香港寵物小精靈村落 論壇

標題: How can I get 秘傳機器 07 ???? [打印本頁]

作者: silversing    時間: 15/8/2008 10:24 AM
標題: How can I get 秘傳機器 07 ????
How can I get 秘傳機器 07 ????

I know is in 島冰之洞窟. But I dont know how to get in and get it ???

Can anyone show it to me ?? please !!!!! thank you !

The best is upload the pic to show it to me how to get please !
作者: calvin(cc)    時間: 21/8/2008 06:59 PM
原帖由 silversing 於 15/8/2008 10:24 AM 發表
How can I get 秘傳機器 07 ????

I know is in 島冰之洞窟. But I dont know how to get in and get it ???

Can anyone show it to me ?? please !!!!! thank you !

The best is upload the pic to show i ...


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