你也要加油! 祝你拿到幾條A! 然後入讀大學你想的學科!作者: orb 時間: 5/4/2009 09:23 PM 4月16生日自己快樂 4月17CE要坐火箭-_-!...作者: 超夢夢的夢境 時間: 6/4/2009 04:45 PM 底線: Pure A Applied B Physics D UE D 中化 E
希望: Pure A Applied A Physics B UE C 中化 C作者: ben 時間: 6/4/2009 04:53 PM 所有人都加油丫!!!! =]]作者: pichu 時間: 6/4/2009 05:17 PM abc加油/.\ 聽日到你~
考完就唔好再對d答案啦 努力考埋chem 我知你實得ge=]作者: abc666 時間: 7/4/2009 07:55 PM In 2009, the Faculty of Science introduces broadbased admission scheme for its life sciences programmes. Students will acquire basic knowledge in biochemistry and biology in the first year of study and then declare their preferred major. They can choose one of the six programmes in Life Sicences. Each programme offers specialized courses in the respective field of life sciences. The programmes prepare students for careers in biological and health sciences and related fields, as well as for postgraduate studies in life sciences.
謝了,你也要努力!作者: 小天使阿Cream 時間: 8/4/2009 12:21 AM 沒上限--? 如果有科無人讀...咁d professor咪無野撈--? 我愛Environmental Science XD 我要入WWF >< (發夢中.......作者: abc666 時間: 8/4/2009 12:29 AM
我想讀bio的marine,ecology,biodiversity,evolution等 env science的conservation bio geog的eco-turism,sustainable development,resources manag.等等 所以想入其中一個再minor另一個 至於做什麼...船到橋頭自然直,不過都是這一類...