This is so simple, i'd recommend getting this lil guy first!
Make sure you have a surfing pokemon, one that knows fly (just in case) and also a pokemon for battling, plus tons of ultraballs! 先準備會游泳 會飛天的怪 另外要準備很多球
First use the E4 glitch (First E4 room, go to door and surf) 先從四天王第一間門口游泳出去 Land back on solid ground just south. 在正下方著地 Reset your step counter! 將記歩器歸0 Now go 200 steps east from the bottom door 現在往東200歩 Then go 363 steps south (563 steps total) 在往南363歩(總共563) Then go 722 steps east (1285 steps total) 在往東722歩(總共1285) Then go 18 steps west and use underground kit. 往西18歩 然後用挖礦工具 You should appear underground, so just resurface! 進去在出來 You'll now be on some glitchy land 現在你會在一個亂碼的地方 Check you map key item and cancel out of it! 打開地圖 然後關掉地圖 Everything should be fine now, just go straight north and eventually you'll spot Sheimi! 現在會恢復正常 往北走就會看到492 Remember to save before battling it, it's level 30 but it's stubborn! Once captured, you can just Fly away 記得紀錄!等級30!抓玩就可以飛走 翻譯完畢 也是用同樣類似的方法 491的部分我這裡沒看到詳細的步驟(就是沒有看到計算幾歩的捕捉法因此之前沒貼) 有興趣 有膽量的人492也可以去試試看哦作者: abc123abc 時間: 22/12/2007 12:04 PM 標題: gastrodon會變色? 有時藍,有時紅?作者: K龍 時間: 22/12/2007 12:16 PM 1.此乃bug,當然有用bug而成功過的人,但也有因用bug後壞帶,死機的人,夠勇敢的可以去試,但一切後果無人負責