its Leftovers!
Start of turn28
The foe's焚翼蛾usedButterfly Dance!
The foe's焚翼蛾's Sp. Att.rose!
The foe's焚翼蛾'sSp. Def. rose!
The foe's焚翼蛾'sSpeed rose!
Heatran usedFlamethrower!
Thefoe's焚翼蛾lost 19%of its health!
The foe's焚翼蛾restoreda little HP using its Leftovers!
Heatran restored a little HPusing its Leftovers!
Start of turn29
The foe's焚翼蛾usedButterfly Dance!
The foe's焚翼蛾's Sp. Att.rose!
The foe's焚翼蛾'sSp. Def. rose!
The foe's焚翼蛾'sSpeed rose!
Heatran usedFlamethrower!
Thefoe's焚翼蛾lost 16%of its health!
The foe's焚翼蛾restoreda little HP using its Leftovers!
Heatran restored a little HPusing its Leftovers!
Start of turn30
The foe's焚翼蛾usedMorning Sun!
Heatran usedFlamethrower!
Thefoe's焚翼蛾lost 16%of its health!
The foe's焚翼蛾restoreda little HP using its Leftovers!
Heatran restored a little HPusing its Leftovers!
Start of turn31
The foe's焚翼蛾usedBug Buzz!
It'snot very effective...
Heatran'ssubstitute faded!
Heatran usedFlamethrower!
Thefoe's焚翼蛾lost 18%of its health!
The foe's焚翼蛾restoreda little HP using its Leftovers!
Heatran restored a little HPusing its Leftovers!
Start of turn32
The foe's焚翼蛾usedMorning Sun!
Heatran usedFlamethrower!
Thefoe's焚翼蛾lost 17%of its health!
The foe's焚翼蛾restoreda little HP using its Leftovers!
Heatran restored a little HPusing its Leftovers!
Start of turn33
The foe's焚翼蛾usedBug Buzz!
It'snot very effective...
Heatran lost 135 HP! (41% of itshealth)
Heatran usedFlamethrower!
Acritical hit! (來了
The foe's焚翼蛾lost88% of its health!
The foe's 焚翼蛾fainted!
Heatranrestored a little HP using its Leftovers!
村落人sentout Machamp!
Start of turn 34
cestla vie called Heatran back!
cest la vie sent out Latios!
Pointedstones dug into Latios!
The foe's Machamp usedDynamicPunch!
It'snot very effective...
Latios lost 123 HP! (40% of itshealth)
Latios became confused!
Latiosrestored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Startof turn 35
Latios isconfused!
Latios usedPsychic!
It'ssuper effective!
The foe's Machamp lost 88% of itshealth!
The foe's Machamp usedIcePunch!
It's super effective!
Acritical hit!
Latios lost 99 HP! (32% of its health)
The foe's Machamp restored a little HP using itsLeftovers!
cest la vie sent out Kerudio!
Pointedstones dug into Kerudio!
Startof turn 36
Kerudio usedSurf!
The foe's Machamp lost 17% of its health!
Thefoe's Machamp fainted!
Kerudio restored a little HP usingits Leftovers!
Battlebetween 村落人2號andcest la vie started!
cest la vie sent out Borutorosu!
Startof turn 1
Thefoe's叉字蝠usedBraveBird! (這個無腦戰鳥是怎麼回事?
It'snot very effective...
Borutorosulost 108 HP! (36% of its health)
The foe's叉字蝠ishit with recoil!
Borutorosu usedVoltChange!
It'ssuper effective!
Thefoe's叉字蝠lost88% of its health!
Thefoe's 叉字蝠 fainted!
cestla vie called Borutorosu back!
cest la vie sent outKerudio!
Startof turn 2
cestla vie called Kerudio back!
cest la vie sent out Heatran!
Thefoe's皇藤蛇usedSubstitute! (我祈禱不要是麻痺
Thefoe's皇藤蛇madea substitute!
Thefoe's皇藤蛇restoreda little HP using its Leftovers!
Startof turn 3
Thefoe's皇藤蛇usedLeechSeed! (不過種子也挺煩的
Heatranwas seeded!
It'ssuper effective!
Thefoe's皇藤蛇'ssubstitute faded!
Thefoe's皇藤蛇restoreda little HP using its Leftovers!
Heatran'shealth is sapped by leech seed.
Startof turn 4
Thefoe's 炎鋼巨獸 isfloating on a balloon!
Thefoe's炎鋼巨獸'sFlash Fire raised the power of its Fire-type moves!
Heatranrestored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Heatran'shealth is sapped by leech seed.
Startof turn 5
cestla vie called Heatran back!
cest la vie sent out Borutorosu! (讀地力
Pointedstones float in the air around cest la vie's team!
Borutorosurestored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Startof turn 6
Thefoe's炎鋼巨獸lost34% of its health!
Thefoe's 炎鋼巨獸'sBalloon popped! (打破氣球再說
cestla vie called Borutorosu back!
cest la vie sent outKerudio!
Pointedstones dug into Kerudio!
It'snot very effective...
Kerudiolost 154 HP! (47% of its health)
Kerudio restored a little HPusing its Leftovers!
Startof turn 7
Kerudio usedSubstitute!
Kerudiomade a substitute!
Kerudiorestored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Startof turn 8
Thefoe's皇藤蛇madea substitute!
Thefoe's皇藤蛇'ssubstitute faded!
Thefoe's皇藤蛇restoreda little HP using its Leftovers!
Kerudio restored a little HPusing its Leftovers!
Startof turn 9
It'ssuper effective!
Kerudio'ssubstitute faded!
Thefoe's皇藤蛇'sSp. Att. sharply rose!
Kerudio usedMysterySword!
Thefoe's皇藤蛇lost52% of its health!
The foe's皇藤蛇restoreda little HP using its Leftovers!
Kerudio restored a little HPusing its Leftovers!
Startof turn 10
cestla vie called Kerudio back!
cest la vie sent out Heatran!
Pointedstones dug into Heatran!
Thefoe's皇藤蛇madea substitute!
Thefoe's皇藤蛇restoreda little HP using its Leftovers!
Heatran restored a little HPusing its Leftovers!
Startof turn 11
Thefoe's皇藤蛇usedLeechSeed! (又來
Heatranwas seeded!
It'ssuper effective!
Thefoe's皇藤蛇'ssubstitute faded!
Thefoe's皇藤蛇restoreda little HP using its Leftovers!
Heatran restored a little HPusing its Leftovers!
Heatran'shealth is sapped by leech seed.
Startof turn 12
Heatran usedFlamethrower! (咦,忘記了
Thefoe's炎鋼巨獸'sFlash Fire raised the power of its Fire-type moves!
Heatranrestored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Heatran'shealth is sapped by leech seed.
Startof turn 13
HeatranusedEarthPower! (你明明是氣球還那麼喜歡換入來跟我拼速,就成全你好了
It'ssuper effective!
Thefoe's炎鋼巨獸lost77% of its health!
Thefoe's 炎鋼巨獸fainted!
Heatranrestored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Startof turn 14
cestla vie called Heatran back!
cest la vie sent out Latios!
Pointedstones dug into Latios!
Theattack of the foe's三頭魔龍missed!
Latiosrestored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Startof turn 15
The foe's柯波朗intimidatesLatios!
Latios's Attack fell!
Latios usedDracoMeteor!
Thefoe's柯波朗lost90% of its health!
Latios's Sp. Att. sharply fell!
Latiosrestored a little HP using its Leftovers!
The foe's柯波朗restoreda little HP using its Leftovers!
Startof turn 16
Thefoe's柯波朗usedSuckerPunch! (其實這個目的很明顯,但我沒察覺就是了-_,-
It'ssuper effective!
Latioslost 196 HP! (65% of its health) (痛啊
Latios usedDracoMeteor!
Theattack of Latios missed!
Latios restored a little HP using itsLeftovers!
The foe's柯波朗restoreda little HP using its Leftovers!
Startof turn 17
cestla vie called Latios back!
cest la vie sent out Kerudio!
Pointedstones dug into Kerudio!
Butit failed!
Kerudio restored a little HP using itsLeftovers!
The foe's柯波朗restoreda little HP using its Leftovers!
