香港寵物小精靈村落 論壇

標題: VS THY(?) [打印本頁]

作者: 暴叔    時間: 20/8/2007 06:02 PM
標題: VS THY(?)
THY sent out Scyther (Scyther ♂).
Pokard sent out TY (Typhlosion ♂).
TY used Eruption.
It's super effective!
Scyther lost 215% of its health.
THY's Scyther fainted.
Scyther's Shell Bell restored a little health!----------------------------?
THY switched in Milotic (Milotic ♀).
Pokard switched in Vaporeon (Vaporeon ♂).
Milotic used Confuse Ray.
Vaporeon became confused!
Milotic used Toxic.
Vaporeon was badly poisoned!
Vaporeon is confused!
It hurt itself in its confusion!
Vaporeon lost 7% of its health.
Vaporeon's leftovers restored its health a little!
Vaporeon restored 6% of its health.
Vaporeon is hurt by poison!
Vaporeon lost 6% of its health.
Pokard switched in Magnet UFO (Magnezone).
Milotic used Attract.
But it failed!
Milotic used Confuse Ray.
Magnet UFO became confused!
Magnet UFO is confused
It hurt itself in its confusion!!--------------------------------惡夢的開始?
Magnet UFO lost 5% of its health.
Milotic used Ice Beam.
It's not very effective...
Magnet UFO lost 17% of its health.
Magnet UFO is confused!
It hurt itself in its confusion!!--------------------------------= ="
Magnet UFO lost 6% of its health.
Milotic used Ice Beam.
It's not very effective...
Magnet UFO lost 17% of its health.
Magnet UFO is confused!
It hurt itself in its confusion!!--------------------------------= ="*2
Magnet UFO lost 6% of its health.
Milotic used Ice Beam.
It's not very effective...
Magnet UFO lost 17% of its health.
Magnet UFO snapped out of confusion!
Magnet UFO used Thunderbolt.
It's super effective!
Milotic lost 77% of its health.
Milotic's leftovers restored its health a little!
Milotic restored 6% of its health.
Milotic used Confuse Ray.
Magnet UFO became confused!
Magnet UFO is confused!
It hurt itself in its confusion!!--------------------------------= ="*3
Magnet UFO lost 6% of its health.
Milotic's leftovers restored its health a little!
Milotic restored 6% of its health.
Milotic used Ice Beam.
It's not very effective...
Magnet UFO lost 17% of its health.
Magnet UFO is confused!
It hurt itself in its confusion!!--------------------------------= ="*4
Magnet UFO lost 6% of its health.
Milotic's leftovers restored its health a little!
Milotic restored 6% of its health.
Milotic used Ice Beam.
It's not very effective...
Magnet UFO lost 16% of its health.
Pokard's Magnet UFO fainted.!--------------------------------炮灰掉了
Milotic's leftovers restored its health a little!
Milotic restored 6% of its health.
Pokard switched in Garchomp (Garchomp ♂).
Garchomp used Earthquake.
Milotic lost 86% of its health.
THY's Milotic fainted.
Garchomp lost 10% of its health.
THY switched in Gengar (Gengar ♂).
Pokard switched in Vaporeon (Vaporeon ♂).
Gengar used Hypnosis.
But it failed!
Vaporeon's leftovers restored its health a little!
Vaporeon restored 6% of its health.
Vaporeon is hurt by poison!
Vaporeon lost 6% of its health.
Gengar used Hypnosis.
Gengar's attack missed!
Vaporeon used Surf.
Gengar lost 52% of its health.
Gengar's Shell Bell restored a little health!
Gengar restored 12% of its health.
Vaporeon's leftovers restored its health a little!
Vaporeon restored 6% of its health.
Vaporeon is hurt by poison!
Vaporeon lost 12% of its health.
Gengar used Hypnosis.
But it failed!
Vaporeon used Surf.
Gengar lost 50% of its health.
Gengar's Shell Bell restored a little health!
Gengar restored 12% of its health.
Vaporeon's leftovers restored its health a little!
Vaporeon restored 6% of its health.
Vaporeon is hurt by poison!
Vaporeon lost 19% of its health.
Gengar used Thunderbolt.
It's super effective!
Vaporeon lost 36% of its health.
Vaporeon used Surf.
Gengar lost 51% of its health.
THY's Gengar fainted.
Gengar's Shell Bell restored a little health!
Vaporeon's leftovers restored its health a little!
Vaporeon restored 6% of its health.
Vaporeon is hurt by poison!
Vaporeon lost 25% of its health.
THY switched in Metagross (Metagross).
Vaporeon used Wish.
Vaporeon made a wish!
Metagross used Meteor Mash.
It's not very effective...
Vaporeon lost 35% of its health.
Pokard's Vaporeon fainted.
Metagross's attack was raised.
Pokard switched in TY (Typhlosion ♂).
THY switched in Arcanine (Arcanine ♂).
TY used Eruption.
Arcanine's Flash Fire raised its fire power!!--------------------------------大多都係威嚇,耐火真係少見(第一次見)
The wish came true!
TY restored 50% of its health.
Pokard switched in Skarmory (Skarmory ♂).
Arcanine used Crunch.
It's not very effective...
Skarmory lost 7% of its health.
Arcanine used Heat Wave.
It's super effective!
Skarmory lost 148% of its health.
Pokard's Skarmory fainted.!--------------------------------炮灰
Pokard switched in Garchomp (Garchomp ♂).
Arcanine used Extremespeed.
Garchomp lost 26% of its health.
Garchomp used Earthquake.
It's super effective!
Arcanine lost 165% of its health.
THY's Arcanine fainted.
Arcanine's Shell Bell restored a little health!
Garchomp lost 10% of its health.
THY switched in Metagross (Metagross).
Garchomp used Earthquake.
It's super effective!
Metagross lost 97% of its health.
Garchomp lost 10% of its health.
Metagross used Meteor Mash.
Garchomp lost 63% of its health.
Pokard's Garchomp fainted.
Metagross's leftovers restored its health a little!
Metagross restored 6% of its health.
Pokard switched in Hitmontop (Hitmontop ♂).
Hitmontop used Mach Punch.
Metagross lost 20% of its health.
THY's Metagross fainted.
THY switched in Blissey (Blissey ♀).
Blissey used Grass Knot.!--------------------------------大多都係冰光...
Hitmontop lost 16% of its health.
Hitmontop used Revenge.
It's super effective!
Blissey lost 149% of its health.
THY's Blissey fainted.
Pokard wins!
THY has left the room.
作者: ting    時間: 20/8/2007 06:12 PM

[ 本帖最後由 ting 於 20/8/2007 06:13 PM 編輯 ]
作者: 暴叔    時間: 20/8/2007 06:16 PM
原帖由 ting 於 20/8/2007 06:12 PM 發表


作者: THY    時間: 20/8/2007 06:30 PM
我都唔識英文-.-我BEND3學校 -.-
作者: nelson0908    時間: 20/8/2007 09:55 PM
rp才是王道囧= ="

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