「除左metal hydroxide」<但不明這句
matal hydroxide不是只有NaOH, KOH 係fully soluble同Ca(OH)2係 slightly soluble嗎?
ps.我是舊學制下ge F5, 可能solubility table未齊全, 唔g F6有冇多一個
insoluble salt通常都要用ACID淨返個aqeous既metal compund出黎, 有時可能連acid都幫唔到手, 可以咁講, acid可neutralise base(Metal Oxide, Metal Hydroxide)黎淨返個aqeous既metal compund, 但一些salt(eg. CaSO4) 是insolute in water. 加了acid仍然冇反應, 那就可能要extract返本來ge Metal再加酸, 再出aqeous既metal compund-__,-]]])
下面ge eg應該沒錯.
simon199392 發表於 16/1/2010 21:38
錯了...因為ZnO不soluble in water, 所以無法放出Zn2+ ion, 所以之後的reaction不會發生, 除非先把ZnO+acid(eg. HCl), neutralisation後剩下ZnCl(aq), 再+NH3(aq), 樓主ge係成立的, 沒錯, 前題是要有presence of Zn2 ...
simon199392 發表於 16/1/2010 20:42
如果加EXCESSammonia solution,是否有以下REACTION?
ZnO(s)+4NH3(aq)+H2O(l)→ Zn(NH3)4(OH)2 (aq)
All Group I Oxide , Hydroxide and Ammonium Hydroxide are fully soluble .
Group II Ca以下的東東溶不溶我就不知了
In coordinate chemistry, Zn(NH3)4(OH)2 means the two OH- are bonded to the zinc, but [Zn(NH3)4]2- does not have OH groups bonded to it.
fish 發表於 17-1-2010 00:46
咁請問下面兩條formulas係咪已經正確描述zinc oxide加excess ammonia solution既reactions?
加a few drops of ammonia solution:
ZnO(s)+NH3(aq)+2H2O(l)→ Zn(OH)2(s)+[NH4]+(aq)+ [OH]-(aq)
最後加excess ammonia solution:
Zn(OH)2+4NH3(aq)→ Zn(NH3)4(OH)2 (aq)
「ZnO is amphoteric. It is soluble in both (general) acids and bases.」
這是AL的?怎樣沒聽過amphoteric這team?acid我明, 大概是neutralise@_@?then base dissolve base?
然後呢, CaSO4, PbCl2, AgCl等也是soluble in both (general) acids and bases?
coz讀開的precipitation係aq+aq-->s, 如CuSO4(aq), 倒是沒有ZnO等例子.
另外, ZnO融在base後是Zn2+ + O2-?
Sorry for any misleading...
simon199392 發表於 17/1/2010 15:46
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