Startof turn 18
Kerudiolost 70 HP! (21% of its health)
Kerudio usedMysterySword!
Thefoe's柯波朗lost27% of its health!
Thefoe's 柯波朗fainted!
Kerudiorestored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Startof turn 19
It'ssuper effective!
Kerudiolost 99 HP! (30% of its health)
The foe's皇藤蛇'sSp. Att. sharply rose!
Thefoe's皇藤蛇restoreda little HP using its Leftovers!
cest la vie sent outHeatran!
Pointedstones dug into Heatran!
Startof turn 20
Heatran usedStealthRock!
Pointedstones float in the air around村落人2號'steam!
Heatranrestored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Startof turn 21
Thefoe's三頭魔龍usedFocusBlast! (還以為對面會讀我換拉兄
It'ssuper effective!
Heatranlost 204 HP! (62% of its health)
cestla vie sent out Latios!
Pointedstones dug into Latios!
Startof turn 22
Pointedstones dug into the foe's皇藤蛇!
LatiosusedHiddenPower! (讀草蛇的,不過其實流星群威力更大
It'ssuper effective!
Thefoe's皇藤蛇lost29% of its health!
Thefoe's 皇藤蛇fainted!
Latiosrestored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Pointedstones dug into the foe's三頭魔龍!
Startof turn 23
cestla vie called Latios back!
cest la vie sent out Warubiaru!
Pointedstones dug into Warubiaru! (先把他灰掉
Warubiaruintimidates the foe's三頭魔龍!
Thefoe's三頭魔龍'sAttack fell!
The foe's三頭魔龍usedDracoMeteor!
Warubiarulost 318 HP! (93% of its health)
The foe's三頭魔龍'sSp. Att. sharply fell!
cestla vie sent out Toxicroak!
Pointedstones dug into Toxicroak!
Startof turn 24
村落人2號sentout赫拉剋羅斯!(Heracross) (兩隻抗格惡打擊面的精靈碰頭了
Pointedstones dug into the foe's赫拉剋羅斯!
It'snot very effective...
Thefoe's赫拉剋羅斯lost34% of its health!
The foe's赫拉剋羅斯restoreda little HP using its Leftovers!
Toxicroak restored a little HPusing its Black Sludge!
Startof turn 25
It'snot very effective...
Toxicroaklost 70 HP! (22% of its health)
Toxicroak usedIcePunch!
Thefoe's赫拉剋羅斯lost36% of its health!
The foe's赫拉剋羅斯restoreda little HP using its Leftovers!
Toxicroak restored a little HPusing its Black Sludge!
Startof turn 26
It'snot very effective...
Toxicroaklost 149 HP! (47% of its health)
The foe's赫拉剋羅斯'sDefense fell!
The foe's赫拉剋羅斯'sSp. Def. fell!
Toxicroak usedIcePunch!
Thefoe's赫拉剋羅斯lost29% of its health!
Thefoe's 赫拉剋羅斯fainted!
Toxicroakrestored a little HP using its Black Sludge!
Pointedstones dug into the foe's三頭魔龍!
Startof turn 27
ToxicroakusedSuckerPunch! (揩油
It'snot very effective...
Thefoe's三頭魔龍lost15% of its health!
The foe's三頭魔龍usedDarkPulse! (早知道十字切啦,差點搞到輸掉
It'snot very effective...
Toxicroaklost 102 HP! (32% of its health)
Toxicroak restored a littleHP using its Black Sludge!
Startof turn 28
It'snot very effective...
Toxicroaklost 49 HP! (15% of its health)
cestla vie sent out Borutorosu!
Pointedstones dug into Borutorosu!
Startof turn 29
BorutorosuusedThunderWave! (為求穩妥,先麻了再說
Thefoe's三頭魔龍isparalyzed! It may be unable to move!
Thefoe's三頭魔龍isparalyzed! It can't move!
Borutorosurestored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Startof turn 30
BorutorosuusedFocusBlast! (都說了吧
Theattack of Borutorosu missed!
The foe's三頭魔龍usedDarkPulse!
Borutorosulost 153 HP! (51% of its health)
cestla vie sent out Latios!
Pointedstones dug into Latios!
Startof turn 31
It'ssuper effective!
Thefoe's三頭魔龍lost60% of its health!
Latios's Sp. Att. sharply fell!
Thefoe's 三頭魔龍fainted!
cestla vie won the battle!
cestla vie: GG~
Battlebetween 村落人3號andcest la vie started!
cest la vie sent out Borutorosu!
村落人3號sentout冰雪猿人!(Abomasnow) (現在雪隊非常少見呀
Thefoe's冰雪猿人'sSnow Warning whipped up a hailstorm!
Startof turn 1
cestla vie called Borutorosu back!
cest la vie sent out Kerudio!
It'snot very effective...
Acritical hit!
Kerudiolost 158 HP! (48% of its health)
Kerudiowas frozen solid! (一下就玄冰+CT了-_,-
Hailcontinues to fall!
Kerudiois buffeted by the hail!
Kerudiorestored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Startof turn 2
Kerudiothawed out!
KerudiousedMysterySword! (不過RP是要還的
It'ssuper effective!
Thefoe's冰雪猿人lost100% of its health!
Thefoe's 冰雪猿人fainted!
Hailcontinues to fall!
Kerudiois buffeted by the hail!
Kerudiorestored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Startof turn 3
cestla vie called Kerudio back!
cest la vie sent outWarubiaru!
Warubiaru intimidates the foe's孫悟空!
Thefoe's孫悟空'sAttack fell!
The foe's孫悟空usedAssist! (貓手孫悟空?!-___-
Thefoe's孫悟空usedSleepPowder! (真好運
Warubiarufell asleep!
Hailcontinues to fall!
Warubiaruis buffeted by the hail!
Thefoe's孫悟空isbuffeted by the hail!
Thefoe's孫悟空restoreda little HP using its Leftovers!
Startof turn 4
cestla vie called Warubiaru back!
cest la vie sent out Kerudio!
It'snot very effective...
Kerudiolost 22 HP! (6% of its health)
Hailcontinues to fall!
Kerudiois buffeted by the hail!
Thefoe's孫悟空isbuffeted by the hail!
Kerudiorestored a little HP using its Leftovers!
The foe's孫悟空restoreda little HP using its Leftovers!
Startof turn 5
Kerudiomade a substitute!
It'ssuper effective!
Kerudio'ssubstitute faded!
Hailcontinues to fall!
Thefoe's孫悟空isbuffeted by the hail!
Kerudiois buffeted by the hail!
Thefoe's孫悟空restoreda little HP using its Leftovers!
Kerudio restored a little HPusing its Leftovers!
Startof turn 6
Kerudio usedSurf!
It'snot very effective...
Thefoe's寶石海星lost35% of its health!
Hailcontinues to fall!
Thefoe's寶石海星isbuffeted by the hail!
Kerudiois buffeted by the hail!
Thefoe's寶石海星restoreda little HP using its Leftovers!
Kerudio restored a little HPusing its Leftovers!
Startof turn 7
cestla vie called Kerudio back!
cest la vie sent out Latios!
Thefoe's寶石海星usedBlizzard! (不好
It'ssuper effective!
Latioslost 226 HP! (75% of its health)
Hailcontinues to fall!
Thefoe's寶石海星isbuffeted by the hail!
Latiosis buffeted by the hail!
Thefoe's寶石海星restoreda little HP using its Leftovers!
Latios restored a little HP usingits Leftovers!
Startof turn 8
It'ssuper effective!
Latioslost 75 HP! (24% of its health)
Hailcontinues to fall!
Thefoe's寶石海星isbuffeted by the hail!
Thefoe's寶石海星restoreda little HP using its Leftovers!
cest la vie sent outToxicroak!
Startof turn 9
村落人3號sentout魔魯風!(Venomoth) (魔魯風我也用過,所以它要做甚麽我很清楚
Toxicroak usedSuckerPunch!
Butit failed!
Hailcontinues to fall!
Thefoe's魔魯風isbuffeted by the hail!
Toxicroakis buffeted by the hail!
Thefoe's魔魯風restoreda little HP using its Black Sludge!
