標題: Qs about No.65 Alakazam [打印本頁] 作者: abcsexman 時間: 19/4/2010 10:20 AM 標題: Qs about No.65 Alakazam 本帖最後由 abcsexman 於 19/4/2010 02:31 PM 編輯
I just read https://proxy.archiver.hkpnve.pokebeacon.com/viewthread.php?tid=55923(by hohoman728) but I don't understand what kind of nature should a Alakazam have modest(+spa-atk) ortimid(+spd-atk) it's like for No.94 Gengar people prefer to have atimidnature is that the same thing for Alakazam because they are kind of similar to me high speed and special attack
what I think is since Alakazam have calm mind to boost up spa his/her nature should betimid? is that correct? well, somehow there's a other thought spinning in my head Alakazam is one of the pokemon who have the highest Spa shouldn't we focus on that?
sorry I use school computer most of the time and there's no possible to type Chinese. hope u guys can understand作者: ho915 時間: 19/4/2010 12:20 PM 本帖最後由 cfh 於 19/4/2010 12:21 PM 編輯