1. IF THE AVOGADRO CONSTANT IS L mol^-1 , how many molecules are their in 22g of carbon dioxide gas?
relative atomic mass : C=12.0 ,O=16.0
A 1/2 L
7.which of the following compounds contains the largest number of positive ions?
relative atomic masses: Ca=40.0 , C=12.0 , O=16.0 , H=1.0
C.100G OF CaCO3
D.18G OF H20
我又係唔明點做 .. 佢N 同NA 既ATOMIC MASS都冇比..我會撞A的 ..
X2(g)+3Y2(g) 變左 2XY3(g)
if 4 moles of X2 are allowed to reacr with 6moles of Y2 , what is the number of moles of XY3 formed?
題目都睇唔明 . 又係唔識做 == .. 教教ME PLS ..
conventional question ..
a sample of impure magnesium 3.00g was dissolved in excess dilute hydrochloric acid to give a solution
containing MG^2+ ions. an excess of sodium hydroxide solution was then added to percipitate all Mg^2+ ions as Mg(OH)2 (s).
the precipitate was filtered off, washed , dried and finally heated to convert all into 4.00g of MgO (s)
1. write a balanced chemical equation for the conversion of Mg(OH)2 TO MgO
佢個Mg(OH)2 都唔知搞過d咩變左MgO = =
the precipitate was filtered off, washed , dried and finally heated to convert all into 4.00g of MgO (s)
原帖由 fish 於 21/3/2009 07:35 PM 發表
不懂計數的話可留意unit, 別人要求你答Litre,又比了 L/ mol 你,你當然要找到mol才可解決題目
Number of mole = mass / molar mass
= 22g / (44g/mol)
原帖由 小霞的fans 於 22/3/2009 16:29 發表
Na後面個2竟係代表2 mole ? 我唔係好明呢度 .
我想問呢1mole of Na2CO3 .. 係唔係姐係2 mole 既Na react with 1 mole of CO3 就form到 1mole of Na2CO3 ?
原帖由 小霞的fans 於 23/3/2009 16:16 發表
zinc sulphate can be perpared by the recation between
1.zinc nitrate and magnesium sulphate
2.zinc oxide and dilute sulphuric acid
3.zinc and dilute sulphuric acid
A.1 and 2 only
B.1 and 3 only
C.2 and 3 only
唔係全部都會FORM到架咩 ? 同埋呢zinc nitrate and magnesium sulphate 係solid定aqueous solution呀 ? 佢冇提到呀 ..
雖然呢2樣野都係soluble in water .. 咁佢地未落水之前唔係solid黎 ? 我唔係好明..
Lead(ll) chloride can be prepared by the reaction between
1.lead and hydrochloric acid
2.lead(ll) oxide and hydrocloric acid
3.lead(ll) nitrate and sodium chloride
A.1 only
B.3 only
C.1 and 2 only
D.1 and 3 only
唔明既理由同上題一樣 . .唔係全部都form lead(ll) chloride的 ?
2果兩樣野係solid 定 aqueous solution ?
其實點先叫 prepare到 ?
同埋呢 .. 用咩test可以分辨到 dilute hydrochloric acid 同埋 dilute nitric acid ?
本書好似冇的 .. .
原帖由 fish 於 24/3/2009 01:20 AM 發表
PbCl2這條我沒十足的信心,但我會選B 3 only.
原因為Pb + HCl要夠熱才可react
考慮一下reactivity series, K> Na> Ca> Mg> Al> (coke)> Zn> Fe> Sn> Pb> H+> Cu> Ag> Hg> Au> Pt
要Pb跟 H+ react的話, 速度慢得很,所以要加熱
人家沒說hot HCl....我會assume room temperature
PbO + HCl mixture亦要夠熱才可react (印象中書中是沒有的,但學校應會做類似的實驗)
原因不敢肯定, CE亦沒有說過…..可無視-->我覺得應該是intermediate的問題
PbNO3+ NaCl….明顯的一個precipitation reaction
原帖由 比超仔 於 24/3/2009 18:23 發表
關於這題 答案沒錯
但不對的原因 主要是因為
insoluble coat formed on the surface of the solid(Pb or PbO) stops further reaction
P.S. PbCl2 is an insoluble solid
原帖由 fish 於 23/3/2009 05:20 AM 發表
Assume the reaction goes completely
Zn(NO3)2 (aq) + MgSO4 (aq) --> ZnSO4 (aq) + Mg(NO3)2 (aq)
兩個product都是water soluble, 你不能直接分開它們,所以不可以用來prepare ZnSO4
你 ...
原帖由 小霞的fans 於 31/3/2009 06:35 PM 發表
我MISS話zinc nitrate and magnesium sulphate react果時 ..
唔會無啦啦zinc + sulphate 會痴埋一齊 . .除非2隻溝埋會出ppt先會react . .
如果唔係4隻ion唔會無啦啦react . .咁樣都岩架可 ?? 我用呢個方法好似明 ...
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