Toxicroak restored a little HPusing its Black Sludge!
Startof turn 10
Thefoe's魔魯風'sSp. Att. rose!
The foe's魔魯風'sSp. Def. rose!
The foe's魔魯風'sSpeed rose!
Toxicroak usedStoneEdge! (不會讓你得逞的
It'ssuper effective!
Thefoe's魔魯風lost100% of its health!
Thefoe's 魔魯風fainted!
Hailcontinues to fall!
Toxicroakis buffeted by the hail!
Toxicroakrestored a little HP using its Black Sludge!
The foe's滅絕蟲'sDownload activates!
The foe's滅絕蟲'sAttack rose!
Startof turn 11
cestla vie called Toxicroak back!
cest la vie sent out Kerudio! (不知道對面派滅絕蟲打水馬是要幹甚麽,先炮灰好了
It'snot very effective...
Kerudiolost 63 HP! (19% of its health)
Hailcontinues to fall!
Thefoe's孫悟空isbuffeted by the hail!
Thefoe's孫悟空restoreda little HP using its Leftovers!
cest la vie sent outBorutorosu!
Startof turn 12
Thefoe's班吉拉'sSand Stream whipped up a sandstorm!
Thefoe's班吉拉lost21% of its health!
cest la vie called Borutorosu back!
cest lavie sent out Toxicroak!
Thesandstorm rages!
Toxicroakis buffeted by the sandstorm!
Toxicroakrestored a little HP using its Black Sludge! (班沒有剩飯回复
Startof turn 13
cest la vie called Toxicroak back!
cest la viesent out Heatran! (忘了為甚麽派火鋼了,好像是火鋼最沒用所以炮灰他
Thesandstorm rages!
Thefoe's寶石海星isbuffeted by the sandstorm!
Thefoe's寶石海星restoreda little HP using its Leftovers!
Startof turn 14
cestla vie called Heatran back!
cest la vie sent out Toxicroak!
Toxicroakrestored HP using its Dry Skin!
Thesandstorm rages!
Thefoe's寶石海星isbuffeted by the sandstorm!
Toxicroakis buffeted by the sandstorm!
Thefoe's寶石海星restoreda little HP using its Leftovers!
Toxicroak restored a little HPusing its Black Sludge!
Startof turn 15
Butit failed!
The foe's寶石海星usedRecover!
Thesandstorm rages!
Thefoe's寶石海星isbuffeted by the sandstorm!
Toxicroakis buffeted by the sandstorm!
Thefoe's寶石海星restoreda little HP using its Leftovers!
Toxicroak restored a little HPusing its Black Sludge!
Startof turn 16
The foe's滅絕蟲'sDownload activates!
The foe's滅絕蟲'sAttack rose!
Toxicroak usedSuckerPunch!
Butit failed!
Thesandstorm rages!
Toxicroakis buffeted by the sandstorm!
Toxicroakrestored a little HP using its Black Sludge!
Startof turn 17
Toxicroaklost 167 HP! (53% of its health)
Toxicroak usedCrossChop! (這次不走了
Thefoe's滅絕蟲lost60% of its health!
Thesandstorm rages!
Toxicroakis buffeted by the sandstorm!
Toxicroakrestored a little HP using its Black Sludge!
Startof turn 18
cestla vie called Toxicroak back!
cest la vie sent outWarubiaru!
Warubiaru intimidates the foe's滅絕蟲!
Thefoe's滅絕蟲'sAttack fell!
The foe's滅絕蟲usedThunderbolt!
Ithad no effect!
Thesandstorm rages!
Startof turn 19
Warubiaruis fast asleep!
Thesandstorm rages!
Thefoe's寶石海星isbuffeted by the sandstorm!
Thefoe's寶石海星restoreda little HP using its Leftovers!
Startof turn 20
Warubiaruwoke up!
WarubiaruusedCrunch! (RP
It'ssuper effective!
Thefoe's寶石海星lost100% of its health!
Thefoe's 寶石海星fainted!
Thesandstorm rages!
Startof turn 21
cestla vie called Warubiaru back!
cest la vie sent out Toxicroak!
Thefoe's孫悟空usedAssist! (我看這火猴是沒格招-_,-
Toxicroaklost 146 HP! (46% of its health)
Thesandstorm rages!
Thefoe's孫悟空isbuffeted by the sandstorm!
Thefoe's孫悟空restoreda little HP using its Leftovers!
cest la vie sent outWarubiaru!
Warubiaru intimidates the foe's孫悟空!
Thefoe's孫悟空'sAttack fell!
Startof turn 22
Warubiaru usedEarthquake!
It'ssuper effective!
Thefoe's班吉拉lost78% of its health!
Thefoe's 班吉拉 fainted!
Thesandstorm rages!
The foe's滅絕蟲'sDownload activates!
The foe's滅絕蟲'sAttack rose!
Startof turn 23
cestla vie called Warubiaru back!
cest la vie sent out Heatran!
It'snot very effective...
Heatranlost 29 HP! (8% of its health)
Thesandstorm rages!
Heatranrestored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Startof turn 24
Heatran usedSubstitute!
Heatranmade a substitute!
Thesandstorm rages!
Thefoe's孫悟空isbuffeted by the sandstorm!
Thefoe's孫悟空restoreda little HP using its Leftovers!
Heatran restored a little HPusing its Leftovers!
Startof turn 25
Theattack of the foe's孫悟空missed!
It'ssuper effective!
Thefoe's孫悟空lost100% of its health!
Thefoe's 孫悟空 fainted!
Thesandstorm rages!
Heatranrestored a little HP using its Leftovers!
The foe's滅絕蟲'sDownload activates!
The foe's滅絕蟲'sAttack rose!
Startof turn 26
Heatran'ssubstitute faded!
It'ssuper effective!
Acritical hit!
Thefoe's滅絕蟲lost39% of its health!
Thefoe's 滅絕蟲fainted!
cestla vie won the battle!
cestla vie: GG~
Battlebetween 村落人4號andcest la vie started!
Variation:+11, -20
cest la vie sent out Borutorosu!
村落人4號sentout Swampert!
Startof turn 1
BorutorosuusedFocusBlast! (這隊沒物打水地的。。。比較麻煩
Thefoe's Swampert lost 35% of its health!
The foe's Swampert usedIcePunch!
It'ssuper effective!
cestla vie: 嗯
Borutorosulost 230 HP! (76% of its health)
Borutorosu restored a littleHP using its Leftovers!
The foe's Swampert restored a little HPusing its Leftovers!
Startof turn 2
cestla vie called Borutorosu back!
cest la vie sent out Kerudio!
Thefoe's Swampert usedStealthRock!
Pointedstones float in the air around cest la vie's team!
Thefoe's Swampert restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Startof turn 3
村落人4號calledSwampert back!
村落人4號sentout Rotom-W!
Kerudio usedSubstitute!
Kerudiomade a substitute!
Kerudiorestored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Startof turn 4
Thefoe's Rotom-W lost 54% of its health!
The foe's Rotom-W usedThunderbolt!
It'ssuper effective!
Kerudio'ssubstitute faded!
Kerudiorestored a little HP using its Leftovers! (沒剩飯,是甚麽道具呢
Startof turn 5
村落人4號calledRotom-W back!
村落人4號sentout Burungeru!
Kerudio usedSubstitute!
Kerudiomade a substitute!
Kerudiorestored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Startof turn 6
KerudiousedHiddenPower! (醒惡
It'ssuper effective!
Thefoe's Burungeru lost 35% of its health!
The foe's BurungeruusedSurf!
It'snot very effective...
Kerudio'ssubstitute took the damage!
Kerudiorestored a little HP using its Leftovers!
The foe's Burungerurestored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Startof turn 7
村落人4號calledBurungeru back!
村落人4號sentout Swampert!
Kerudio usedHiddenPower!
Thefoe's Swampert lost 23% of its health!
Kerudio restored alittle HP using its Leftovers!
The foe's Swampert restored alittle HP using its Leftovers!
Startof turn 8
Thefoe's Swampert lost 45% of its health!
The foe's Swampert usedEarthquake!
Kerudio'ssubstitute faded!
Kerudiorestored a little HP using its Leftovers!
