香港寵物小精靈村落 論壇

標題: [Phy] 急!唔該有冇人可以話啤我聽principle of moment(s)是甚麼來的? [打印本頁]

作者: Z-LOUIS    時間: 16/5/2009 10:04 PM
標題: [Phy] 急!唔該有冇人可以話啤我聽principle of moment(s)是甚麼來的?
我上過wiki查, 但始終唔係太明白
作者: 超夢夢的夢境    時間: 17/5/2009 01:01 AM
本帖最後由 超夢夢的夢境 於 17/5/2009 01:02 AM 編輯
我上過wiki查, 但始終唔係太明白
Z-LOUIS 發表於 16/5/2009 10:04 PM


先解釋 Moment 是甚麼吧
用 scalar 的說法是這樣
Let X be the axis to be considered
  Moment about X due to a force F
=smallest distance between X and the line of action * F
(line of action 就是把 vector F 無限延長那條線)
moment 跟 torque 其實是一樣的
所以 quote wiki,
Torque is the tendency of a force to rotate an object about an axis

"The sum of torques due to several forces applied to a single point is equal to the torque due to the resultant force"
這裡的 sum 都是 vector sum,所以如果是3D,用 scalar 解釋會很複雜

Consider A as a point on the plane
Then take X as the line passing through A perpendicular to the plane

  Moment about point A
=distance between A and the line of action * F
而不難想像 rotation 的方向是順/逆時針
Denote 其中一個方向是正,另一個為負
之後 sum of torques 就用可以直接加

resultant force 是 vector sum,不過怎樣加起來樓主應該明白吧

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