43.0000(猜成語一則) 掛萭漏一四大皆空 萭中無一 44.7/8(猜成語一則) 七上八下 45.15分相等於1000元(猜成語一則) 一刻千金 46.求X X減七=白(猜一字) 皂 47.求X X減人=3日(猜一字) 春 48.求X X減20日=月(猜一字) 萌 49.猜數學名詞 員 π圓心 50.猜數學名詞 查帳 對數 51.猜數學名詞 我先走 不等 52.猜數學名詞 再見媽媽 分母 53.猜數學名詞 看醫生疹症之後 開方 54.猜數字 其中 二 55.猜數字 虛心 七 56.猜數字 添一筆,增百倍;減一筆少九成 十 57.猜數字 語言不通難開口 五 58.It's big, black and white. It eats grass or hay. It gives milk. It says"moo".( Guess an animal) Cow 59.It's got a short and curly tail. It's always dirty. Ti likes eating a lot. It likes rolling in the mud. It says "oink""oink".( Guess an animal) Pig 60.It's white. It eats clover and grass. It produces wool. It says "baa".( Guess an animal) Sheep 61.It has got feathers. It eats grain, seeds and worms. It lays eggs.( Guess an animal) Chicken 62.It's got long hair. It can run very fast. It eats grass and oats. You can ride it.( Guess an animal) Horse 63.My life can be measured in hours, I serve by being devoured. Thin, Iam quick, Fat, I am slow, Wind is my foe. ClockCandle 64.What's white when it's dirty? Blackboard 65.The more you take away, the larger it becomes? What is it? Hole 66.What turns everything around, but does not move? Mirror 67.You can keep it only after giving it away to someone else. What is it? Wedding Ring 68.I know a word of letters three. Add two, and fewer there will be. Few 69.What goes up when the rain comes down? UmbrellaHumidity 70.The more you take the more you leave behind. Footsteps 先行感謝了~~^^~~