The foe's Swampertrestored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Startof turn 9
KerudiousedMysterySword! (用神秘劍防止水鬼進來吸水
Thefoe's Swampert lost 19% of its health!
Thefoe's Swampert fainted!
Kerudiorestored a little HP using its Leftovers!
村落人4號sentout Rotom-W!
Startof turn 10
KerudiousedMysterySword! (既然我比較快就不手下留情了
Thefoe's Rotom-W lost 45% of its health!
Thefoe's Rotom-W fainted!
Kerudiorestored a little HP using its Leftovers!
村落人4號sentout Genosekuto!
The foe's Genosekuto's Download activates!
Thefoe's Genosekuto's Sp. Att. rose!
Startof turn 11
cestla vie called Kerudio back!
cest la vie sent outWarubiaru!
Pointedstones dug into Warubiaru!
Warubiaruintimidates the foe's Genosekuto!
The foe's Genosekuto's Attackfell!
The foe's Genosekuto usedU-turn! (看見不是加物攻我才進來威嚇的
It'ssuper effective!
Warubiarulost 144 HP! (42% of its health)
村落人4號calledGenosekuto back!
村落人4號sentout Zuruzukin!
Startof turn 12
cestla vie called Warubiaru back!
cest la vie sent outToxicroak! (完抗陳冠希
Pointedstones dug into Toxicroak!
Thefoe's Zuruzukin usedDrainPunch!
It'snot very effective...
Toxicroaklost 75 HP! (24% of its health)
Toxicroak had its energydrained!
Toxicroak restored a little HP using its BlackSludge!
Startof turn 13
It'ssuper effective!
Thefoe's Zuruzukin lost 77% of its health!
The foe's ZuruzukinusedDrainPunch!
It'snot very effective...
Toxicroaklost 77 HP! (25% of its health)
Toxicroak had its energydrained!
Toxicroak restored a little HP using its BlackSludge!
The foe's Zuruzukin restored a little HP using itsLeftovers!
Startof turn 14
村落人4號calledZuruzukin back!
村落人4號sentout Burungeru!
Toxicroak usedSwordsDance!
Toxicroak'sAttack sharply rose!
Toxicroak restored a little HP using itsBlack Sludge!
The foe's Burungeru restored a little HP using itsLeftovers!
Startof turn 15
Butit failed!
The foe's Burungeru usedRecover!
Thefoe's Burungeru regained health!
Toxicroakrestored a little HP using its Black Sludge!
Startof turn 16
村落人4號calledBurungeru back!
村落人4號sentout Genosekuto!
The foe's Genosekuto's Download activates!
Thefoe's Genosekuto's Attack rose!
Toxicroak usedSuckerPunch!
Butit failed!
Toxicroak restored a little HP using its BlackSludge!
Startof turn 17
It'snot very effective...
Thefoe's Genosekuto lost 29% of its health!
The foe's GenosekutousedFlamethrower!
Toxicroaklost 222 HP! (72% of its health) (很多時我也被毒蟾蜍的耐久嚇一跳
Toxicroak restored a littleHP using its Black Sludge!
Startof turn 18
It'snot very effective...
Thefoe's Genosekuto lost 28% of its health!
The foe's GenosekutousedFlamethrower!
Toxicroaklost 28 HP! (9% of its health)
cestla vie sent out Heatran!
Pointedstones dug into Heatran!
Startof turn 19
村落人4號calledGenosekuto back!
村落人4號sentout Burungeru!
Heatran usedSubstitute!
Heatranmade a substitute!
Heatranrestored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Startof turn 20
Acritical hit!
Thefoe's Burungeru lost 47% of its health!
The foe's BurungeruusedSurf!
It'ssuper effective!
Heatran'ssubstitute faded!
Heatranrestored a little HP using its Leftovers!
The foe's Burungerurestored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Startof turn 21
cestla vie called Heatran back!
cest la vie sent outWarubiaru!
Pointedstones dug into Warubiaru!
Warubiaruintimidates the foe's Burungeru!
The foe's Burungeru's Attackfell!
The foe's Burungeru usedRecover!
Thefoe's Burungeru regained health!
Startof turn 22
It'ssuper effective!
Acritical hit! (又RP了啊...
Thefoe's Burungeru lost 88% of its health!
The foe's BurungeruusedSurf!
It'ssuper effective!
Warubiarulost 153 HP! (45% of its health)
Thefoe's Burungeru restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
cest lavie sent out Kerudio!
Pointedstones dug into Kerudio!
Startof turn 23
村落人4號calledBurungeru back!
村落人4號sentout Zuruzukin!
Kerudio usedHiddenPower!
It'snot very effective...
Acritical hit!
Thefoe's Zuruzukin lost 10% of its health!
Kerudio restored alittle HP using its Leftovers!
The foe's Zuruzukin restored alittle HP using its Leftovers!
Startof turn 24
It'ssuper effective!
Thefoe's Zuruzukin lost 35% of its health!
Thefoe's Zuruzukin fainted!
村落人4號sentout Genosekuto!
The foe's Genosekuto's Download activates!
Thefoe's Genosekuto's Sp. Att. rose!
Startof turn 25
Thefoe's Genosekuto usedBugBuzz!
It'snot very effective...
Kerudiolost 136 HP! (42% of its health)
Kerudio usedSurf!
Thefoe's Genosekuto lost 42% of its health!
Thefoe's Genosekuto fainted!
Kerudiorestored a little HP using its Leftovers!
村落人4號sentout Garchomp!
Startof turn 26
cestla vie called Kerudio back!
cest la vie sent outBorutorosu!
Pointedstones dug into Borutorosu!
Thefoe's Garchomp usedEarthquake!
Ithad no effect!
Borutorosu restored a little HP using itsLeftovers!
Startof turn 27
村落人4號calledGarchomp back!
村落人4號sentout Burungeru!
Borutorosu usedHiddenPower!
It'snot very effective...
Thefoe's Burungeru lost 9% of its health!
Borutorosu restored alittle HP using its Leftovers!
The foe's Burungeru restored alittle HP using its Leftovers!
Startof turn 28
村落人4號calledBurungeru back!
村落人4號sentout Garchomp!
Borutorosu usedVoltChange!
Ithad no effect!
Borutorosu restored a little HP using itsLeftovers!
Startof turn 29
Thefoe's Garchomp usedDragonClaw!
Borutorosulost 67 HP! (22% of its health)
cestla vie sent out Heatran!
Pointedstones dug into Heatran!
Startof turn 30
村落人4號calledGarchomp back!
村落人4號sentout Burungeru!
Heatran usedSubstitute!
Heatranmade a substitute!
Heatranrestored a little HP using its Leftovers!
The foe's Burungerurestored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Startof turn 31
Thefoe's Burungeru lost 21% of its health!
Thefoe's Burungeru fainted!
Heatranrestored a little HP using its Leftovers!
村落人4號sentout Garchomp!
cestla vie: g
Startof turn 32
Thefoe's Garchomp usedEarthquake!
It'ssuper effective!
Heatran'ssubstitute faded!
It'ssuper effective!
Thefoe's Garchomp lost 99% of its health!
Heatran restored alittle HP using its Leftovers!
Startof turn 33
Thefoe's Garchomp usedEarthquake!
It'ssuper effective!
Heatranlost 182 HP! (56% of its health)
cestla vie sent out Latios!
Pointedstones dug into Latios!
Startof turn 34
Thefoe's Garchomp usedEarthquake!
Ithad no effect!
Latios usedSurf!
Thefoe's Garchomp lost 0% of its health!
Thefoe's Garchomp fainted!
cestla vie won the battle!
cestla vie: GG~
Battlebetween cest la vie and 村落人5號started!
村落人5號sentout Breloom!
cest la vie sent out Borutorosu!
Startof turn 1
Thefoe's Breloom is tightening its focus! (首發裸體氣合是怎麽回事- -
It'snot very effective...
Thefoe's Breloom lost 29% of its health!
cest la vie calledBorutorosu back!
cest la vie sent out Latios!
The foe'sBreloom usedFocusPunch!
Thefoe's Breloom lost its focus!
Thefoe's Breloom's Toxic Orb activated!
Thefoe's Breloom was poisoned!
