[ 本帖最後由 anteater 於 23/12/2008 09:42 PM 編輯 ]作者: ﹏影*虛幻帝皇 時間: 23/12/2008 03:14 PM 特性呀大哥作者: 天翔翼 時間: 23/12/2008 03:18 PM woffbutt's hp is high,so when it use revernge / mirror coat(make the damage you take doubled and make damage for oppenent) and when it's HP is low,it can use destiny bond to faint with the oppenent. this is the reason that why you can't use it in HKPNVE PBO battles.作者: 囧囧中自有囧囧 時間: 23/12/2008 03:34 PM 明顯特性加安歌加雙反已經是屈機~.~ 如能好好地配合wish的話...抄隊指日可代作者: felixtsang 時間: 23/12/2008 06:57 PM 明白啦!!!多謝各位師兄指點!作者: KaiiiSeR426 時間: 27/12/2008 12:20 PM 如果你一招打唔死佢 咁就係你死- -作者: anteater 時間: 27/12/2008 10:16 PM 話說這東西不抗異常,腰帶也不抗沙雪。作者: 泥 時間: 27/12/2008 10:30 PM