村落人5號:GG (也不用這麽快gg吧
cestla vie: =.=
Startof turn 2
村落人5號calledBreloom back!
村落人5號sentout Magnezone!
Latios usedHiddenPower!
It'ssuper effective!
Thefoe's Magnezone lost 56% of its health! (對面磁鐵沒剩飯,那就是專圍囉
Startof turn 3
cestla vie called Latios back!
cest la vie sent out Kerudio!
村落人5號calledMagnezone back!
村落人5號sentout Garchomp!
Startof turn 4
cestla vie called Kerudio back!
cest la vie sent outWarubiaru! (本打算換火鋼擋逆鱗,不過最後穩妥地選了地惡威嚇
Warubiaru intimidates the foe's Garchomp!
Thefoe's Garchomp's Attack fell!
The foe's Garchomp usedEarthquake!
Warubiarulost 153 HP! (45% of its health)
Startof turn 5
Thefoe's Garchomp usedEarthquake!
Warubiarulost 160 HP! (47% of its health)
Warubiaru usedPursuit! (這樣也不換嗎- - 還真不珍惜地龍血量呀
Thefoe's Garchomp lost 20% of its health!
Startof turn 6
村落人5號calledGarchomp back!
村落人5號sentout Breloom!
cest la vie called Warubiaru back!
cest la viesent out Latios!
Thefoe's Breloom restored HP using its Poison Heal!
Startof turn 7
村落人5號calledBreloom back!
村落人5號sentout Magnezone!
Latios usedDracoMeteor!
It'snot very effective...
Thefoe's Magnezone lost 43% of its health!
Latios's Sp. Att. sharplyfell!
The foe'sMagnezone fainted!
村落人5號sentout Urugamosu! (呀麻煩物出現了
Startof turn 8
cestla vie called Latios back!
cest la vie sent out Borutorosu! (又用老辦法
Thefoe's Urugamosu usedButterflyDance!
Thefoe's Urugamosu's Sp. Att. rose!
The foe's Urugamosu's Sp. Def.rose!
The foe's Urugamosu's Speed rose!
Startof turn 9
村落人5號calledUrugamosu back!
村落人5號sentout Rankurusu! (咦?難道被識穿了?xsk
Borutorosu usedThunderWave!
Thefoe's Rankurusu is paralyzed! It may be unable to move!
Startof turn 10
Thefoe's Rankurusu lost 31% of its health!
cest la vie calledBorutorosu back!
cest la vie sent out Latios!
The foe'sRankurusu usedPsychoShock!
It'snot very effective...
Latioslost 93 HP! (30% of its health)
Latios restored a little HPusing its Leftovers!
Startof turn 11
Thefoe's Rankurusu lost 65% of its health!
Latios's Sp. Att. sharplyfell!
The foe's Rankurusu usedRecover! (其實細胞才是真正的麻煩物
Thefoe's Rankurusu regained health!
Latiosrestored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Startof turn 12
cestla vie called Latios back!
cest la vie sent outWarubiaru!
Warubiaru intimidates the foe's Rankurusu!
Thefoe's Rankurusu's Attack fell!
The foe's Rankurusu usedFocusBlast!
It'ssuper effective!
Warubiarulost 26 HP! (7% of its health)
Warubiarufainted! (不好了,這隊只有地惡打細胞的
cestla vie sent out Latios!
Startof turn 13
村落人5號calledRankurusu back!
村落人5號sentout Burunkeru! (Burungeru)
Latios usedDracoMeteor!
Thefoe's Burunkeru lost 53% of its health!
Latios's Sp. Att. sharplyfell!
Latios restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Thefoe's Burunkeru restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Startof turn 14
cestla vie called Latios back!
cest la vie sent out Toxicroak!
Thefoe's Burunkeru usedIceBeam!
Acritical hit!
Toxicroaklost 218 HP! (69% of its health)
Toxicroak restored a littleHP using its Black Sludge!
The foe's Burunkeru restored a littleHP using its Leftovers!
Startof turn 15
cestla vie called Toxicroak back!
cest la vie sent outBorutorosu!
The foe's Burunkeru usedShadowBall!
Borutorosulost 106 HP! (35% of its health)
Borutorosu restored a littleHP using its Leftovers!
The foe's Burunkeru restored a little HPusing its Leftovers!
Startof turn 16
村落人5號calledBurunkeru back!
村落人5號sentout Garchomp!
Borutorosu usedVoltChange!
Ithad no effect!
Borutorosu restored a little HP using itsLeftovers!
Startof turn 17
村落人5號calledGarchomp back!
村落人5號sentout Burunkeru! (Burungeru)
cest la vie called Borutorosuback!
cest la vie sent out Heatran!
The foe's Burunkerurestored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Startof turn 18
cestla vie called Heatran back!
cest la vie sent out Toxicroak!
Thefoe's Burunkeru usedBoilOver!
Toxicroakrestored HP using its Dry Skin!
Toxicroakrestored a little HP using its Black Sludge!
The foe's Burunkerurestored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Startof turn 19
Toxicroak'sAttack sharply rose!
The foe's Burunkeru usedBoilOver! (多謝了,劍舞時還有免費餵水喝服務
Toxicroakrestored HP using its Dry Skin!
Toxicroakrestored a little HP using its Black Sludge!
The foe's Burunkerurestored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Startof turn 20
ToxicroakusedSuckerPunch! (那就再見了
It'ssuper effective!
Thefoe's Burunkeru lost 83% of its health!
Thefoe's Burunkeru fainted!
Toxicroakrestored a little HP using its Black Sludge!
村落人5號sentout Breloom!
Startof turn 21
ToxicroakusedIcePunch! (速度特意針袋鼠的
It'ssuper effective!
Thefoe's Breloom lost 83% of its health!
Thefoe's Breloom fainted!
村落人5號sentout Garchomp!
Startof turn 22
cestla vie called Toxicroak back!
cest la vie sent out Latios!
Thefoe's Garchomp usedEarthquake!
Ithad no effect!
Latios restored a little HP using itsLeftovers!
村落人5號:really GG/.\
Startof turn 23
村落人5號calledGarchomp back!
村落人5號sentout Rankurusu! (其實如果對面這時不換入細胞我可能就輸了
Latios usedDracoMeteor!
Thefoe's Rankurusu lost 52% of its health!
Latios's Sp. Att. sharplyfell!
The foe'sRankurusu fainted!
Latiosrestored a little HP using its Leftovers!
村落人5號sentout Urugamosu!
Startof turn 24
cestla vie called Latios back!
cest la vie sent out Heatran!
Thefoe's Urugamosu usedButterflyDance!
Thefoe's Urugamosu's Sp. Att. rose!
The foe's Urugamosu's Sp. Def.rose!
The foe's Urugamosu's Speed rose!
Startof turn 25
Thefoe's Urugamosu usedHiddenPower! (麻煩的醒地火蛾
It'ssuper effective!
Heatranlost 324 HP! (100% of its health)
cestla vie sent out Borutorosu!
Startof turn 26
村落人5號calledUrugamosu back! (事實上,就算對面不換蝶舞2次後也夠我受的
村落人5號sentout Garchomp!
Borutorosu usedThunderWave!
But itfailed!
Borutorosu restored a little HP using itsLeftovers!
Startof turn 27
cestla vie called Borutorosu back!
cest la vie sent outToxicroak!
The foe's Garchomp usedOutrage! (原來一下不死的?!浪費了呀...
Toxicroaklost 280 HP! (89% of its health)
Toxicroak restored a littleHP using its Black Sludge!
Startof turn 28
Thefoe's Garchomp lost 24% of its health!
The foe's Garchomp usedOutrage!
Toxicroaklost 52 HP! (16% of its health)
cestla vie sent out Kerudio!
Startof turn 29
Thefoe's Garchomp usedOutrage!
Kerudiolost 220 HP! (68% of its health)
Kerudio usedSurf!
Thefoe's Garchomp lost 54% of its health!
Thefoe's Garchomp fainted!
Kerudiorestored a little HP using its Leftovers!
村落人5號sentout Urugamosu!
Startof turn 30
It'ssuper effective!
Thefoe's Urugamosu lost 100% of its health!
Thefoe's Urugamosu fainted!
cestla vie won the battle!
cestla vie: GG~
Battlebetween cest la vie and 村落人6號started!
Tier:Dream WorldOU
村落人6號sentout Borutorosu!
cest la vie sent out Borutorosu!
cestla vie: 為甚麽要禁止觀戰...= =
Startof turn 1
cestla vie called Borutorosu back!
cest la vie sent outWarubiaru! (兩隻雷神首發對峙,多數是挑撥/電磁波,直接醒冰的比較少
Warubiaru intimidates the foe's Borutorosu!
Thefoe's Borutorosu's Attack fell!
The foe's Borutorosu usedThunderWave!
But itfailed!
Startof turn 2
村落人6號calledBorutorosu back!
村落人6號sentout Warubiaru! (怎麽?隊伍有2隻都一樣
The foe's Warubiaru intimidatesWarubiaru!
Warubiaru's Attack fell!
Warubiaru usedStoneEdge!
It'snot very effective...
Thefoe's Warubiaru lost 17% of its health!
Startof turn 3
cestla vie called Warubiaru back!
cest la vie sent outBorutorosu!
The foe's Warubiaru usedEarthquake!
Ithad no effect!
Startof turn 4
村落人6號calledWarubiaru back!
村落人6號sentout Heatran!
Borutorosu usedFocusBlast! (人品彈展示了不人品的一面
It'ssuper effective!
Thefoe's Heatran lost 84% of its health!
The foe's Heatranrestored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Startof turn 5
Thefoe's Heatran lost 21% of its health!
Thefoe's Heatran fainted!
cestla vie called Borutorosu back!
cest la vie sent out Latios!
村落人6號sentout Warubiaru!
The foe's Warubiaru intimidatesLatios!
Latios's Attack fell!
Startof turn 6
cestla vie called Latios back! (猶疑了一會,最後還是覺得對面不會追擊,應該會保留專圍物?
cest la vie sent out Toxicroak!
Thefoe's Warubiaru usedCrunch!
It'snot very effective...
Toxicroaklost 93 HP! (29% of its health)
Toxicroak's Defensefell!
Toxicroak restored a little HP using its BlackSludge!
Startof turn 7
村落人6號calledWarubiaru back!
村落人6號sentout Borutorosu!
Toxicroak usedSwordsDance!
Toxicroak'sAttack sharply rose!
Toxicroak restored a little HP using itsBlack Sludge!
Startof turn 8
Thefoe's Borutorosu usedThunderWave!
Toxicroakis paralyzed! It may be unable to move!
Butit failed!
Toxicroak restored a little HP using its BlackSludge!
Startof turn 9
村落人6號calledBorutorosu back!
村落人6號sentout Gyarados!
The foe's Gyarados intimidatesToxicroak!
Toxicroak's Attack fell!
Toxicroakis paralyzed! It can't move!
Toxicroakrestored a little HP using its Black Sludge!
Startof turn 10
cestla vie called Toxicroak back!
cest la vie sent outBorutorosu!
The foe's Gyarados usedDragonDance!
Thefoe's Gyarados's Attack rose!
The foe's Gyarados's Speedrose!
Startof turn 11
BorutorosuusedThunderWave! (老把戲了
Thefoe's Gyarados is paralyzed! It may be unable to move!
Thefoe's Gyarados is paralyzed! It can't move! (雷神麻痺率高得驚人
Startof turn 12
It'ssuper effective!
Thefoe's Gyarados lost 100% of its health!
Thefoe's Gyarados fainted!
cestla vie called Borutorosu back!
cest la vie sent out Latios!
村落人6號sentout Borutorosu!
Startof turn 13
Thefoe's Borutorosu usedVoltChange! (其實這裡非常冒險,電磁波的話會比較麻煩,醒冰也不怎麽好受
It'snot very effective...
Latioslost 51 HP! (16% of its health)
村落人6號calledBorutorosu back!
村落人6號sentout Genosekuto!
The foe's Genosekuto's Download activates!
Thefoe's Genosekuto's Attack rose!
Latios usedDracoMeteor!
It'snot very effective...
Thefoe's Genosekuto lost 41% of its health!
Latios's Sp. Att. sharplyfell!
Latios restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Startof turn 14
cestla vie called Latios back!
cest la vie sent out Kerudio! (抗冰+蟲
Thefoe's Genosekuto usedU-turn!
It'snot very effective...
Kerudiolost 72 HP! (22% of its health)
村落人6號calledGenosekuto back!
村落人6號sentout Borutorosu!
Kerudio restored a little HP using itsLeftovers!
Startof turn 15
cestla vie called Kerudio back!
cest la vie sent outWarubiaru!
Warubiaru intimidates the foe's Borutorosu!
Thefoe's Borutorosu's Attack fell!
The foe's Borutorosu usedGrassKnot! (咦,過了這麽久才知道是草繩- -
It'ssuper effective!
Warubiarulost 262 HP! (77% of its health)
Startof turn 16
村落人6號calledBorutorosu back!
村落人6號sentout Warubiaru!
The foe's Warubiaru intimidatesWarubiaru!
Warubiaru's Attack fell!
Warubiaru usedStoneEdge!
It'snot very effective...
Thefoe's Warubiaru lost 15% of its health!
Startof turn 17
cestla vie called Warubiaru back!
cest la vie sent outBorutorosu!
The foe's Warubiaru usedCrunch!
Borutorosulost 202 HP! (67% of its health)
Borutorosu's Defensefell!
Borutorosu restored a little HP using itsLeftovers!
Startof turn 18
cestla vie called Borutorosu back!
cest la vie sent out Kerudio!
Thefoe's Warubiaru usedCrunch!
It'snot very effective...
Kerudiolost 82 HP! (25% of its health)
Kerudio'sJustice Heart raised its attack!
Kerudiorestored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Startof turn 19
村落人6號calledWarubiaru back!
村落人6號sentout Borutorosu!
Kerudio usedSubstitute!
Kerudiomade a substitute!
Kerudiorestored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Startof turn 20
Thefoe's Borutorosu usedVoltChange!
It'ssuper effective!
Kerudio'ssubstitute faded!
村落人6號calledBorutorosu back!
村落人6號sentout Lucario!
Kerudio usedSurf!
Thefoe's Lucario lost 76% of its health!
Kerudio restored alittle HP using its Leftovers!
Startof turn 21
Thefoe's Lucario usedExtremeSpeed!
Kerudiolost 122 HP! (37% of its health)
The foe's Lucario is hurt by itsLife Orb!
Kerudio usedMysterySword!
It'ssuper effective!
Acritical hit!
Thefoe's Lucario lost 13% of its health!
Thefoe's Lucario fainted!
Kerudiorestored a little HP using its Leftovers!
村落人6號sentout Warubiaru!
The foe's Warubiaru intimidatesKerudio!
Kerudio's Attack fell!
Startof turn 22
cestla vie called Kerudio back!
cest la vie sent out Latios!
Thefoe's Warubiaru usedCrunch! (傻了,水馬剩餘的血量一次狂咬也能殺,不可能會用地震
It'ssuper effective!
Latioslost 268 HP! (89% of its health)
Latiosfainted! (結果拉兄白白死掉
cestla vie sent out Kerudio!
Startof turn 23
Thefoe's Warubiaru usedCrunch!
It'snot very effective...
Acritical hit!
Kerudiolost 67 HP! (20% of its health)
cestla vie sent out Heatran!
Startof turn 24
村落人6號calledWarubiaru back!
村落人6號sentout Borutorosu!
Heatran usedSubstitute!
Heatranmade a substitute!
Heatranrestored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Startof turn 25
Thefoe's Borutorosu usedVoltChange!
Heatran'ssubstitute faded!
村落人6號calledBorutorosu back!
村落人6號sentout Warubiaru!
The foe's Warubiaru intimidatesHeatran!
Heatran's Attack fell!
Heatran usedHiddenPower!
It'ssuper effective!
Thefoe's Warubiaru lost 64% of its health!
Heatran restored alittle HP using its Leftovers!
Startof turn 26
cestla vie called Heatran back!
cest la vie sent outWarubiaru!
Warubiaru intimidates the foe's Warubiaru!
Thefoe's Warubiaru's Attack fell!
The foe's Warubiaru usedEarthquake!
Warubiarulost 77 HP! (22% of its health)
cestla vie sent out Borutorosu!
Startof turn 27
村落人6號calledWarubiaru back!
村落人6號sentout Borutorosu!
Borutorosu usedHiddenPower!
It'ssuper effective!
Thefoe's Borutorosu lost 62% of its health!
The foe's Borutorosurestored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Borutorosu restored alittle HP using its Leftovers!
Startof turn 28
Thefoe's Borutorosu usedVoltChange!
Borutorosulost 133 HP! (44% of its health)
村落人6號calledBorutorosu back!
村落人6號sentout Warubiaru!
cest la vie sent out Toxicroak!
Startof turn 29
It'snot very effective...
Thefoe's Warubiaru lost 2% of its health!
Thefoe's Warubiaru fainted!
Toxicroakrestored a little HP using its Black Sludge!
村落人6號sentout Genosekuto!
The foe's Genosekuto's Download activates!
Thefoe's Genosekuto's Attack rose!
Startof turn 30
Thefoe's Genosekuto usedThunderbolt!
Toxicroaklost 153 HP! (48% of its health)
Toxicroak usedCrossChop!
Theattack of Toxicroak missed! (啊
Toxicroak restored a little HPusing its Black Sludge!
Startof turn 31
Thefoe's Genosekuto usedThunderbolt!
Toxicroaklost 160 HP! (51% of its health)
Toxicroakis paralyzed! It can't move! (啊啊
Toxicroakrestored a little HP using its Black Sludge!
cestla vie: gg (本是絕望了,不過本人不走場的
Startof turn 32
It'snot very effective...
Acritical hit!
Thefoe's Genosekuto lost 29% of its health!
The foe's GenosekutousedThunderbolt!
Toxicroaklost 38 HP! (12% of its health)
cestla vie sent out Heatran!
Startof turn 33
Thefoe's Genosekuto usedThunderbolt!
Heatranlost 102 HP! (31% of its health)
Heatran usedSubstitute! (這替身差點害死了我
Heatranmade a substitute!
Heatranrestored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Startof turn 34
Thefoe's Genosekuto usedThunderbolt!
Heatran'ssubstitute faded!
It'ssuper effective!
Thefoe's Genosekuto lost 28% of its health!
Thefoe's Genosekuto fainted!
Heatranrestored a little HP using its Leftovers!
村落人6號sentout Borutorosu!
Startof turn 35
Thefoe's Borutorosu usedVoltChange! (好在雷神沒10w
Heatranlost 118 HP! (36% of its health)
Heatran usedHiddenPower!
It'ssuper effective!
Thefoe's Borutorosu lost 44% of its health!
Thefoe's Borutorosu fainted!
cestla vie won the battle!
cestla vie: GG~
cestla vie: =,=
Battlebetween cest la vie and 村落人7號started!
Variation:+14, -17
cest la vie sent out Borutorosu!
The foe's滅絕蟲'sDownload activates!
The foe's滅絕蟲'sAttack rose!
Startof turn 1
cestla vie called Borutorosu back!
cest la vie sent outKerudio! (擋滅絕蟲靠他了
村落人7號sentout Swampert! (又是麻煩的水地
Startof turn 2
[S]superlolis watching the battle.
Thefoe's Swampert lost 43% of its health!
The foe's Swampert usedStealthRock!
Pointedstones float in the air around cest la vie's team!
Thefoe's Swampert restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
cestla vie: 又撞m群人
cestla vie: 咁你forfeit啦xsk
Startof turn 3
村落人7號calledSwampert back!
Kerudio usedMysterySword!
It'snot very effective...
Thefoe's拉帝亞斯lost28% of its health! (沒剩飯的話就是專愛了
Startof turn 4
cestla vie called Kerudio back!
cest la vie sent out Heatran!
Pointedstones dug into Heatran!
It'snot very effective...
Acritical hit! (怎麽這樣
Heatranlost 151 HP! (46% of its health)
Heatran restored a little HPusing its Leftovers!
Startof turn 5
村落人7號sentout Swampert!
Heatran usedStealthRock!
Pointedstones float in the air around村落人7號'steam!
Heatranrestored a little HP using its Leftovers!
The foe's Swampertrestored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Startof turn 6
cestla vie called Heatran back!
cest la vie sent out Latios!
Pointedstones dug into Latios!
Thefoe's Swampert usedBoilOver!
It'snot very effective...
Latioslost 37 HP! (12% of its health)
Latios restored a little HPusing its Leftovers!
The foe's Swampert restored a little HP usingits Leftovers!
Startof turn 7
村落人7號calledSwampert back!
Pointedstones dug into the foe's滅絕蟲!
Thefoe's滅絕蟲'sDownload activates!
The foe's滅絕蟲'sAttack rose!
Latios usedDracoMeteor!
It'snot very effective...
Thefoe's滅絕蟲lost43% of its health!
Latios's Sp. Att. sharply fell!
Latiosrestored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Startof turn 8
cestla vie called Latios back!
cest la vie sent out Kerudio!
Pointedstones dug into Kerudio!
It'snot very effective...
Kerudiolost 69 HP! (21% of its health)
Pointedstones dug into the foe's拉帝亞斯!
Kerudiorestored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Startof turn 9
cestla vie called Kerudio back!
cest la vie sent out Heatran!
Pointedstones dug into Heatran!
Heatranlost 103 HP! (31% of its health) (既然是專愛
Heatran restored a little HPusing its Leftovers!
Startof turn 10
cestla vie called Heatran back!
cest la vie sent outWarubiaru! (就必須去死
Pointedstones dug into Warubiaru!
Warubiaruintimidates the foe's拉帝亞斯!
Thefoe's拉帝亞斯'sAttack fell!
The foe's拉帝亞斯usedThunderbolt!
Ithad no effect!
cestla vie: bye
Startof turn 11
Thefoe's拉帝亞斯isbeing sent back!
It'ssuper effective!
Thefoe's拉帝亞斯lost59% of its health!
Thefoe's 拉帝亞斯fainted! (專愛就不要配10w精念啦xsk
Pointedstones dug into the foe's鐵針棘!
Startof turn 12
cestla vie called Warubiaru back!
cest la vie sent outHeatran!
Pointedstones dug into Heatran!
Thefoe's鐵針棘usedThunderWave! (讀得很準呀-_,-
Heatranis paralyzed! It may be unable to move!
Heatranrestored a little HP using its Leftovers!
cestla vie: 我還有1280?--
Startof turn 13
It'snot very effective...
Heatranlost 22 HP! (6% of its health)
Heatran usedFlamethrower!
It'ssuper effective!
Thefoe's鐵針棘lost93% of its health!
Thefoe's 鐵針棘fainted! (怎知悲劇了
Heatranrestored a little HP using its Leftovers!
村落人7號sentout Swampert!
Pointedstones dug into the foe's Swampert!
Startof turn 14
Thefoe's Swampert usedBoilOver!
It'ssuper effective!
Acritical hit!
Heatranlost 28 HP! (8% of its health)
Thefoe's Swampert restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
cest lavie sent out Latios!
Pointedstones dug into Latios!
Startof turn 15
村落人7號calledSwampert back!
Pointedstones dug into the foe's幸福蛋!
Thefoe's幸福蛋lost26% of its health!
Latios's Sp. Att. sharply fell!
Latiosrestored a little HP using its Leftovers!
The foe's幸福蛋restoreda little HP using its Leftovers!
cestla vie: zzz
Startof turn 16
cestla vie called Latios back!
cest la vie sent out Toxicroak! (草鋼是電磁波的話,神蛋應該不會又是電磁波了吧?
Pointedstones dug into Toxicroak!
Theattack of the foe's幸福蛋missed!
Toxicroakrestored a little HP using its Black Sludge!
The foe's幸福蛋restoreda little HP using its Leftovers!
Startof turn 17
It'ssuper effective!
Thefoe's幸福蛋lost73% of its health!
Thefoe's 幸福蛋fainted!
村落人7號sentout Swampert!
Pointedstones dug into the foe's Swampert!
Startof turn 18
cestla vie called Toxicroak back!
cest la vie sent out Latios!
Pointedstones dug into Latios!
Thefoe's Swampert usedRoar!
Pointedstones dug into Warubiaru!
Warubiaruwas dragged out!
Warubiaruintimidates the foe's Swampert!
The foe's Swampert's Attackfell!
The foe's Swampert restored a little HP using itsLeftovers!
Startof turn 19
cestla vie called Warubiaru back!
cest la vie sent out Latios!
Pointedstones dug into Latios!
Thefoe's Swampert usedBoilOver!
It'snot very effective...
Latioslost 38 HP! (12% of its health)
Latioswas burned!
Latiosrestored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Latiosis hurt by its burn! (燒了的話必須小心些了,時間不多
Thefoe's Swampert restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Startof turn 20
村落人7號calledSwampert back!
Pointedstones dug into the foe's滅絕蟲!
Thefoe's滅絕蟲'sDownload activates!
The foe's滅絕蟲'sAttack rose!
Latios usedHiddenPower! (是你迫我打快的
It'ssuper effective!
Thefoe's滅絕蟲lost31% of its health!
Thefoe's 滅絕蟲fainted!
Latiosrestored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Latiosis hurt by its burn!
Pointedstones dug into the foe's洗衣機電鬼!
Startof turn 21
It'ssuper effective!
Latioslost 94 HP! (31% of its health)
Latiosfainted! (也懶得換了,免得被讀
cestla vie sent out Kerudio!
Pointedstones dug into Kerudio!
Startof turn 22
村落人7號sentout Swampert!
Pointedstones dug into the foe's Swampert!
Thefoe's Swampert lost 28% of its health!
Kerudio restored alittle HP using its Leftovers!
The foe's Swampert restored alittle HP using its Leftovers!
Startof turn 23
Thefoe's Swampert lost 45% of its health!
The foe's Swampert usedEarthquake!
Kerudiolost 132 HP! (40% of its health)
Kerudio restored a little HPusing its Leftovers!
The foe's Swampert restored a little HP usingits Leftovers!
Startof turn 24
Thefoe's Swampert lost 13% of its health!
Thefoe's Swampert fainted!
Kerudiorestored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Pointedstones dug into the foe's洗衣機電鬼!
Startof turn 25
cestla vie called Kerudio back!
cest la vie sent outWarubiaru!
Pointedstones dug into Warubiaru!
Warubiaruintimidates the foe's洗衣機電鬼!
Thefoe's洗衣機電鬼'sAttack fell!
The foe's洗衣機電鬼usedHydroPump!
It'ssuper effective!
Warubiarulost 276 HP! (81% of its health)
Warubiarufainted! (哦,不過你用甚麽招也是死
cestla vie sent out Kerudio!
Pointedstones dug into Kerudio!
Startof turn 26
It'snot very effective...
Kerudiolost 90 HP! (27% of its health)
Kerudio usedMysterySword!
Thefoe's洗衣機電鬼lost45% of its health!
Kerudio restored a little HP using itsLeftovers!
Startof turn 27
cestla vie called Kerudio back!
cest la vie sent outToxicroak!
Pointedstones dug into Toxicroak!
Toxicroakrestored HP using its Dry Skin!
Battle between [Wings]ricky and cest la vie started!
Tier: Dream World
Variation: +7, -24
Rule: Rated
Rule: Sleep Clause
Rule: Species Clause
cest la vie sent out Borutorosu!
[Wings]ricky sent out Borutorosu!
cest la vie: hi
[Wings]ricky: hi...
Start of turn 1
cest la vie called Borutorosu back!
cest la vie sent out Warubiaru!
Warubiaru intimidates the foe's Borutorosu!
The foe's Borutorosu's Attack fell!
The foe's Borutorosu used Taunt!
Warubiaru fell for the taunt!
Start of turn 2
The foe's Borutorosu used Rain Dance! (手動雨bo
It started to rain!
Warubiaru used Stone Edge!
It's super effective!
The foe's Borutorosu lost 100% of its health!
The foe's Borutorosu fainted!
Rain continues to fall!
[Wings]ricky sent out Huntail!
Start of turn 3
The foe's Huntail used Shell Smash! (好吧,你的目的昭然若揭
The foe's Huntail's Defense fell!
The foe's Huntail's Sp. Def. fell!
The foe's Huntail's Attack sharply rose!
The foe's Huntail's Sp. Att. sharply rose!
The foe's Huntail's Speed sharply rose!
Warubiaru used Stone Edge! (那就繼續打了
The foe's Huntail lost 53% of its health!
Rain continues to fall!
Warubiaru's taunt ended!
Start of turn 4
cest la vie called Warubiaru back!
cest la vie sent out Toxicroak! (先讀一下
The foe's Huntail used Waterfall!
Toxicroak restored HP using its Dry Skin!
Rain continues to fall!
Toxicroak restored HP using its Dry Skin!
Start of turn 5
The foe's Huntail used Aqua Ring! (還妄想強化
The foe's Huntail surrounded itself with a veil of water!
Toxicroak used Cross Chop!
The foe's Huntail lost 46% of its health!
The foe's Huntail fainted!
Rain continues to fall!
Toxicroak restored HP using its Dry Skin!
[Wings]ricky sent out Volbeat!
Start of turn 6
The foe's Volbeat used Tail Glow! (目的是不是太明顯了點?
The foe's Volbeat's Sp. Att. sharply rose!
Toxicroak used Stone Edge!
It's super effective!
The foe's Volbeat lost 89% of its health! (況且我還有這招,不過竟然不死-,-
Rain continues to fall!
Toxicroak restored HP using its Dry Skin!
Start of turn 7
The foe's Volbeat used Baton Pass!
[Wings]ricky called Volbeat back!
[Wings]ricky sent out Ludicolo!
Toxicroak used Cross Chop!
A critical hit! (無腦的話請被RP懲罰
The foe's Ludicolo lost 100% of its health!
The foe's Ludicolo fainted!
cest la vie: sry
Rain continues to fall!
Toxicroak restored HP using its Dry Skin!
[Wings]ricky: -_,-...
[Wings]ricky sent out Scizor!
Start of turn 8
The foe's Scizor used Bullet Punch!
Toxicroak lost 111 HP! (35% of its health)
Toxicroak used Cross Chop!
The foe's Scizor lost 55% of its health!
Rain continues to fall!
Toxicroak restored HP using its Dry Skin!
Toxicroak restored a little HP using its Black Sludge!
The foe's Scizor restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Start of turn 9
The foe's Scizor used Bullet Punch!
Toxicroak lost 105 HP! (33% of its health)
Toxicroak used Cross Chop!
The foe's Scizor lost 50% of its health!
The foe's Scizor fainted!
The rain stopped!
Toxicroak restored a little HP using its Black Sludge!
[Wings]ricky sent out Omastar!
Start of turn 10
cest la vie called Toxicroak back!
cest la vie sent out Borutorosu!
The foe's Omastar used AncientPower!
It's super effective!
Borutorosu lost 254 HP! (84% of its health) (連雷神也打不死的威力
Borutorosu restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Start of turn 11
Borutorosu used Thunder Wave! (穩妥
The foe's Omastar is paralyzed! It may be unable to move!
The foe's Omastar used AncientPower!
It's super effective!
Borutorosu lost 63 HP! (21% of its health)
The foe's Omastar's Attack rose!
The foe's Omastar's Defense rose!
The foe's Omastar's Sp. Att. rose!
The foe's Omastar's Sp. Def. rose!
The foe's Omastar's Speed rose!
Borutorosu fainted!
cest la vie sent out Kerudio!
Start of turn 12
Kerudio used Mystery Sword!
It's super effective!
A critical hit! (啊
The foe's Omastar lost 100% of its health!
The foe's Omastar fainted!
[Wings]ricky sent out Volbeat!
cest la vie: wow /_\
Start of turn 13
The foe's Volbeat used Light Screen!
Light Screen raised [Wings]ricky's team special defense!
Kerudio used Surf!
The foe's Volbeat lost 10% of its health!
The foe's Volbeat fainted!
cest la vie won the battle!
cest la vie: GG~
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